She took a deep breath, but needed something more to ground her. “Will you hold my hand?”

“Of course, little one. Nothing would please me m


He took her hand, and it was warm and comforting and strong enough to chase the fear away.

“Before, when you were talking, it was like it was happening to someone else. Even when you talked like it was me you were with. Because that just made it a fantasy. But when you told me to get into that position, that made it real.”

“I see.”

“I haven’t been in a position like that, presenting my back, since . . . Peter.”

He started rubbing his thumb along the top of her hand. “I understand, and I certainly see why you felt the need to yellow. If you feel up to it, I’d like to talk a bit about what might help you in the future.”

“Yes, please.”

“I was walking you through a scene verbally, and you were aroused. That was my intent, and your response brought me pleasure. Now, at the onset of your training, I told you I’d never do something without telling you. Remember?”

She nodded. “You said you’d never touch me without telling me.”

“And have I acted accordingly?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“And when you earned your first punishment, what did I tell you?”

“That I wasn’t ready and you’d give me a week’s notice when you thought I was.”

“Right. Very good. So when I told you to lean across the island, what two things could you infer about what would happen next?”

He spoke in a low soothing tone, and his accent was a calming cadence that slowly showed her the path she’d been looking for. “That you wouldn’t touch me without telling me and you weren’t going to punish me.”

“Excellent.” His smile warmed the cold places inside her. “Thinking along those lines will help you in the future.”

“Thank you, Sir.” She felt like she had new weapons to battle the fear with.

“As for the position itself, that’s something you’ll have to practice. It’ll take time.”

Standing at the island, with him holding her hand, talking about what happened made her feel strong and brave. “I’d like to try now, Sir.”

There was no change in his expression. “You would? Are you sure?”

“I want to try now, when I feel empowered.”

He stopped rubbing her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, then let go. “When you’re ready then.”

“I’d like for you to tell me to do it, please, Sir.”

This time at her request, his expression changed and she saw more than approval, she saw respect. “Lean across the island, Sasha.”

By keeping the image of Cole in her mind and reminding herself she was safe with him, she was able to lean across the island without the panic overtaking her.

“Very nice, little one. Take your shorts down.”

She felt like slapping herself. Of course. He was checking to make sure she didn’t have panties on. She reached behind her and pushed her shorts down, showing him her bare backside.

“You look so damn fuckable, Sasha.” He walked closer to her and stopped right beside her head. He leaned over and whispered, “If we had time and there wasn’t someone waiting outside, I’d make sure you came as hard as you did yesterday.”

He took a step back and from the corner of her eye, she saw him tighten his hand into a fist and release it.

“For being so brave today,” he said, “you may come as often as you want tonight. Without the plug.”

“Thank you for your generosity, Sir,” she said, knowing whose face would take center stage in her fantasies tonight.

“You’re welcome, little one. Straighten your clothes now and help me look at the rest of the house.”

When she was once more presentable, they explored the second floor. She loved the contemporary feel and thought it matched Cole perfectly. There were four bedrooms other than the master, so together they debated which one would make the best office and which the best playroom.

When they finally made their way outside, the agent was on her phone. She held up a finger to indicate she’d only be a minute longer and walked to the far side of the patio.

“I love what they did with this,” Sasha said. “During the summer, I’d live out here.” The backyard had been professionally landscaped and boasted a two-level brick patio.

Cole had his hands in his pockets as he looked over the yard. “I like that it’s secluded with no neighbors nearby. You could do anything you wanted out here and no one would be the wiser.”

She fought back the image of Cole and another woman taking advantage of the solitude to be found outside. She’d had to do the same thing upstairs when he’d picked out which bedroom would make the best playroom.

She pointed to the brick. “Have to watch out for the brick. That would be killer on the knees.”

“Trust me.” His eyes had darkened. “Her knees would be the least of her concerns. But you bring up an interesting point. If you were a slave and your Master brought you out here, would you kneel if he asked?”

She eyed the rough-looking brick. “Can I ask a question before I answer, Sir?”


“Why would the Master ask his slave to do something that could potentially be painful and uncomfortable?”

“For several reasons. To push her. Because he wants her on her knees. Or maybe to see if she’s willing to be uncomfortable in order to please and serve him. For a slave, her Master’s wants and needs always come before hers.”

There was an intensity in his eyes whenever he spoke of the workings of a Master/slave relationship. What would it be like to be the ongoing focus of that intensity? He would watch his slave with that same stare. Her wants and needs might be second to his, but Sasha knew any slave of Cole’s would be protected and cherished.

“And,” he continued, “if our time outside became a bit rough, I would care for her body so thoroughly afterward, she wouldn’t think twice about doing it again.”

Sasha’s mouth suddenly felt very dry. It didn’t help at all that he moved to stand beside her and seductively whispered in her ear.

“Tell me, Sasha, if I told you to present yourself on the brick, kneeling and naked so I could use you, would you do it?”

She didn’t even have to think about it. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl. You would make your Master very happy, and he would reward you appropriately.”

They jumped apart at the sound of the agent’s voice.

“Sorry about that. Child drama.” The agent approached them with a wide smile. “So what do you think?”

Funny how the house seemed almost secondary to everything else that had just happened.

“I like it,” Cole said. “But I’m not sure I’m ready to make an offer just yet.”

“Just so you know, it’s new to the market and priced to sell.”

He waved her comment away as if inconsequential. “I’m not worried, and I won’t be rushed into making a decision.”

“Do you have any questions, or can I show you another property?”

“No, I think Sasha and I will go to lunch and think this one over. I’ll call you by tomorrow afternoon.”

They all three walked back to their cars, the agent chatting about the house’s location and surrounding areas. Cole didn’t ask any questions, just nodded at what she said. He’d probably already researched the area.

Once they got in his car, Cole glanced over to Sasha. “Are you okay to have lunch, or do you need to get back home?”