“Hoping I could keep you out of it?” He arched his brow mockingly. “I’m telling you, because I’ve decided there’s no other choice. Have you considered how someone found out who your agents were and managed to plant highly professional explosives on their vehicles?”

“Cranston suspects a leak,” she whispered. “He’s been going over the files. So have I. ”

Natches shook his head. “There’s no leak, sweetheart. You were all staying at the Suites. You met there, in one particular room for a meeting most every morning. ”

“How did you know that?”

“Because dishonorably discharged Private Michael Wheeler works there. And he’s very good friends with Dayle Mackay. Look at the files on the men who have joined the ranks of the League. Most are dishonorably discharged for abuse, ignoring the chain of command, sex crimes. Those who weren’t in the military are malcontents with a bitch, nothing more. Except maybe dreams of glory. Once I determined who at the hotel could have gotten in a position to watch you, it was easy to figure out. That’s where Cranston made his mistake. He was afraid blood would tell, so he sent you in so he could watch me, see which way things would swing before he pulled me in. ”

“He was afraid you would protect Dayle Mackay. ”

“Just as his agents were. Just as his agents no doubt discussed in that room after you left each morning. The room could have been bugged, individual rooms could have been bugged. Who knows? But Dayle found out what was going on, and he knew Cranston was onto him; otherwise they would have never struck out at the agents. ”

She nodded slowly. She had argued this with Cranston, warning him to bring Natches and his cousins in on this phase of the investigation, but he had refused. Now she knew why.

“What are you doing now?” she asked.

“Letting blood tell. ” He shrugged. “Dayle’s going to think about this. He’s going go think about that picture, think about what I could know, then he’s going to call me. The break he’s been waiting for. A sign of loyalty to him rather than to my cousins or my uncle. ”

“Or your country. ”

“Or my country,” he agreed. “We’ll set up the meet. Alex will cover me; he’s a hell of a sniper. Dawg and Rowdy will back me up from a safe distance, and I’ll get the information DHS needs. ”

She shook her head. “That’s not going to work. Any defense lawyer in the nation will blow you off the stand if you testify against him. With your family history, it will never work. ”

“It’s the only chance we have,” he told her.

“You go in wired . . . ”

“Won’t work; he’ll check me for a wire, Chay. He’s not incompetent, he’s proved that already. ”

“A different sort of wire. ” She leaned forward intently. “A cell phone, Natches, the receiver inside it will stay activated whether the cell phone is turned on or off. It’s new. Something he won’t suspect. You carry it right on your belt, in clear view. He’ll never know. ”

He stared back at her silently.

“It’s not even something our agents know about. Cranston had a friend of his working on it. It works; we’ve tried it out several times. Reception is perfect. We could get the meeting recorded, get our evidence, and fry him and Nadine and all his friends. ”

“Do the agents working with you know about it?” That was the risk, Natches thought. If this was something the other agents had known of, or discussed, then Dayle could already know about it and suspect.

But Chaya shook her head quickly. “I’m telling you, only three of us know about it. Cranston, me, and the electronics expert Cranston works with on the side. He’s not even agency. And I know Cranston has it with him. He’s just been waiting for a chance to test it. ”

It could work. He narrowed his eyes, watching her silently for long moments. If it didn’t work, if reception didn’t go through, if the electronics failed, then what the hell. Nothing lost. Except blood. If DHS couldn’t make the charges stick on Dayle, then Natches, as much as he was finding he hated the thought of it, would take care of things himself.

His home had been torn apart in the past year because of Johnny and Dayle’s crimes. Once news had leaked of the activities some of their citizens had been involved in, the town had been left in a state of shock. It was time for it to end, one way or the other.

“This could work, Natches,” Chaya urged him softly. “We can have the van in town before daylight if I contact Timothy now. I’ll call Alex; he’ll be able to get to Timothy without anyone else knowing. Everything can be ready and waiting before Dayle ever calls you. ”

What was there left to lose? If it worked, then he wouldn’t have to face Chaya after shedding more blood. Despite what he had told Sheriff Mayes—that killing Johnny was better than sex— he admitted now it had put a mark on his soul. Not a regret, but a knowledge that he sometimes found himself shying away from.

If he killed the man who sired him, what example then was he laying for his children? Children who would grow one day to no doubt hear the tale. Some secrets you just didn’t keep when everyone pretty much knew everyone else.

“Call Alex. ” He finally nodded. “I’ll get a message to Dawg and Rowdy. They can slip over without the eyes watching ever suspecting a thing. We’ll get things ready to go. ”

Chaya felt her heart almost explode in joy. He wasn’t dismissing the idea, he was embracing it. He didn’t want her involved, but he was willing to allow her to back him, and that concession, she knew, hadn’t been easy for him.

Being with Natches wasn’t always going to be easy, she had found that out. When he decided something, he could obviously get incredibly stubborn about it, even with her. But he could listen to reason. That was all she asked of him, to listen to reason.

“Look at your face. ” His lips quirked with a hint of amusement as he reached out and touched her cheek. “You’d think I just gave you diamonds. ”