“Natches. Oh God, it’s so good. ”

Good wasn’t even a description. There was no description for this pleasure; it defied any poet’s ability to voice it. He tightened, arched deeper inside her and felt the sweat running down his chest as sensation upon sensation whipped over his body, dug into his nerve endings and filled him with ecstasy.

His head lowered until he could kiss her ticklish little ankle, before she jerked, a panting little cry falling from her lips.

He glanced up at her and grinned before licking over the side of her foot. And she moaned, her foot flexing as he lifted one hand from her hip to her foot, and as he began to thrust, let his teeth bite down, just below her big toe.

Chaya screamed with the sensation. He bit her. Bit her foot and thrust inside her, once, twice, and she was coming again. Exploding into a million brilliant fragments as his hips moved harder, moved faster. He was pounding into her, his expression tightening, sweat rolling down his neck as she felt herself flying from one peak to another, then joining him as his release flowed into her.

She watched him, the way his eyes narrowed on her, became sensual and heavy a second before they closed and a shudder wracked his body.

“I can’t get enough of you,” he breathed out roughly as he collapsed over her, allowing her legs to embrace his hips before sliding to the bed. “Every time, I only want you more. ”

Running her fingers through his hair she smiled. “Good. Because I can’t get enough either. ”

He rolled to his back, dragging her to him until she was draped over his chest, weak and exhausted and knowing there was no time to sleep.

They lay like that, their hearts finally easing in their chests, their breathing returning to normal.

“When you leave the boat, don’t look back,” he told her. “Don’t stop, don’t pause. You’re a woman walking away from something she can’t deal with. ”

“I know how to do my job. ” But her voice caught on a sob. Walking away from Natches without looking back?

“I know you do. But it won’t be easy, Chay. And you can’t pause. You have to keep going. ”

She nodded against his chest.

“I have a duffel packed for you. Some clean clothes Dawg brought over in a plastic bag last night. Your other clothes. You’ll take your briefcase, but only your laptop inside it. They can tell by the way you carry it, the way you move, the way it hangs from your shoulder or your hand if there’s anything more in it. ”

She nodded again.

“When it happens, when I meet with him, you’re not to come near until he’s cuffed. Do you understand?”

His voice was so hard, his tone cool, but she could feel the emotions coursing beneath the surface. As able as she knew she was, she had also come to realize something. He called her his strength, but she could also become his weakness. Just as he could become hers if anyone ever wanted to hurt him to strike back at her.

“Not until he’s cuffed,” she agreed, praying she could keep that promise.

“Let’s get you ready to go then. ” He lifted her from his chest and moved from the bed with her.

Standing beside it, he touched her face and gave her a hard, lingering kiss.

“When I get you back here, you’re not getting out of the bed for a week. ”

“At least a week,” she promised, standing still as he moved back and stared down at her.

“I don’t like this,” she finally told him. “You shouldn’t be alone with him. ”

His smile was tinged with bitterness, but no regret. “I won’t be. Remember? You’re my shield. ”

And she had to be content with that.

“Go shower. I’ll get your things together. ”

And then she would leave him alone. Alone to think, alone to remember, and Chaya knew it. Just as she knew there was no other way to convince the monster that Natches was alone.

Leaving him this time was breaking her heart.