There was definitely someone there, definitely a threat. And it had been there far longer than Sierra’s arrival. Only tonight had that knowledge that it could become a threat begin to tingle at his nape.

Because Sierra was there.

He pulled his cell phone from his hip and hit speed dial.

“Dawg. ” Dawg Mackay answered on the first ring.

“I have eyes on me,” he said quietly.

“Where?” Dawg was instantly alert.

“At the rear, at the nine o’ clock position. Meet me there in the morning. ”

“Fuck morning,” Dawg growled. “I’ll call the others, we’ll be there within minutes. ”

“And they’ll be gone,” John guessed. “I have a situation here, Dawg. Just catching whoever or whatever watches won’t fix it. But we can use them. ”

There was a long moment of silence. “I’ll call Cranston. ”

“Cranston just left but call him. Slip in tomorrow morning separately. Let’s do it all at once, or Sierra will never be safe. ”

And nothing mattered but her safety.


Sierra awoke to strong arms holding her, the warmth of

John behind her, his head resting against the top of hers, his legs entwined with hers.

It was definitely unusual. She had never slept with a man before John, and she was almost frightened at how easy it was becoming to get used to it.

Not once had she awakened wondering who was behind her, or terrified that the night

mares were returning. Not once had she felt uncomfortable, or that she shouldn’t be here. Unfortunately, a part of her felt as though she were at home.

She turned slowly, trying not to awaken him, but wanting to see his face.

The laugh lines at the side of his eyes hadn’t been there before he left Boston. Come to think of it, it had been years since she had truly seen John happy, until now. He laughed now. Amusement and fun gleamed in his eyes as it had so long ago. Before he had gone to the Marines. Before he had returned from blood and death.

As she had noticed before, he was stronger, tighter, broader. He was, on the outside, the man she had always known existed on the inside.

Lifting her hand, using only the tips of her fingers, she slowly pushed back a long, thick strand of hair that had fallen over his face.

He looked more arrogant than ever before, she thought in amusement, and John Walker Jr. had arrogance in abundance before he ever left Boston. He was more relaxed here, though, less austere and critical. He was the man who had stolen her heart years ago as a young girl.

As she watched him, the hunger for him rose. It was a natural extension of any thought of John. That need that filtered through her body, heated her flesh, and left her aching for him. She felt it in her breasts, in her erect nipples. That sensitivity that only arose whenever John was present, whenever she thought of him.

The heat that built there worked its way lower as well. It heated her clit, burned in her pussy, and clenched in her womb. From there, she felt the sensitivity working beneath her flesh, filling her with a hunger for him that she knew would never be completely sated.

She trailed her fingers from his hair, to a broad, muscled shoulder. Lightly. She kept her touch light, wanting to feel the subtle heat and texture of his flesh rather than the well-honed iron beneath.

She had always loved his body, but she loved it even more now. It was a rich, golden bronze. It was heated, pulsing, and hard like living iron beneath.

As her fingers roamed over his shoulder, his lashes drifted open. Sleepy violet eyes stared back at her for a second before he turned slowly to his back.

An invitation. An invitation to touch as she pleasured, to pleasure as she wanted. He was giving her carte blanche to his body and her senses exploded with chaotic hunger at the realization.

Moving over him, she couldn’t help but ache for his kiss now. A kiss she could measure, control, relish. Her lips lowered to his, brushed against them, and her entire body clenched in need as they responded beneath her.