Page 62 of Nauti Boy (Nauti 1)

“He’s a stubborn boy, though. ” He shrugged negligently. “You already know that. ”

Kelly leaned against the counter and watched him curiously. There was a lot she still didn’t know about Rowdy and his relationship with his cousins. All anyone seemed to care about was the fact that sexually, they enjoyed sharing their toys.

She ducked her head, knowing she shouldn’t have put off learning more about the three men together rather than just focusing on Rowdy. But it was Rowdy who held her heart, not the other two. Though she knew, eventually, they would become a part of the relationship she and Rowdy shared.

“You look like a frightened little doe standing there. ” His voice was like dark silk. “We’ve known each other too long for that wariness in your eyes, little girl. ”

Yes, they had. Dawg and Natches were as much a part of her life as Rowdy was.

“I’m not frightened of you, Dawg,” she sighed. “I’m not frightened of any of you. ”

Maybe she was frightened of herself.

“People make too much out of our little pleasures,” he grunted. “As though some insidious evil causes it rather than choice. ” He chuckled at his own words. “There’s nothing evil in it, Kelly. And Rowdy would never press you for what you don’t want. So you don’t have to watch us as though we’re going to jump you at any minute. ”

“And the three of you think I didn’t know what the hell I was getting myself into when I waited on Rowdy. ” She pressed her lips together as her own frustration ate inside her. “It’s not a matter of not wanting it, Dawg, or even if I do want it. ”

“You want to be seduced into it. You want the choice taken out of your hands?” He leaned back in his chair, watching her intently.

“I don’t want to analyze it to death, that’s for damned sure,” she snapped. “It’s a wonder the three of you found a woman to share if you talked her to death first. ”

“The other women didn’t matter, Kelly. ” He shocked her with his answer. “They were fun and games—you’re Rowdy’s future. There can be no misunderstandings, no seduction, no hesitations or hiding from the truth if you accept it. If you accept it, then you accept all of it.

Even the fact that eventually, the man she loved would touch another woman, pleasure her, fuck her. She couldn’t accept his cousins’ touch without that knowledge.

“I love him,” she whispered.

“This won’t be easy on any of us. ” He lifted his shoulders heavily. “Natches and I both love you too, Kelly, not like Rowdy does, but we love you. We’ve been burning along with him to touch you. But the day will come when one or both of us will find the woman we want for our own. The sharing isn’t an every time thing, but it would sure as hell be missed if we stopped. ”

“Has anyone ever asked you to stop, Dawg?” she asked. “Have you ever considered it?”

Something dangerous flashed in his expression before it was gone just as quickly. “I’d stop if someone I loved asked it of me. If I knew the woman I loved couldn’t handle it. ” He shrugged his broad shoulders.

“I don’t know if I could bear to see him touch another woman, Dawg. ” A self-mocking smile twisted her lips. “How’s that for hypocrisy?”

“Not hypocrisy, sweetheart, honesty,” he told her quietly. “That’s what makes a relationship like this work, being honest about it. Being true to yourself and to Rowdy. We couldn’t ask for anything more than that. ”

“I won’t do this just for Rowdy,” she breathed out roughly. “I won’t let him touch another woman just because I know it’s what he wants. It has to make sense to me. I have to be able to live with it. ”

“That’s true enough. ” He nodded in understanding. “Any relationship is give and take. You give a little, Rowdy gives a little, and vice versa. ” He rose from his chair, moving the short distance to where she stood, towering over her.

Kelly swallowed deeply as she felt him surrounding her, his heat, the sensual hunger building inside him.

“Dawg…” There was no way to retreat.

She shivered as he reached out, his callused fingers running down her arm and filling her with conflicting emotions. Could she do it? Fantasizing about it was one thing, and Lord knew she had fantasized about it often. But actually taking that step was another matter.

“I want you,” he whispered.

“Stop,” she protested, shaking her head as denial began to rage within her. A panicked sense of discomfort began to build. It might be what Rowdy wanted, but this wasn’t Rowdy. It wasn’t his body heating her, his need surrounding her.

“It’s dark and shadowed. A lot of truths can be hid in the shadows. ” Dawg’s voice was darker than the night. “As can lies. ”

Her breath caught in her throat as his head lowered, his lips too close to her own.

“I could seduce you,” he whispered. “I can give you that, Kelly. I don’t have to wake up with you in the morning. I don’t have to face you knowing I used your body against you. Is that what you want?”

“Moron. ” She pushed against his chest, her hands smacking into his hard-packed muscles as a shadowy chuckle whispered around her. “Get away from me. You’re about as amusing as the flu, Dawg. ”