He fought back a growl as she tore her lips from his. He needed more.

“I need more of you. ” Her lips were on his neck, biting, sucking, kissing, as her hands lowered to his belt. “I need to taste you, Natches. Taste you all over. ”

“Ah, hell. ” Her fingers were lowering the zipper, parting the material, and shoving it aside to release the fully engorged, throbbing length of his cock.

As he watched, she went to her knees. How many times had he dreamed of this? Dreamed of her taking him like this.

“Damn you. ” He flinched in agonizing pleasure as her lips parted and took him.

She was too hungry for preliminaries, and that only made him hotter. The head of his cock disappeared into her eager little mouth and immediately set flame to wildfire.

It flashed through his body, drew his balls tight, then had them knotting with ecstasy as her nimble little fingers began to caress and play with them.

And she sucked. She sucked his cock into her mouth, nearly to her throat, and drew on it, milked it until he was growling with pleasure. Her free hand wrapped around the shaft, stroked, tightened on it, and drove him crazy.

His hands were in her hair, his hips moving, fucking her mouth, and he loved it.

“Is this how you used that little toy, Chay?” The thought of that damned dildo infuriated him. “Did you think of this, baby? Of me inside your mouth, fucking those sweet lips?”

He had been dying to do just that, and she had filled her mouth with something else? Damn her. Not again. Never again.

She moaned around his cock head, and he nearly came from the pleasure of it. Sensation rippled through the shaft, into his balls, and up his spine. Holding on wasn’t going to happen for long. He could feel the cum boiling in his balls, knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold back.

“Damn you. Suck it, baby. Show me how you sucked that damned toy and thought of me. ”

His teeth clenched as she moaned again, her mouth tightening, her tongue stroking and licking and drawing him so damned tight he felt as though he were going to break.

He was going to come. Ah, hell. Close. So damned close.

A second later he jerked back, fury pulsing, raging through him. Chaya fell back with a cry as he pushed her to the side and jerked the gun from the top of the couch where he had placed it and cursed furiously.

The door had crashed open, Dawg and Rowdy rolling into the apartment like pure vengeance itself as Natches stared back at them in unholy fury.

“What the fuck are you two doing?” He barely had time to pull his finger back from the trigger as the men rose from the floor, their own weapons lowering.

Sometimes some information just took a minute to process. His head was still filled with the sweet scent and the heated feel of Chaya’s mouth.

And rather than searching for her own weapon, what the hell was she doing? Laughing. He glanced at her in disbelief. She lay on the carpet behind him, their bodies sheltered by the couch, which faced the door, and she laughed.

Her lips were red, her face flushed, and she was laughing with such damned amusement it made his back teeth clench.

And pure fury was burning in his brain, demanding he take action now. That he kick them out of his apartment with his foot up their asses for daring, even daring, to interrupt his pleasure.

The bastards were shadowing him.

There was no other explanation for their presence or the lock that had been torn free of the door. He only barely remembered hearing and ignoring their knock. He hadn’t cared enough to answer the damned door because his head had been ready to explode with ecstasy.

He slowly fixed his pants and tightened his belt. He laid the gun on the counter cautiously, watching as Chaya stared at him in something akin to wary surprise as she climbed to her feet, her eyes still bright with her laughter. He was glad someone was amused.

“Natches. ” She laid her hand on his arm, her voice shaking as she obviously fought back more of those feminine, joyous giggles. “It’s just Dawg and Rowdy. ”

She was staring at him now in rather the same way he would eye a rabid animal. And she had good cause to watch him just that carefully.

He turned back to his cousins, her hand still on him, and he was loath to break that contact. It was the only reason he wasn’t charging them now. The only reason any of them were still standing rather than busting the walls of his apartment with their heads.

“You broke my door,” he said carefully, staring at the two men as they watched him just as carefully.

Dawg sniffed, blushed to the roots of his black hair, cleared his throat, then glanced at the door and the lock that had ripped from the wall. “Yeah. Well. We were just coming up for a beer. Thought you could use some company and thought we heard fighting. Right, Rowdy?” He nudged Rowdy.