“Huh?” His attention was riveted on that hard little nipple, his mouth watering to taste it.

“Dawg!” Laughter and arousal filled her voice. “You parked under the security camera. ”

His eyes jerked up, moved to the window, and up to the camera’s eye pointing down on the truck.

“Shit,” he muttered.

Laughter bubbled from her lips as she pulled her shirt down, hiding the succulent, tempting little berries he was dying for.

“You’re a bad boy,” she accused, scrambling from his lap and trying to straighten her clothes and her hair. Laughter gleamed in her eyes and curved her luscious lips.

“Hell, you sound surprised. ” Dawg sighed as he shifted in his seat and tried to relieve the pressure of his jeans against his cock. That portion of his body was so engorged now it was painful.

“Never surprised. ” She shook her head with a soft laugh as she flipped down the visor, smoothed her makeup beneath her eyes, and fluffed the silk of her hair before checking her shirt.

After adjusting the neckline, she flashed him a teasing glance, then pushed her door open and jumped from the truck. Damn her. She knew what she was doing to him, Dawg thought, and he couldn’t help but grin as he forced himself from the vehicle and hit the automatic lock on his key chain. The truck lights flashed as the small beep assured him it had locked.

“Come on, you little tease. ” Moving around the truck, his arm slid around her waist as they headed for the employees’ entrance. “I’ll lock us in the office and have my wicked way with you there.

“I don’t think so. You have orders to finish, and you still haven’t made up the list for the winter inventory yet. You need to get a jump on the larger stores and plan your displays. ”

He scowled down at her as they moved for the office steps.

“I don’t do winter displays. They cost too much, and they’re not effective. ”

“Only because you’re the one doing them,” she stated. “I’ve been watching your displays, Dawg.

They aren’t effective because you have no idea what women are looking for. ”

“I know what women want. ” He frowned down at her, wondering then if somehow he had been ineffective with those explosive orgasms he’d been giving her.

“What women want in a bed and what they’re willing to buy in public are two different things. ”

The laughter in her voice warmed him, made him grin. “Trust me. I’ve got you covered on this. We’re going to have incredible winter displays. Just wait until you see the Santa Claus I’m thinking of bringing in.

And I found some incredible wrought-iron arches at a steal. Very classy, and for the most part unavailable in this area. I want to buy the distributor’s stock in whole, to make certain the larger stores don’t get one up on us. ”

As he listened to her, he was tempted to shake his head. She had plans, and he’d be damned if he disagreed with her. At the rate she was going, she would end up making his father roll in his grave at the success of it.

“I need you to check with Jim Bedsford and see what happened to the Connelly order, now that I think about it. ” She frowned as they entered the office and she moved to the desk. “I nearly forgot, with everything that’s been going on. Layla had to reimburse him for a fourth of his order when it didn’t arrive on the site. He’s pretty upset over it. ”

Dawg took the inventory order and frowned down at it. He had worked damned hard to get Connelly to let Mackay’s handle the supplies for the apartment complex he was building.

“Damn,” he growled. “I’m going to have to work today. ”

Soft laughter and feminine warmth whispered around him then.

“You and me both. Now go take care of Bedsford. And if I were you, I’d seriously consider replacing him. ”

“With who?” Dawg grunted.

His gaze met hers. She was confident, certain.

“Layla’s husband, Jamie. He has experience, and he spends half his time here with Layla anyway.

Might as well put him to work. ”

And she was right, damn her.