Sasha shrieked as the cold water hit her and brought her hands up to her face. “You cheated.”

“How can I cheat when I’m the one who makes the rules?”

“Then I guess I’m the one who breaks them.” And with that, she proceeded to take her clothes off.

“Are you trying to distract me?”

“Of course not, Sir. I just don’t like wet clothes.”

He wasn’t sure he believed her. She was quite the distraction standing in his yard, naked and wet. “You look pretty hot wet, yourself,” he told her.

“You could come join me.” She ran her hands down her body. “I’m getting lonely standing here all by myself.”

As the idea of what to do next came to his mind, he drew the shirt over his head and tossed it on the brick patio floor. “We can’t have that,” he agreed. “You might get lonely.”

“And when I’m lonely, I do bad things.”

“We definitely can’t have that.”

He started walking toward her, holding her gaze as he crossed the patio. Making sure he kept his expression neutral and moving slowly, she didn’t suspect anything when he made it to her side.

“See?” she said. “You look hot with your shirt off. Now we just need to get you wet.”

She took a step to the sprinkler, but before she could put her foot down, he yanked her up in his arms and threw her over his shoulder.

“Hey!” She pounded on his back. “What are you doing?”

“Enforcing the rules,” he said with a smile.

“How did I break rules?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe splashing your Dom, running away from him, and trying to distract him with your nakedness for starters.”

“Oh, those rules.”

“Indeed.” He was pleased she picked up that they were made-up fun rules and she wasn’t really in trouble. He was even more pleased he’d had the foresight to set up his backyard for playing a few days before she arrived. “Though I would suggest you stop hitting my back.”

Her hands stilled and he carried her across the yard to a far corner where the lot was wooded. He found a fallen log and sat, placing Sasha over his knee.

“Now this is a lovely sight.” He ran his hand over her backside. “I’ve never had you in this position before, but I think I like it. In fact, I may turn you over my knee every night before we go to bed.”

She just groaned.

“Tell me, slave. Have you fantasized about being facedown across my lap?” He slapped her butt cheek when she didn’t say anything. “Tell me.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He rubbed the spot he’d just slapped. “Good girl. Now tell me what I did in your fantasy.”

“You spanked me.”

“With my hand?”


“Sometimes?” He reached behind the log and picked up the switch he’d found days ago. “That means more than one fantasy?”

She didn’t reply as quickly as he wanted. He tapped her backside with the switch. “Answer.”

“Yes, Sir. More than one.”

“Tell me about your favorite.”

“It’s not really what you do that makes one fantasy stand out, Sir.”


“It’s what you say and how you say it.”

“Very interesting. Give me an example.” He brought the switch down harder and at the same time, teased the sensitive flesh between her legs.

“In one, you’ll tell me to take my panties down and bend over your lap. In another, you tell me to prepare for the spanking I’m about to receive. You make me get what I want you to spank me with and then ask you to work over my ass.”

While she talked, he continued his teasing with one hand and marking her arse with the switch with the other.

“Look at this bum, already turning pink under my hands. Show me how much you want me to continue. Lift it up for me.”

She moaned, but did it anyway.

“You’ve been a naughty slave, haven’t you? Teasing your Master and then fantasizing about him spanking you.” He pushed two fingers into her—fuck, she was so wet. “Look how turned on you are. I’m going to spank you and then I’m going to fuck you against a tree. How does that sound?”

“Like my new favorite fantasy, Sir.”

“I’m already living my fantasy. And that’s you on your knees, offering yourself for me to take however I damn well want.” He brought the switch down hard and at the same time thrust two fingers inside her. “Pleasure and pain. After a while, they start to feel the same, don’t they?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Lift that arse back up. And stop wiggling on my lap. You’ll come when I say you can and not a minute sooner.” He spanked her again. “Hungry for my cock, aren’t you?”

“Always, Sir.”

“Good. Because I’m ready to give it to you.” He dropped the switch. “Go stand against the tree to my right. You’ll know the one when you see it.”

She crawled off his lap and walked toward the trees. He knew when she found the one he’d told her to stand against because she stilled momentarily. He imagined it looked a bit scary at first glance. He’d set it up with rope and chains.

“Put your back against the tree and reach up and grab the ropes.” He waited while she got into position and then walked to stand in front of her. He unzipped his pants. “How does the tree feel?”

“Rough, Sir.”

“It’s going to be rough on your back and you’ll have scratches. Are you okay with that?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said with no hesitation.

He pushed his pants down and stepped out of them. “Still wet for me?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. “Keep them here. I’m going to pound you into that tree.”

She whimpered.

“Here we go. Going to slip inside.” He pushed into her. “Ah, yes. So good like this.”

She tightened her legs around him as he started moving deeper. He didn’t know what it was about Sasha. She told him that he made her strong, but the real truth was, she allowed him to be strong. When he was with her, he felt like he could be himself.

He moved his hands to her face. “Look at me.”

Her green eyes were hazy with lust. He continued moving inside her as he held her gaze. The intensity of their union struck him in the center of his chest. This woman who had come to him hurt and yearning for healing had somehow healed him.

“Too much,” she said, echoing his thoughts. “It’s too much.”

“No, little one.” His voice was far gentler than he felt. “It will never be enough.”

“I know. I know.” She pushed her head against the tree, but kept her eyes locked on his.

Suddenly, it wasn’t enough to be inside her. He needed more. “Touch me. I’ll hold you,” he panted. “I want your arms around me.”

It was precarious, but she let go of the ropes. And he had no choice but to be strong. After all, he had to secure her. She was held by only his arms and the tree. Her nails dug into his shoulders, and it was the most welcome pain he’d ever experienced because it was she who gave it to him.

He wondered if that’s what a submissive felt when under a Dom’s control.