He, of course, noticed her uncertainty. He crossed his arms. “If you overly worry about it, you’ll make yourself tense and it’ll hurt. Trust me, and it’ll go a lot easier.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said, but wasn’t sure she meant it.

“Of course it doesn’t matter to me one way or the other; either way I get off.” He nodded toward the island. “I want you over it again, this time with your legs spread more.”

She situated herself the way he asked, the temperature of the granite less of a surprise this time. He pressed against her and pushed her head down so it rested on the stone. One of his hands drifted between her legs to toy with her pussy and within seconds, she was fighting the urge to squirm.

“I love the feel of my slave cunt, all wet and hot and desperate for my cock. But today, I’m taking you here.” He pushed a lubricated finger inside her ass. “And when I’ve finished, this hole will be ruine

d for anyone else’s cock.” He added another finger. “Because I’m not just going to fuck it, I’m going to Master it.”

He worked his fingers deeper while at the same time using his other hand to stroke her clit. And damn it, it had never felt that good before.

“What do you say to that, slave?” His fingers slipped out and she almost whined at the loss.

“Please, Sir, fuck my ass.”

He started pumping his fingers in and out of her, still working her clit with his other hand. “Fuck it with what?”

“Oh, god, your cock, Sir.”

He kept thrusting with his fingers until she panted with need. Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, he stopped. With her next breath she felt the head of his cock against her ass.

“I hope you used enough lube, because you’re going to take every last inch of me.” His one hand had never left her clit and it continued to tease her. “Relax, little one. Let me in.”

She did her best to relax against the insisting intrusion of his cock, but as his tip pressed inside, her eyes grew wide. Damn. He was stretching her more than she’d ever been stretched. The plugs were nothing.

“Bear down,” he said in a strained voice.

He stilled his body, moving nothing but the fingers that were now easing inside her pussy and starting a slow pump in and out. His thumb rubbed across her clit. As arousal swelled inside her, he began to whisper.

“Bloody hell, you’re so fucking hot.”

He gave a little push and the tip of him popped inside her. She yelped at the sensation.

“Yes,” he hissed. “I want to hear every shout, every sigh, every sound.” He pushed slowly inside. “Because hearing you makes me so damn hard and I want to fuck you harder and deeper and never stop.”

He moved even slower and she thought her eyes would roll to the back of her head. She couldn’t hold back the gasp that escaped her as he entered her body.

“I’m so deep inside, a little more and I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked.” He gave her ass a slap. “Breathe.”

She took a deep breath and when she exhaled, he thrust the rest of the way.

“Bloody hell. Yes.” His normally smooth voice sounded like he’d swallowed gravel.

He held still and she panted at the feel of him buried so deep inside her. Fuck. Never had she felt so full, so possessed. She was his and he’d just claimed her in the most primal way possible. And now that he’d claimed her, he would use her for his pleasure. Just thinking about it that way turned her on more and she gave her hips a swivel.

The slap to her ass was immediate. “Be still, slave. I said I wanted to hear you, not have you squirming all over the place.”

She forced herself to be still, even as he withdrew and thrust forward with greater force than before. His movements rocked her and she grunted when the lower part of her body hit the side of the island.

“Getting ready to really slam into you.” The entire time he talked, he gradually increased his pace and intensity. “Time to show this arse who it belongs to.”

Her fingers searched frantically for something to hold on to.

“Hands behind your back,” he snapped and then continued after she repositioned herself. “Your only job right now is to be still and take what I give you.”

Take it she did. With her hands behind her back, she was at his mercy. He didn’t voice that thought, though. Rather he proved it with his actions, driving into her over and over. And though he was hard and unyielding, he continued his attentions on her clit and it wasn’t too long before she was panting, desperately trying to hold back her orgasm.

“Please let me come, Sir,” she begged.

“No,” he said without breaking stride.

Her climax swelled within her and she tried everything to keep it at bay. In her mind, she pictured things she hated: spiders, aggressive drivers, litter scattered among flowers, and still she teetered precariously on the edge of orgasm.

“Please, Sir,” she tried again, lifting her head to look at him. “I can’t—”


Before she could get the words out, her head was pushed back down onto the granite by the hand that had been stroking her.

“Don’t tell me what you can’t do. You do anything I say, and right now, you can”—he punctuated each word with a rough thrust into her—“take . . . more.”

The feeling of him moving within her, paired with his strength holding her immobile against the island, stirred her desire, pushing her closer to the edge. She began to tremble.

“Not yet,” he warned.

She took several deep breaths to calm herself. It only worked for a few seconds; on his next thrust, she was back to trembling.

“Hold out.” His voice was a rough command. “Do it because I’m your Master and I wish for you to do it. Do it for me.”

“For you, Sir,” she whispered. She pictured his approval if she held out until he gave permission and focused on that.

Behind her, his breathing grew short and choppy, while his strokes into her became slow and deep.

“Next time I pull out and come all over your back.” His voice was strained and he thrust back inside her with a grunt. “But right now, I’m coming deep inside your hot little slave arse.”

She gasped in pleasure and curled her hands into tight fists. He shoved his cock deeper and spoke one word.


Chapter Ten

Cole gathered Sasha in his arms. She was weak and trembling with heavy eyelids that she appeared hell bent on keeping open. But she didn’t fight him when he carried her out of the kitchen into the downstairs bedroom he’d claimed as his own.

He gently placed her in the middle of the bed and covered her with a thick blanket. “Stay here, little one. I’m going to get you cleaned up and then you’re going to rest.”

She made a noise low in her throat, but it was impossible to tell if it was in agreement or protest. He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand and when she burrowed into the blanket he decided it’d been in agreement.

He’d set out what he needed before meeting her in the kitchen, but even so, she was asleep after he collected everything, threw on some shorts, and made his way back into the bedroom.

She rested on her side, still covered by the blanket, and her smile of contentment pierced his heart. He’d been rough with her, holding little back, wanting her to grasp just a bit of a Master/slave relationship, and instead of running away, she found contentment in his bed.

He washed her as best as he could without waking her and rubbed ointment on her backside. There was no way for him to guess how long she’d sleep. After he’d caned her, she’d only slept for a handful of hours. This time when she woke up, he wanted to be there.

Decided, he climbed on the bed beside her and curled his body around hers. She wiggled deeper into his embrace and whispered, “Oh, thank you,” so softly he almost missed it. He pressed his lips against the back of her neck and wondered if he’d have the strength to let her go at the end of two weeks.

She slept for an hour and woke up delightfully disoriented, twisting in his arms and looking at him for a few seconds as if trying to remember who he was.

He cupped her cheek, fearful she’d had a bad dream. “Are you okay?”

She sighed and rubbed against his hand. “Yes, Sir. You held me.”

I always hold submissives after a scene, he almost said, but stopped himself. Though it would be the truth, it wasn’t the same holding her as it’d been with other submissives. Even Kate had gotten to the point where she didn’t want to be held for very long.