By yourself?

She knew what he meant, but she decided to play with him a little bit.

No, I’m cuddling up with Nathaniel and Abby. And later, their nanny is going to join us.

She imagined the smile on his face as he read her reply.

Ha ha ha very funny.


I meant was there anybody in the room with you.

I knew what you meant.

Someone is being a very naughty girl.

And . . . what are you going to do about it?

You’ll have to wait and see.


There was a pause before his next text came in.

I miss you.

I miss you too.

And I’m really sad that I won’t see you tomorrow.

I was just thinking the same thing. Next Saturday seems so far away.

Right? I don’t think I can last seven more days.

Me either.

Next best thing?

Meagan smiled, having a good idea of where he was going. And that would be?

Take your clothes off.

Even though they were just texting, Meagan still felt like being playful. What makes you think they’re on?

Funny. Take them off.

Yes, Sir. Will you take yours off too?


Meagan didn’t reply until she had stripped completely. And then, just to tease him, she took a picture and sent it to him.

All done.

Nice. Now get in bed on your back.

Arousal began to grow low in Meagan’s belly and she did as Luke asked.


Good girl. Now touch yourself. Any way you want. But don’t come.

Meagan almost whined. Ass.

I’ll remember that.

No doubt.

Get busy.

It was so easy to picture his smile and she couldn’t help but smile in return. With his face in her mind, she let her fingers drift down her body. They were his hands and he was being so gentle. Teasing. She moaned in pleasure, knowing this was just the beginning.

She brushed her thumbs over her nipples, pinching lightly. And that felt so good, she did it again, harder. That’s what Luke would do. He would tease her, right up to when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore. And then he would stop.

Her phone buzzed with an incoming text.

Having fun?

It would be more fun if you were actually here.

Agreed. I wish I could see you. Wish I could touch you.

What would you do?

You’ll have to wait and see. For now, act like your hands are mine and do what you wish, but don’t come.

I don’t like this no-coming rule.

Why do you think I made it?

Because you’re a sadist.

Ha Ha Ha. You have no idea. Get busy.

Yes, Sir.

She closed her eyes and let her hands skim across her body. They were Luke’s, and he was teasing her again. Her hands drifted lower, breezing near her clit because she knew Luke wouldn’t touch her there yet.

With one hand she brushed her breast and with the other, she stroked the insides of her thighs.

In her mind, she thought of the things Luke would be saying to her.

Feel that? Do you like it? Do you want more? So greedy.

And she would reply, “Yes, yes, yes.”

But he wouldn’t give it to her just yet. Oh no, he would make her wait. Keep her right on the edge and not let her fall over until he was ready. And it would be so, so long until he was ready.

Her phone buzzed again.


Getting there.

Run your fingers down your slit. Tease yourself.

The ass. What did he think she had been doing? I am. She refrained from using an exclamation point, knowing if she did so, it would only add to whatever he had planned for her.

Nice self-discipline, he replied.

He knew her so well, almost too well. How was it possible that he knew what she was thinking? Was she that transparent? Or was he that good?

She decided not to dwell on it, wanting more of the fantasy. Wanting more of him, even if it was only in her mind for now.

She played with herself the way he asked and in her mind, he was with her. He was the one touching her. He was the one bringing her so close. It was almost impossible how close she was. She had barely touched herself. And yet with Luke, almost anything seemed possible.

Thoughts of Luke, paired with the feeling of arousal that her fingers created, had her nearly panting with want. She reached for her phone.


No. His reply was almost instant.