He allowed himself a smile. “That was an awesome night.”

“Right? The pizza in Central Park was divine.” She said it with a straight face, but she was laughing at him with her eyes.

“Woman, if the pizza was what you remember about that night, I may never take you on another picnic.”

Now she laughed for real. “Ah, the male ego. So fragile.”

“I should spank your ass for calling me fragile,” he said in a mock angry voice.

“Did I say fragile? I meant strong and fierce.”

He inched closer to her. “Strong and fierce, hmm?” He let his lips trail across her collarbone. “That’s more like it.”

“Point proven.”

He pulled back. “Tell me you didn’t just say that.”

But instead of denying it, she laughed.

“Now you’re going to get it,” he said.

“I’m trembling.”

“Not yet, you aren’t. But you will be when I finish with you.” He pulled back with a groan. “We shouldn’t do anything today. You’ve been through a lot, physically and emotionally.”

He could tell she wanted to protest, but she had to know he was right.

“I know you’re right and I’m glad you recognize I’m not in the place or mind frame to restart anything physical,” she said. “But, damn, I wish you weren’t.”

He leaned over and before his lips touched hers, he whispered a promise: “Soon.”

* * *

Soon turned out to be almost a week later. Unlike years before, though, this time he wasn’t silent. They talked on the phone every day, and each night before she went to sleep, he would text her dirty fantasies that had her yearning for when they would be together again.

The Saturday following the fiasco with Ted, Meagan pulled up to Luke’s house, surprised to see a car in the driveway. Was he having someone over? She tapped her foot as she waited for him to open the door, thankful she had changed her mind about showing up in only a raincoat.

“Meagan.” Luke dropped his head to give her a quick kiss. “How are you doing?”

“Good. Do you have company?”

“Nathaniel and Abby came over to discuss a few things concerning the new club.”

She lowered her voice to whisper, “Will they be leaving soon?”

He laughed and the low, seductive sound sent shivers down her spine. “I’ll ensure they do.”


He took her hand and led her into the living room, where they found Nathaniel standing and an animated Abby on the phone.

“I can’t get there anytime soon. I’m with Nathaniel at Luke’s place. We’re heading into the city to pick up the kids from his aunt and tomorrow we’re all seeing a play.” Abby glanced toward the door and a smile broke over her face when she saw Meagan. “Meagan just showed up. I’ll beg her to bring me.”

Meagan wasn’t sure where Abby wanted to go, but unless it was a matter of life and death, she didn’t see it happening. She cocked an eyebrow at Luke, but he shook his head. Apparently, he wasn’t sure what was going on, either.

“Meagan,” Abby said, sliding the phone in her pocket. “I know you just got here, but I have a big favor to ask you.”

Meagan didn’t want to come across bitchy, so instead of saying, “Hell to the no,” like she wanted to, she forced a smile and asked, “What do you need?”

“That was Julie.” Abby’s entire demeanor pulsed with excitement. Meagan was going to feel bad letting her down. But just thinking about being with Luke was enough to assure her she wasn’t going to feel that bad. “Jeff called her. Dena’s in labor!”

“What?” Nathaniel said, while at the same time, Luke asked, “It’s not too early?”

Abby shook her head. “They’re monitoring everything and so far, both Dena and the baby are doing well.” She looked over at Meagan. “Will you drive me to the hospital? Nathaniel has to be in the city.”

“I can rearrange things, love,” Nathaniel said.

“It’s not a problem,” Meagan said. “I’ll drive you.” Dena having a baby wasn’t a matter of life or death, but it definitely took precedence over sexing it up with Luke.

“I have a better idea,” the man in question said. “How about I drive you both?”

“Would you?” Abby asked, and then looked at Meagan. “And you don’t mind?”

“Not in the least,” Meagan assured her.

Once it was decided, everyone moved quickly. Abby kissed Nathaniel good-bye with a promise to drive into the city first thing in the morning so they could make the play. Luke made a few phone calls and pulled Meagan close for a hug.

“You’re an amazing woman,” he said in a low voice.

She gave him a kiss. “When we get back here tonight, I’ll show you just how amazing.”

The drive to the hospital was lively, with Julie sending periodic texts letting them know how Dena was doing.

“This is so exciting,” Abby said, reading the latest news from Julie. “She’s almost fully dilated.” Her smile faded into a frown. “Oh, shit. Her mom just showed up.”

“And that’s bad, why?” Meagan asked.

“Dena’s dad is an ass and didn’t approve of her marrying Jeff. He hasn’t talked to her since they got engaged and her mother’s been the same way. Why she decided to show up at the hospital, much less how she found out Dena was even in labor, is beyond me.”

“I’m sure the impending arrival of a grandchild has something to do with it.”

“True, but did she just now realize it? Where’s she been for the last nine months?”

“At least she’s showing up at all.”

But Abby didn’t look convinced. “I hope I don’t run into her.”

They arrived at the hospital to find out from Julie that Dena’s mother had, in fact, just left.

“Jeff told the staff to call security,” Julie said, after explaining that she hadn’t heard anything from him in the last few minutes. “He said that woman better be gone by the time he came back.”

“I hope the lack of news means the baby’s here,” Abby said.

“Me, too,” Julie agreed.

Meagan took a seat beside Luke and put a hand on his thigh. He placed his hand on top, giving it a little squeeze. “Wasn’t exactly how I planned to spend the afternoon,” he said.

“Me either, but what’s the saying, ‘Anticipation makes the heart grow firmer’?”

He looked at her as if she was crazy. “It’s absence and fonder.”

“Actually.” She inched her hand up his thigh. “I was right about everything other than the heart part.”

“Is that right?” He stopped her hand.

“Yes, it makes something firmer, but it’s not the heart.”

“You’d better watch it,” he said. “I’ve been thinking about you all week. I can’t promise I’ll be able to restrain myself much longer.”

“Funny.” She wasn’t ready to stop teasing him yet. “If either one of us were to be restrained, I’d have put money on me.”

“Meagan,” he warned.

She wasn’t able to reply, because at that moment, the waiting room opened and Jeff entered the room. No one said anything and even though his huge smile reassured them, the very air seemed to hush.

“It’s a girl. We have a daughter.” Tears streaked down Jeff’s cheeks and he choked out, “And she is perfect.”

The room dissolved into joyous chaos with everyone asking questions at the same time. Jeff held up his hand. “Six pounds, eight ounces. Twenty inches long. We named her Mireille Kennedy Parks. Dena is doing great and as soon as everyone’s settled, they’ll let you go back.” He took a step back, clearly happy to have shared his news, but looking down the hall as if some invisible force pulled at him. “Now, if you’ll excuse me . . .”

* * *