Yes. Yes.

His hands dipped down and he slipped two fingers inside me. I was already wet. “I’ll take you whenever and wherever I want.” His fingers twisted. “I’ll f**k you five times Friday night alone.”


“I want you waxed bare next weekend, Abigail,” he said. “Not a bit of hair left.”

Uh, what?

“Spread your legs and bend them,” he said. “I’m not waiting any longer.”

I did as he asked and he bent low, thrusting into me and lifting me up in one movement. I gave a short squeak, marveling at how deep he went with that one thrust. Then he pulled back and thrust again, pounding me into the door. I wrapped my legs around him.

He slammed me into the door again and again. My arms went around his back and my nails scratched him.

“Yes,” he shouted with another thrust that sent him deeper into me than he’d ever been. So deep I sucked in a breath, trying to grow accustomed to him, and held him tighter. “Damn it. Yes.”




I hoped no one was walking by our room. Each slam sent vibrations through my arms, down my spine and right to where we were connected.

The familiar feeling of impending release built up inside. I groaned as it threatened to overtake me.

“Not yet, Abigail,” he said with another thrust. My back slammed into the door. “I’m not finished.”

I groaned again. Squeezed my internal muscles around him.

“You better not come before I tell you,” he said, pulling back and then slamming us into the door again. “I brought the leather strap.”

I clawed at his back, his muscles tense under my hands. Again we hit the door. I couldn’t last much longer. Again. He angled his legs and when he thrust, my butt hit the door, pushing him deep. Damn, he was good. Again.

I bit the inside of my cheek. Slam. Bad move, I tasted blood. Slam. I couldn’t last. I was going to explode. Slam. I whimpered.

He dropped his head. “Now.”

I threw my head back and let my cl**ax overtake me. His release shot into me and he bit my shoulder, sending another wave of pleasure through my body.

He was breathing heavily as he lowered me to the floor minutes later. My legs were quivering and I could barely stand. He left for the bathroom and came back with a washcloth, then cleaned me gently, the way he had the night before.

“I’m sorry,” he said, and for a moment I thought he was apologizing for the rough sex. “I have to go out. I’ll be back later.”

I didn’t hear him come back at all that night, although I’m sure he did at some point. I eventually went to bed and fell into a restless sleep.


Brunch wasn’t until eleven, so I slept late again and took my time getting dressed. Nathaniel hadn’t said anything about what to wear, so I decided on black pants and a gray cashmere sweater. I also wore panties.

Because he hadn’t told me not to.

Because I wanted to see what he’d do when he found them.

Of course it was a calm, cool, nothing-but-collected Nathaniel who met me. No trace of the wild man who had taken me against the wall, biting my neck as he came…

Damn it, yes.

But I had to spend the morning with his aunt, his friends, and several strangers. It wouldn’t do to get all flustered just because I’d had amazing sex the night before.

Amazing fuck-me-now-against-the-door sex.

Stop it, Good Abby said.

Show Nathaniel you have panties on, Bad Abby said.

I decided Bad Abby was the stuff. Nathaniel watched as I walked over to the coffee pot and poured a cup. I turned so my butt was in plain sight. Gave a little wiggle.

“Abigail,” he chided. “Do I see panty lines?”

I held still, coffee cup in hand. Hell, yes, you see panty lines. What are you going to do about it?

“Come here,” he said, sitting his coffee cup down.

I walked over, heart thumping in my throat.

He stood up and moved behind me. “You’re wearing panties. Take them off. Now.”

I undid my pants and pushed them down over my hips. I stepped out of my panties.

“Over the arm of the couch, Abigail.”

I leaned over the couch arm, butt facing him.

He smacked my backside. “No more panties the rest of the weekend.” Another smack. “When I finish, you will go to your room and bring them all out to me.” Smack. “You’ll get them back when I say.” Smack. “Which won’t be next weekend either.” Smack. “I told you last night what will happen next weekend.”

He gave me another smack. The warmth was spreading, reaching between my legs. Everything he did felt so good. Damn. Absolutely everything. I pushed back toward him, wanting more.

“Not this morning.” Another smack landed on my backside. “Put your pants on and bring me what I asked for.”

Damn it. No release.

We took the elevator downstairs to a private ballroom where the brunch would be held. I only recognized Linda, although I knew several of Nathaniel’s business associates would be in attendance.

Felicia and Linda stood talking in a far corner. Elaina and Todd arrived shortly after we did.

“We’re a bit early,” Nathaniel said, placing a hand on my lower back. “I need to go speak with a few people. Should I take you over to Felicia and Linda or are you okay here?”

If I stayed where I was, maybe Elaina would come talk to me. “I’ll be fine here.”

He brushed the top of my arm. “I won’t be long.”

I watched as he moved into a crowd of people. Elaina slid to my side minutes later.

“Come here,” she said, pulling me behind a tall vase.

I glanced toward Nathaniel. He was deep in conversation with a handsome older couple.

“Nathaniel came to our room last night,” she said. “Todd left with him shortly after he showed up.” She looked to where her husband stood. “He won’t tell me what’s going on, but I think you’re right, I think it’s about you.”

Was that what the door sex was about? Proving a point to Todd? Or was he proving a point to himself?

Proving a point to me?

“I’m trying to take your advice,” I told her. “I’m being real careful with him. Sometimes—” I thought back to the library “—sometimes I think I’m breaking through and sometimes—” I thought back to the night before last “—sometimes I don’t even care.”

“Todd was in a better mood when he came back,” she said. “I think whatever Nathaniel said calmed him down.”

I chewed on my lip, trying to figure that one out.

“My advice is, whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.” She squeezed my hand. “It’s working.”

“How long was Todd gone last night?” I asked. I couldn’t remember what time I went to sleep, but it was pretty late.

“A few hours,” she said. “Todd did say that Nathaniel stayed downstairs looking for a piano.”

A piano made sense, he always seemed to feel better once he played. I thought about the time I rode him while he played—I knew I certainly felt better after. I looked back to the crowd. Nathaniel was still in conversation with the older couple.

“Who are they? Business associates?” I asked, not wanting to think about the library and the piano with Elaina so close. After spending the day with her in the spa, I was certain she had a sixth sense about sex.

“No,” she said, her voice dropping to a whisper. “Those are Melanie’s parents.”

My jaw dropped. Melanie’s parents.

“What are they doing here?” I asked.

“Friends of the family.”

“Where’s Melanie?” I glanced around, was she here?

“Not invited,” Elaina said with a little grin on her face.

Todd walked up to us. “Ladies.”

Elaina took his hand. “Time to eat?”

There was a buffet for brunch. I selected my normal breakfast items, throwing a few finger sandwiches on my plate as well. Todd and Elaina sat at our table along with Felicia.

“How long have you worked at the library, Abby?” Todd asked at one point when the conversation drifted away from the upcoming game.

“At the public library for seven years,” I said. “But I worked at one of the campus libraries before then.”

“You did?” he asked. “I wonder if I ever saw you. I spent a lot of time in the campus libraries.”

I squinted my eyes at him. He was handsome enough, although not as striking as Nathaniel. “I don’t know,” I said thinking back. “I’d probably remember you.”

“One would think,” he said, almost under his breath.

Elaina looked from Todd to Nathaniel and then back to me. What was going on? What was I missing? I glanced at Nathaniel. Nothing.

“You like the public library better than the campus one?” Todd asked.

“The people are a lot more diverse,” I said. “Plus college students can be a bit obnoxious.” I smiled, trying to lighten what had turned from a simple question into a tense conversation. “Did I ever have to tell you to tone it down or to stop ripping pages from the reference books?”

Todd laughed. “No, I definitely would have remembered that.”

The conversation went back to the upcoming game and maybe it was just me, but I was almost certain I felt Nathaniel give a sigh of relief when it did.

We had a box booked at the stadium. The weather was still cold and I was thankful we’d be inside as opposed to watching the game outside in the frigid temperatures.

New York were up by three right before the half. Nathaniel took my hand and led me to the door of the box, telling everyone we’d be back later. He picked up a duffle bag on the way out.

“My plan?” he whispered in my ear. “Starts now.”

Funny, I thought he already completed that plan—that night in his suite, when he had taken full possession of me, the night that everything had changed. My heart raced…what in the world could he have planned for the stadium?

He gave me the bag. “Go change. I have an extra ticket in the bag, meet me there before the half starts.”

I took the bag into the bathroom. Inside was a short skirt. In this weather? There were also two long blankets. Why were we changing seats? And why were we sitting outside? At least the box had heat.

But then I thought back to the last few days. Anything. I’d do anything he asked. I changed into the skirt, folded my pants and put them in the bag. The blankets I shoved on top.

I looked at the ticket—middle level if I guessed right.

I had. My new seat was on the first row on the middle level. And it was crowded. No one said anything as I took my seat. They didn’t even look my way. Nathaniel joined me minutes later.

He draped an arm over my shoulders and drew me close. Drew circles on my shoulder. My heart pounded at his nearness.

He leaned over and whispered, “Do you know that three out of four people fantasize about ha**ng s*x in public?”


His tongue swirled in my ear. “The way I see it, why fantasize when you can experience it instead?”


“I’m going to f**k you during the Super Bowl, Abigail.” He bit down on my earlobe and I sucked in a breath. “As long as you’re quiet, no one will know.”


I grew wet just thinking about what he said. Looked around to the people beside us. Everyone was wrapped in blankets. I was starting to understand his plan.

Nathaniel was still drawing circles on my shoulder.

“I want you to stand up and wrap a blanket around you. Open in the back,” he said. “Put one foot up on the railing in front of you.”

I walked to the railing, my thighs growing slicker as I thought about what Nathaniel wanted to do. What Nathaniel would do. On the field below, someone intercepted a pass. The crowd around us cheered. I wrapped the blanket around me—it was longer than I’d thought earlier. I couldn’t even feel a draft.