tell me, am I right?”

She couldn’t very well deny that he had acted as her Dom last night, especially with what he probably saw in her eyes, and the way she reacted to his touch, as well as his command.

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

“Here’s what we’re going to do,” Luke said. “After the shower, we go by the Wests’ house to get your car. Then we’re going to my house, because it’s closer than yours. We won’t have a photography session, but I will deal with your disobedience then. Any questions?”

“No, Sir.”

“Good girl.” He dropped his hands from her chin. “Now, let’s get this party started.”

Meagan couldn’t relax for the entire duration of the shower. Fortunately, she believed only Luke was aware of that. Every so often she would happen to glance behind her and she would see him staring at her. Each time their eyes met, he would smile slightly as if he knew exactly what she was thinking.

He probably did.

* * *

Luke kept his eye on Meagan the entire baby shower. It was funny—when Jeff first asked him to attend, he almost turned him down. After some quick thinking, and the realization that Meagan would be there, he had accepted.

And now, he was glad he did. It was so much fun to tease and torment Meagan. When he gave her his command the night before, he knew there was a good chance she would disobey. And he knew as soon as she walked through the door and saw him that she had. Crazy how easy it was to read her.

Of course, that didn’t mean he was going easy on her. She had disobeyed, after all. And since she was a sub, she was well aware of the consequences such an act carried. So aware, in fact, that it didn’t appear she thought of anything else during the entire shower.

He wondered if she would try to prolong her departure from the shower. Or did the thought of his discipline turn her on? He knew Jeff had a playroom, and he was very tempted to take her into it. But what he had in mind required a bit more privacy.

When Dena had opened all the presents, all the food had been eaten, and the first few people left, Meagan looked his way. He nodded. It was time to go.

Meagan hastily said her good-byes, hugging all of the women, and whispering something he couldn’t hear to Abby. He thought about asking her if she was ready, but she moved so expeditiously, he didn’t have to.

Meagan had accepted pleasure from his hands. Now he would see how well she handled correction.

Two hours after the end of the shower, they pulled into the driveway of his house. Though she’d seemed eager to leave the party, he could sense a tiny bit of trepidation when she got out of her car.

Instead of moving into the house, he stood in the driveway, arms crossed, watching her. She looked even more uncomfortable. Good. She needed to know that his commands were to be obeyed.

“Does it feel like I’m your Dom now?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. I want you in the bedroom, naked, kneeling in the middle of the room. You will wait for me. Any questions?”

She shook her head.

“Words, Meagan.”

“No, Sir. I have no questions.”

He nodded his head in acknowledgment and unlocked the front door, holding it open for her to pass. He didn’t tell her how long it would be before he entered the bedroom. He didn’t want her to know. He wanted her to anticipate it. Think about it. He wanted her body and soul to hum in anticipation of what he was going to do.

She made her way down the hall and disappeared into his bedroom. Leaving her with her thoughts for now, he went to the kitchen and got a glass of water. While he drank it, he checked his voice messages and his e-mail. He decided to leave his clothes on for now. Glancing at the clock, he saw that about twenty minutes had passed. Plenty of time for Meagan’s mind to be in a tailspin.

He entered his bedroom quietly, and was pleased to find her waiting the way he had asked. Though she was not facing him, she knew the minute he walked in the door. Her body tensed slightly and her breathing hitched, just a bit.

“Why are you here this afternoon, Meagan?”

“I disobeyed you last night, Sir.”


Yes, he thought, answering the question in her head. I’m going to make you say it.

Her hands fisted. This wasn’t a position she was used to, nor was it one she liked. Neither of which mattered to him at the moment. Today was a lesson. One she would not forget. He would see to it.

But she still didn’t answer. “Tell me, Meagan. Now. Your delay will only make things worse.”

“I disobeyed you, Sir. You told me not to come and I did.”

“I wonder,” he said, “what you would do in this situation, to one of your subs. How would you handle it?”

“So far, Sir, the exact way you are.”

“I don’t issue commands lightly. And I don’t think I give too many of them. However, I do expect that when I give one, it is obeyed. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Tell me what you should have done last night.” This was something he normally did before he disciplined a sub. To reiterate the wrongdoing as well as the expected behavior.

“After we said our good-byes”—she spoke softer than normal, perhaps a little worried now that she was in his bedroom—“I should have gone straight to bed and not touched myself. And I most definitely should not have made myself come.”

“I don’t enjoy this part of play,” Luke said, which was the truth. There were those Doms who did, but he was not one of them. However, it was necessary on occasion. “I would much rather you be here for pleasure. And I’m sure you feel the same.”

He didn’t pose it as a question and she didn’t answer. He waited a few more minutes, letting the silence and the gravity of the situation sink further into her consciousness. And to allow them both time to get into the needed headspace.

“I want you to stand and bend over the bed.”

She moved quickly and got into position. He half expected some smart-ass comment and the fact there was none spoke volumes. Good. She was taking this seriously.

When she was in position, he came up behind her. He lightly stroked her bottom and was surprised that she didn’t flinch. “We’ll start with my hand and go from there. No need to count.”

Her faint nod was all he got in acknowledgment. Frankly, it was all he expected, since he hadn’t asked her a question.

She was tense; it was obvious in the way she held herself, the way she didn’t move under his touch. “This will be easier if you relax,” he said. Which she knew, of course, being a switch and having played both roles.

She took a deep breath and her muscles relaxed slightly. Without waiting for her to do more, he started to spank her. Lightly at first, just warming up her skin. It would almost be pleasurable, if she didn’t know what was coming next. But of course she did, and her body anticipated it.

He slipped his hand between her legs, feeling the wetness there. So she wasn’t completely scared; her body betrayed her. There was a part of her that liked this.

“Such a naughty girl,” he whispered. He gave her butt a pinch. “This turns you on, doesn’t it?”

“I think that much is obvious, Sir.”

He chuckled. “Still a bit cheeky, I see.”

“Sorry, Sir. I can’t help it. It just comes out.”

“Yes. And that’s one of the reasons I like playing with you so much.” It was true—he liked her feisty nature, her sass and spunk. He didn’t want that to change, didn’t want to change her.

He didn’t say anything else, but started again with her spanking. This time going a bit harder, alternating his strokes, so they didn’t land in the same spot. Gradually, her pale skin grew pink and then redder as he continued. He could tell when the strokes began to hurt, because she started flinching slightly.

“What did you do last night?” he asked.

“I disobeyed you about coming.” Her voice was tight, as if

she spoke through her teeth.

“And what happens when you disobey?” He punctuated his question with another slap.