Those two were already so fucking bonded that he doubted even death would separate them. And he was certain neither of them was even fully aware of how deep it went.
* * *
Jed straightened as Piper moved from the bathroom. Intending to reach out for her, he was more than a little surprised when she moved to him instead.
Snagging his arm around her waist and pulling her to him, Jed ignored Dawg’s dark expression and instead gave Piper the silent security he knew she was reaching out for.
“Do you remember anything the attacker said? Anything he did? Any odd scents, or an accent?” Dawg asked her as Jed felt the subtle tremor that raced up her spine.
“He said something. ”
Jed tightened at the admission but didn’t berate her. It was the wrong time to do so, with Dawg standing there watching so closely.
It would hurt her to be embarrassed in such a way in front of her brother. And it would embarrass her, at the very least subconsciously.
“What did he say?” Dawg urged as he pulled his cell phone free and, Jed suspected, hit the record feature.
“That’s just it; I don’t remember what he said. ” Frustration filled her voice, thickened it and hinted at her inability to make sense of whatever she remembered. “He was demanding something, and I didn’t know what the hell he was talking about. ”
Jed rubbed her lower arms gently, forcing himself to hold back the fury burning in his chest.
“You can’t remember a single word?” Dawg questioned her again, his tone smoother than it had been moments ago, less angry, as though he too sensed the effect their anger had on her.
“Something about a car. ” She sighed, shaking her head as another tremor raced up her spine. “I just can’t remember, Dawg. ”
“I have a few contacts in the city,” Dawg murmured. “And a few spread out through the police department. I’ll make some calls and see what I can find out. ”
* * *
“I’m sorry, Dawg. ” Guilt was lashing at Piper’s senses now.
Dawg was doing everything he could not to explode, to hide his anger.
Those bright celadon eyes seemed darker than normal, his expression almost haggard, and she realized the past week had been just as hard on him, perhaps, as it had been on her.
“For what?” he asked then.
“I shouldn’t have reacted as I did when you saw my face. I was terrified you’d try to lock me away somewhere, though. You don’t know how scary you get when you’re in protection mode. ”
“That’s still a possibility. ” He grunted as he leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms over his broad chest.
The black T-shirt he wore stretched across his powerful biceps created an impression of vast strength. “The nightmares have been brutal, Piper. ”
And they had been, she knew. The Mackay wives, Christa, Kelly, and Chaya, had arrived the day before and, along with her sisters and mother, berated Piper for refusing to tell any of them what happened.
Christa had told her that Dawg had been awakening from nightmares ever since, certain that Piper was in grave danger, and he had no idea how to protect her.
“I love you, Dawg. ” What more could she say? “You, Rowdy, and Natches saved us. But you’ve also smothered us this last year. Smothered us to the point that there’s no privacy at all. And I just couldn’t handle it any longer. ”
He leaned forward, his arms dropping from his chest and resting against his knees as he clasped his hands between them.
“Piper, if I ever end up having to bury one of you because I faltered or because I didn’t know one of you was in danger, I don’t know if I would survive the guilt. You’re a Mackay. Your sisters are Mackays. Trouble and danger will always follow the four of you because of the covert jobs you hold. Unless . . . ” He gave Jed a long, hard look. “Unless there’s someone strong enough, someone dangerous enough, to deflect it. ”
Oh, Jed was strong enough. And he was dangerous enough. . . .
“Perhaps you should teach us properly how to protect ourselves, Dawg. I’m certain you and Jed would like to sleep sometime. And I do like going to the ladies’ room without some hulking male standing outside the stall. ”
She shot him a tight, hard smile as irritation flashed in his expression, and Jed’s arms tightened around her.