“You’re killing me,” she cried out desperately.

“Then we’ll go together. ” He groaned as he pushed the head of his cock into the fiery heat of her juice-laden cunt and had to clench his teeth to fight back the release building in his balls. “God, Piper, we’ll go together, baby, because I never knew pleasure could be this fucking good. ”

He couldn’t hold back.

He couldn’t hold on.

Gripping her hips firmly, Jed pulled his cock back, then in one fierce thrust buried the eager erection halfway inside the gripping, lush little pussy he was certain would steal his sanity.

Pure, unadulterated ecstasy began building in his senses.

Blood pounded in his veins, and on the second thrust, nothing else began to matter but the pure, mindless race to shattering rapture.

Piper tried to scream.

As the fierce, pleasure-pain sensations began whipping through her pussy, attacking her clit and racing through her senses, she swore she would never survive the cataclysmic pleasure building through her flesh.

She couldn’t struggle against it; hell, she didn’t want to.

She gave herself over to it, reaching ever harder for it, poised on the edge of an abyss she wanted nothing more than to fly into.

“Jed, please. ” She forced the cry past her lips. “Harder. Please. Please fuck me harder. ”

She wanted that release.

She wanted it now.

God, if she had to wait she might not survive it.

Fingers curling into the sheets beneath her, she held on tightly. She thrust back to him, panting for air, as flames burned through her system, licking across her flesh and attacking the rapidly rising sensitivity of her clit and the aching depths of her overstretched vagina.

As she fought to break the bonds holding her to reality and to jump headlong into the flames, she felt Jed above her. His lips were at her neck, stinging nips and heated kisses attacking the bend of her shoulder a second before he caught the tender flesh between his lips and delivered a heated kiss that became a catalyst to pure ecstasy.

The explosion tore through her.

Rapture ripped her from her place in reality and threw her headlong into the cataclysm of flames awaiting her. Destructive, the tidal wave of pure ecstasy overwhelmed her; as she flew through that place of searing sensation, she found the man who had taken her there.

Piper felt him inside her, covering her, not just taking her body, but sinking inside her soul.

His groan echoed around her.

His cock buried deep one last time, pulsed and throbbed; then her muscles clenched around him further as he found his own release.

Crying out his name, locked in a world of blinding color and overwhelming rapture, she could do nothing but trust him to hold her, to keep her secure as the pleasure pounded through her, tore past the deepest reaches of her heart and invaded the very depths of her soul.

She was his.

There was no denying it. There was no fighting it.

She belonged to him.

But as she felt him sinking inside the abyss with her, Piper knew he belonged to her as well.

He was hers.

There was no denying her, just as she knew there was no longer any chance of denying him.

For the first time in her life, she knew exactly what it meant to belong.