“If it hadn’t been for that weekend, I’d have never explored my submissive side. Thank you for that.” It occurred to her she’d never thanked him for that before.

“You’re too good, Meagan.”

“No, not really.”

“You know what I would like to do?” he asked.

“Wash all the dishes for me?” she teased, just because she liked seeing his smile.

“Not quite. But I would like to see what we could be together.” He spoke quickly as if he expected her to interrupt. “I’m not asking for forever. Not even a solid commitment. Just these few weeks while we’re working together. I’d like to explore us.”

No-strings fun with Luke? It was better than nothing and she’d be a fool not to take what she could get. “Would there be sex involved?”

His eyes grew dark. She still held his hand and he squeezed her fingers. “Count on it.”

“I’m in.”

He lifted her hand to his mouth and his lips brushed against her skin. She sucked in a breath. “Should we wash the dishes now?” he asked.

She thought he was teasing her back. She hoped he was teasing her. He continued to brush his lips back and forth across her hand. Each pass of his lips sent shock waves of lust throughout her body. He was watching her intently, like he knew what effect his mouth had on her. And he was asking about dishes?

She almost told him yes, just for kicks and giggles and because the question was so ludicrous, it deserved a likewise ludicrous answer. But right as she opened her mouth to reply, he bit, fucking bit, the fleshy mound of her palm at the base of her thumb and she was gone.

“Hell, no,” she said, and he chuckled.

“Don’t you think it’s better to wash them now instead of letting them sit?” he asked, but was still holding her hand.

“That’s what the dishwasher’s for,” she managed to get out and then stifled a moan as his teeth scraped the delicate flesh on the inside of her hand. “Fuck.”

“Let’s at least put them in the sink,” he said.

“Honestly, you’re concerned with dishes?”

“It’ll be bad if they get sticky.”

“Sticky can be good.”

“How’s that?” His teeth had left her hand and he was now nibbling his way up her arm.

“If I got some caramel and put it on your cock and then licked it off.”

Mischief danced in his eyes. He dropped her hand and went searching through the kitchen cabinet drawers. She tried to peek over his shoulder to see what he was doing, but his shoulders were too broad. “What are you looking for?”

He turned around and had a thin fabric napkin in his hand. “This.”

“A napkin?”

“Or a makeshift blindfold.”


“Not yet but give me a few minutes. Turn around.”

This could be fun, Meagan thought. Being blindfolded in her own kitchen. He didn’t bring any toys with him tonight, and he didn’t ask where hers were. He must plan on using his hands. Or, maybe he was going to be creative and use some kitchen utensils. Regardless, she was very curious, so she turned around.

Within seconds the makeshift blindfold had covered her eyes and she could see nothing.

He pushed her shoulders. “On your knees.”

She carefully made her way to the floor, thankful she had mopped it not long ago. She almost laughed, thinking of mopping the floor when she was kneeling in front of Luke.

“Okay,” said Luke. “I want you to open your mouth and hold out your tongue. I’m going to give you something to taste, and if you get it right, you get a reward. An incorrect answer? Well, we’ll have to see about that.”

She heard him rummaging around in the refrigerator and her mind worked frantically to try to remember what she had in there. Not much. She didn’t often cook, so most of the items were just for snacks. The refrigerator door closed and she heard Luke walk to stand in front of her.


She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. A cold, round object was placed inside.


The grape exploded in her mouth, deliciously sweet and somehow even better because of the position she was in.

“Like that?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir.”


This time when she opened her mouth, it was filled, not with food, but with his thumb. She sucked it deep into her mouth.

“That’s it, sweetheart. Suck that thumb.” His voice was thick with need. “Damn, you feel so good. So hot. You like sucking that thumb, pretending it’s my dick?”

She couldn’t talk with his thumb in her mouth, so she simply nodded.

“I thought so,” he said. “Suck it good and I might let you taste my cock.”

She moaned, wanting it, wanting him, badly. She ran her tongue around the tip of his thumb and relished his soft groan in reply. How she loved bringing him pleasure. The knowledge she could take this strong man and turn him on, make him moan simply by twirling her tongue around his finger? Heady stuff.

“Fuck,” he said when she scraped his skin with the edge of her teeth.

She expected him to pull away and drop his pants. After all, that’s what she assumed the purpose of him sticking his thumb in her mouth had been. But apparently, either that wasn’t the case or he changed his mind.

One minute, she was kneeling on the floor with his thumb in her mouth and the next, he’d hoisted her up on the countertop. She had no idea he could move so quickly. She barely had time to register where she was when his hands were at her waist and he unbuttoned the top button on her pants.

“There are times I like watching you strip for me. See the slow reveal of your delicate skin. Then there are times like today when I want to undress you for myself.” He unzipped her pants. “It’s like opening the best Christmas present ever. Made all the better because I know what lies underneath is all mine.”

He gave a hard tug and her pants came off. She wished she wasn’t blindfolded so she could see his expression. All she had on from the waist down now was a tiny lace thong.

“Holy fuck,” he whispered, running a finger along the upper edge. “You look so damn hot.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

He dragged a finger along the lines of the lace, following the edge down between her legs. She didn’t need her sight to know how wet she was. She could feel it. And apparently, the evidence of her arousal turned him on.

“Someone likes getting dirty in the kitchen,” he said.

She opened her mouth to agree with him when his finger began to rub back and forth over the dampness on the silk fabric and whatever she was going to say died in her throat. She bucked her hips in an attempt to get his fingers where she wanted them.

He slapped her inner thigh. “Naughty girl. I know where I want my fingers. You stay still and take what I choose to give you.”

She grumbled in disappointment. Now that he knew how badly she