The thrusts became harder, filling her as she felt the muscles he was invading clench tighter on his cock until they were both groaning, breathing harsh, desperate as she felt her orgasm rising, burning closer, tightening through her until the explosion ripped through her body and her senses.
Shaking beneath him, Sierra fought to hold on to him as he thrust inside her, pushing deep and hard until he jerked free and she felt his release burn against her rear as he gave a hard, heavy groan of pleasure.
She hadn’t even thought of birth control. She hadn’t considered the fact that he hadn’t donned a condom and she wasn’t on anything herself. There was no need to be. John hadn’t been in Boston; there hadn’t been a chance of him touching her.
“Sierra. ” He whispered her name against her shoulder as he kissed it gently, giving one last shudder above her as the spurts of semen against her flesh eased. “Sweet God, baby. You’ve killed me. ”
He collapsed behind her, pulling her close against him as he fought to catch his breath.
“Hmmm,” she murmured. She didn’t have the breath nor the intelligence to form a response at the moment.
All she could do was feel. Feel the warmth that suffused her, the satiation that filled her.
“Did I hurt you?” There was an edge of concern in his voice now.
Sierra managed to shake her head. “Killed me. ”
“Killed you, huh?” Amused now.
She imagined his expressions with each tonal change. She knew him, she realized. Knew that with his amusement, his gaze would sparkle with laughter; with his anger, it would gleam with fire. Concern was a furrow above his brows; sympathy was somberness that gave his expression a look of heavy emot
Did he know her so well? she wondered.
Of course he didn’t.
“You’re thinking too hard, Sierra,” he drawled lazily. “I can feel your mind working, going over things, dissecting them. Let it just flow, baby. ” Another kiss to her shoulder and she was frowning at the wall across the room.
“Is that your new philosophy, John?” she asked warily. “Worry about it tomorrow?”
He chuckled at that. “Not hardly. But there’s no sense in thinking something to the ground that hasn’t firmly established itself yet, either. Just be easy, lollipop. Things will work themselves out how they should, no matter how you worry over them. ”
“Hell of a way to live,” she sighed, moving away from him despite the obvious reluctance as he allowed her to leave his arms.
“A better way to live. ”
She looked back at him, seeing his obvious unconcern over his nakedness as he watched her from the bed. For her part, she jerked the sheet that had fallen to the floor and wrapped it around her naked body.
She felt more in control, less vulnerable with at least partial covering.
“How can it be a better way to live, John?” she asked. “Perhaps I need to figure out how to defend myself against you. You’re going to destroy me before this is over. ”
He frowned back at her. “Because we had sex? Has your heart been broken every time you’ve gone to bed with a man?”
“Pretty much,” she snapped back, her lips thinning. After all, she hadn’t had a lover before John.
He shook his head. “Bobby Worthington was pretty heart-broken himself, if I remember. Said you walked right out of his bed and never looked back. ”
Bobby Worthington, she almost laughed at the thought, but the seriousness in his expression forestalled the amusement. She’d be damned. He believed the gossip and rumors? All along, he had believed it every time one of those bastards had sworn she had slept with him.
“Tell me, John, would you ever admit that a woman simply walked away from you?” she questioned him caustically. “Think about it. Bobby had more ego than good sense, and evidently it’s simply a male trait, because you don’t appear to be any smarter at the moment. ”
She shook her head as he frowned back at her, his gaze narrowed as though he were deciding whether or not to believe her.
“I need a shower. ” She wasn’t defending herself against this, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to cry again. What she would do was exactly what he said she shouldn’t. Figure out how to keep her heart from being broken.
He rose lazily from the bed. “Shower’s through there. ” He pointed to a door off the side. “I’ll lay your bags on the bed, you can unpack into the extra dresser. ” He pointed to a low set of drawers built into the wall of the bedroom. “I’ll order dinner in. Tonight, we have some things to figure out, plans to make, then we’ll go from there. ”