Page 70 of Nauti Boy (Nauti 1)

The room was dark, too dark to make out his expression, but she could hear his voice, see the gleam of his eyes.

“I couldn’t sleep. ” She could feel the tension between them.

Rowdy sat at the edge of the bed, pausing before he sighed tiredly and bent to take off his sneakers.

“Rowdy?” She whispered his name, uncertain what to say, what to do as he rose to his feet and shucked off his jeans.

He was naked. As he turned to her she glimpsed the heavy, engorged length of his erection a second before she was suddenly jerked to him.

“Rowdy?” She gasped his name as his lips covered hers, stealing her breath, her startled cry.

And from there, her strength. His hands were hard, dominant as he tore the shirt from her body, tossing it carelessly to the floor before his lips took hers again. Her muted cries built in her head as he bore her to the bed, spreading her thighs, sinking into her.

There were no preliminaries. No foreplay. One moment she was empty, the next she was full, her pussy stretched to its limits as he groaned into her mouth.

She fought to breathe, and she could feel his struggle as well. The harsh sounds that tore from his throat were almost animalistic in their hunger, their intensity. His lips held back both their cries as he began to move, hard, furious strokes inside, sending her nerve endings into shock, the pleasure ripping through her with the same desperation with which his erection thrust into the slick, heated depths of her body.

Her arms wrapped about his neck, fingers pushing into his hair as one hard hand gripped her hip, holding her in place as he moved. The other arm curled beneath her as he supported himself on his elbow.

He surrounded her. He possessed her. Pleasure became a burning, consuming need as he fucked her with a hunger that swept through her soul. She could almost touch his soul. Then her eyes opened, widened, shock and ecstasy exploding through her as the orgasm overtaking her stole a part of her very spirit. Stole it and merged it with his. Melded them together as he stiffened above her, his cock swelling then pulsing as his release jetted inside her. Deep, almost violent spurts of his seed heated her, triggering another, deeper orgasm, sending stars to explode around her as she screamed soundlessly into his kiss.

“Mine!” The hard, throaty growl that left his throat had to have been her imagination. “Mine. ”

Possessive. Consuming. His.


“Rowdy, we’re not going to be able to keep her here. ” Dawg moved through the living room, checking the windows and their latches the next afternoon. “Your dad’s security system is good, but it won’t stop a bullet. ”

“Don’t know many that will,” Rowdy muttered, tamping down his impatience as he pushed his fingers through his hair and surveyed the living room.

He had been through the rest of the house, just as Dawg and Natches had been over the hill above it. The bastard was hiding there at night, watching the house, and he had a clear shot into every room from one point or another, if one of them messed up and didn’t close the curtains well enough.

And that didn’t change the fact that his dad and Maria were refusing to leave now. As was Kelly.

“He’ll come back at us quick enough to keep us from making headway into security here,” Natches drawled from the entryway. He was in that clearing across from her room last night. I never caught sight of him, but I could feel him. He was out there. And he’s damn good. ”


“We have to get her out of here, Rowdy,” Dawg reiterated. “Now. My gut is going crazy with this. Whoever the bastard is, he’s lost his damned mind. He won’t care who he kills to get to Kelly. ”

“Your place?” Rowdy’s eyes narrowed on Dawg’s expression. He could see the expectation there, the excitement.

Dawg’s house was an underground masterpiece built by his parents. The outside was cement and stone overlaid with roughened wood siding. The windows were extra thick and after Dawg’s return from the Marines, bulletproof. As far as anyone knew, there was only one way in or out. No one knew about the hidden entrance except for the three of them.

Dawg nodded. “It’s the most secure. ”

Rowdy braced himself. He could feel the sexual tension beginning to heat up in the room. His cousins had waited years for this. Hell, they all had.

“I’m not sharing her. ” The words were out of Rowdy’s mouth before he could stop them.

His head snapped up, his jaw tightening as Dawg and Natches stared back at him in surprise.

“Is that your decision or Kelly’s?” Natches tipped his head to the side and watched him curiously.

Rowdy found the look testing his temper. Natches liked to push and he liked to challenge things just for the hell of it. Rowdy hated the thought of fighting his cousin over something that should have been settled years before, but he would.

“It doesn’t matter whose decision it is. ” Rowdy pushed the words past his lips, attempting to contain the anger rising from his cousin’s question. “It’s not happening. We’ll move her to the house, but hands off. Period. ”