Page 25 of Nauti Boy (Nauti 1)

“You know, those loose clothes are going to have to go,?

?? he sighed. “One of my favorite parts of coming home was watching you run around in those snug little shorts and tank tops. Made my dick harder than hell, but it was a sight I sure as hell miss, Kelly. ”

Her gaze slammed into his. The green was darker now, his expression heavy with hunger.

“I…” She swallowed tightly. “I’m more comfortable—”

“Bullshit. ” The whispered retort was delivered with a knowing smile. “You’re scared. I’m home now, Kelly. Trust me. ”

He had promised her, so long ago, as long as he was around, no one would hurt her. It was the bully, she remembered. She was terrified of staying in the park after school while her mother worked, after the bullies had started picking on her. Unless Rowdy was there. He had taken care of her. And sometimes one of the others. If Rowdy couldn’t be there, Dawg or Natches had been.

“Remember when I promised I’d always take care of you?” he whispered. “You were the littlest bit of thing I had ever laid my young eyes on. Those tears on your face when those bullies stole that frippery in your hair made me madder than hell. ”

“You saved my hair bows. ” She restrained her teasing smile. “And saved Mom a ton of extra money. I loved my hair bows. ”

“You still love your hair bows. ” He grinned. “I saw them scattered all over your bathroom last night when I got up for a drink. Damned things own your sink counter. ”

The style of those pretty hair trifles had changed now. Rather than actual bows there were silver barrettes, glittering little bobby pins, and stylish little doodads he had yet to identify.

She lifted her brows. “They’re pretty though. ”

He pushed from the counter, moving with a predatory ease, a shift of bone, muscle, and sinew that had her breath catching in her throat as he walked to the table.

“No. ” He reached out, the backs of his fingers smoothing over the side of her face. “You’re pretty. Too damned pretty for those loose clothes. Take them off for me. ”

Her eyes widened. “I didn’t bring a change—”

“You have on a bra and panties, I presume?” His fingers wrapped around her wrist, drawing her to her feet. “I bet they cover you better than that damned bathing suit did when you were seventeen. ”

The air was suddenly too thick to breathe, her sight dazed, filled with the color of Rowdy’s eyes and the desire she could see glowing in them. Her thighs tightened as she felt the tingle of response racing through her womb, rippling through her vagina.

“I’ll head the boat for the cove,” he whispered. “We could do some swimming, watch the moon rise over the lake. Would you like that, Kelly?”

“A bra and panties isn’t exactly a bathing suit. ” She drew in a deep breath, moving away from him as she tugged at the large shirt.

“It’s not exactly naked, either,” he said as he moved to the wheel column. “Think about it. So do we go to the cove anyway?” He glanced back at her, lifting a black brow suggestively.

Kelly breathed in deeply.

“The cove sounds like fun. ” She finally nodded firmly.

“And the clothes?” His gaze dropped over her body before coming back to her eyes.

She lifted her brow mockingly. “You haven’t done anything to deserve it yet, Rowdy,” she purred sweetly. “I guess I’ll just have to think about it. ”

She was going to have to think about it?

As he maneuvered the Nauti Buoy toward the hidden cove, Rowdy found a smile tugging at his lips. He might not deserve to see those loose clothes coming over her perky little body, but he was going to. The long, thin, denim shirt fell to her thighs and draped over her slender shoulders. Even her jeans were loose, a protective shell to cover herself with.

His jaw clenched at the thought. Kelly had never had a problem wearing clothes that emphasized her slender body, until now. The attack had changed that; she was nervous now, where before she had been confident of herself as a desirable, pretty young woman.

She didn’t tease him like she had for far too many years. She was more contained, quieter. And he realized he missed the spitfire she had been. By now, they should have been arguing loud enough to draw attention, while she drove him crazy with a combination of lust and exasperation.

Instead, she was standing at the glass sliding doors, staring into the distance reflectively as her fingers gripped the drapes at the side.

“I think you’re wrong, Kelly. ” He leaned into the back of the barstool he was sitting in, one hand gripping the wheel as the boat plowed through the water toward the cove.

“About what?” She turned back to him with a frown, her gray eyes twinkling with good humor.