Dayle shrugged again. “It wasn’t an easy order to give. And I have to admit, I wasn’t disappointed when it failed. ”

Natches forced himself to keep from curling his fingers into fists.

“The strike order on the hotel where Chaya’s husband and child were?” he asked. “Another attempt?”

Dayle’s eyes widened, then narrowed. “That had nothing to do with you or the girl. I didn’t find out about your relationship with her until later. And I didn’t give that order, that came from one of our founding members based there at the time. Craig Cornwell was working for us. We had no idea he was working for the enemy,too, until then. We couldn’t risk his capture. He would have talked. ”

“I want to know how the hell you managed it. A strike order, authenticated and radioed to the planes. That seems pretty much impossible. ”

“Orders get messed up sometimes. ” Dayle shrugged. “The commander only knew the orders he received. We just had to get them through the proper channels. As I said, Iraq wasn’t my call. I’m a recruiter, that’s all. ”

“You’re not a very good recruiter,” Natches informed him. “I’ve been checking up on you a bit. Dishonorably discharged, malcontents, some of your boys aren’t even in the military. Those that are still there are just a breath from being tossed into Leavenworth. ”

“Because they know where our leaders are taking us,” Dayle snarled. “Someone has to pave the way. The revolution is building, Natches. You can be a part of it. You can be at my side as a general and a leader now that you’ve disassociated yourself from Ray’s little bastards. ”

And here it was. Natches grinned in full-throttled smug triumph. “What makes you think I’ve done that?”

Dayle tensed. “My reports are that you’re arguing over information you’re refusing to turn over to DHS. That you’re protecting me. ” Pride flared in his eyes.

Natches let himself chuckle at that one. “Nah, not really. They’re just a little ticked off at me right now because I wouldn’t let them in on the fun. No, sorry, Dayle, I’m here to bust your ass. ”

Dayle froze, his eyes narrowed. “You’re not serious. ”

“Yeah, I am. ” Natches grinned. “Real serious. See, those guys you had targeting me in their gunsights? Dawg and Rowdy have them already. Go ahead. Try to call one of them. ”

Dayle pulled his cell phone from his belt and punched a number in. Listened. Tried another. Another. Yeah, Dawg and Rowdy were black death when they wanted to be.

“I’d say there’s some blood fertilizing a few areas. ” Natches nodded. “It was a good try though. Too bad you didn’t pay attention to the fact that I don’t even fucking hate you. I just basically want to see you locked up until hell freezes over, knowing I put you there. ”

Yeah, this was better than a bullet. He watched Dayle pale, watched his shoulder twitch as he prepared to go for his weapon.

Natches went for his first. He pulled the Glock from the back holster beneath his jacket, holding it comfortably on his father.

“Did you really think you were going to convince me to help you do anything?” Natches asked him. “I ask again, are you on hard drugs?”


lips thinned as he watched Natches lean against the wall, the gun held easily, pointing directly at him.

“You can’t prove any of this. ”

“ ’Course I can. I’m wired. ” He shrugged.

Dayle grinned at that. “Not here you aren’t, Natches. Any wire you wore was jammed the minute you walked in. ”

“Cell phones aren’t jammed, are they?”

Dayle glanced at his cell. “Yours isn’t open though. ”

“Doesn’t have to be. ” He shrugged. “I got ya. DHS has ya. Busted, old man. ”

“I don’t think so. ”

Natches swung around, the gun barreling on Nadine’s voice as he felt his stomach drop.

Janey. For a moment, fear had nearly paralyzed him, the thought of Chaya uppermost in his mind. But now, the fear nearly burned through his mind. Chaya could have worked with him; she would have known what to do. But it wasn’t Chaya Nadine held by long, thick black hair. It wasn’t Chaya who stared at him from dazed, confused eyes.

“Insurance. ” Dayle sighed. “Put the gun down, and hand me the cell phone, please. ”