For the second time that night, her world went to hell.

She had seen Eldon’s attack coming; she wasn’t expecting this one.

The second the door parted from the frame it slammed inward with such force Piper found herself thrown back into the room, where she crashed into the room service cart delivered earlier.

Dishes and food were suddenly flung across the floor as the cart took her weight, and Piper let out a piercing scream.

Don’t be quiet, Dawg had always advised her and her sisters. There was nothing an attacker hated worse than having attention called to his actions.

And evidently it was the truth.

“Shut up, bitch. ” Enraged, the apelike figure dived for her as Piper fought to scramble away, using every breath she had to scream her lungs out.

A heavy fist caught her shoulder, causing her face to slam into the side of the dresser.

For a moment, her senses were rattled, light flashing before her eyes and exploding in vibrant color as she fought back the dizzying darkness gathering beyond the lights.

A hand attached to her upper arm with bruising force, jerking her from the floor as a hoarse demand was growled in her ear.

“Where is it?”

Where was what?

She screamed again, struggling against him as she tried with every blow to bury her fist or a foot into his balls.

Her knee connected, drawing an agonized grunt a second before she was thrown into the wall hard enough to send her bouncing to the bed.

Voices were raised, outraged, cursing.

Piper was struggling to make sense of it as the sudden explosion of a weapon discharging shocked her senses into an abrupt return to reality.

Every bone and muscle in her body hurt.

Dizziness assailed her, washing through her and weakening her as she struggled to lift herself from the bed.

Was she shot?

Oh, God, Dawg would kill her if she managed to get shot while escaping to New York. She would hear all kinds of “I told you so”s. Her sisters would of course blame her for the additional security that would follow. . . . Who the hell were those men rushing into her room?

Oh, God, they were big. . . .

There were too many of them. . . .

Too big, and too many.

Darkness rushed over her, drawing her into a pit of icy nothingness. The complete lack of sensory information was like being buried alive.

She was aware, yet she wasn’t.

There, yet she wasn’t.

And one question haunted her through it all: Exactly what was it her attacker had been demanding?

Where are they, you little cunt?

Where was what?
