Page 66 of Nauti Boy (Nauti 1)

“I mean it, Kelly,” he growled, rising slowly to his feet as he pulled her after him. “Don’t fight me on this. Not right now. ”

She felt dazed, overtaken, her mind overwhelmed by the danger and the certainty that if she attempted to run from him, then he would chase her down. He wouldn’t let her go. Not now, not yet. Not before he shed blood.


Sheriff Ezekiel Mayes had surveyed the destruction of the Nauti Buoy after she limped into dock. His deputies were going through the interior as Kelly, Rowdy, Dawg, and Natches sat inside the small employees’ room of the marina.

Ray and Maria stood at the side of the room as Sheriff Mayes took their statements. Kelly could see the knowledge in the sheriff’s eyes as he questioned her, his gaze flickering to the Mackay cousins, a hint of disapproval lighting the golden brown depths of his eyes.

“You didn’t see anything at all?” His gaze went over the four of them once again. “Hard to believe three tough ex-Marines would let a stalker get the jump on them, especially considering those same Marines were well aware of the danger of the situation. ”

Kelly pressed her lips together as she clenched her hands in her lap. She had to grit her teeth to keep from defending the men. To keep from revealing the fact that she knew Rowdy had planned this. She knew he had, and it infuriated her.

“Come on, Zeke, you know better than that,” Rowdy bit out. “Kelly needed some time out. I thought the cove would be safe—”

“I’m not a fool, Rowdy,” the sheriff snapped. “I’m not buying that shit and neither is your daddy. ” He nodded to where Ray was staring back at his son with a heavy scowl.

“I’m old enough that my daddy’s opinion either way doesn’t sway me, Zeke,” Rowdy snapped back. “Now why don’t you let me take Kelly home to rest—”

“Kelly, letting these three mix you up in some crazy scheme to catch this stalker is a bad idea. ” The sheriff hunched down in front of her chair. “Let me handle this. We’ll catch him. ”

“You haven’t yet,” she whispered, shaking her head as anger and fear collided inside her.

Damn them all. She felt like a bone in the middle of a pack of wild dogs.

Compassion filled the sheriff’s eyes. “I’m not a vigilante, sweetheart. When he’s caught, I need the law on my side, not his. Kelly, if these boys suspect someone, I need to know. ”

“If I suspected anyone, you’d know it, Zeke. ” Rowdy’s voice was hard, cold. “Now leave her the hell alone. ”

“God, stop snapping around me. ” Kelly jerked to her feet, causing the sheriff to straighten and stare down at her with a heavy scowl. “All of you. I’ve had enough for tonight. I didn’t see anyone. I didn’t hear anything. We were on the lake to get the hell away from that bastard. That was all. ”

She pushed her fingers through her hair, aware of the strained silence filling the room. She glanced over at her mother, and saw knowledge there. They knew why she was at the lake with the three cousins. She and Ray knew, and though Kelly felt no embarrassment, no shame at the knowledge, what she did feel was a sudden certainty that this wasn’t a relationship she could endure.

Not because of the knowledge. Not because of morality. Because she didn’t love them. She loved Rowdy, and the discontent, the subtle anger building inside her for days now over his expectations were clawing at her heart. The attack had only reinforced it. She was tired of being controlled. Period. First by a damned stalker and then by her need to please Rowdy.

“I’m ready to go home. ” She shook her head before lifting her chin and staring around the room. “Now. I need to sleep and I need to think. ”

“You can go home. ” Sheriff Mayes nodded. “But I may need to ask you some more questions tomorrow. ”

“Fine. Whatever. ”

“Just a minute and I’ll drive you—” Rowdy began.

“I’ll ride with Mom and Ray,” she told him, ignoring the surprise that swept across his face. “I need to think, Rowdy. We can talk later. ”

“Kelly. ” He caught her arm as she moved to step past him. “We’ll be right behind you. ”


She moved her gaze over his cousins. She had been in their arms, felt their hunger and their lust, and despite the pleasure, she could feel her anger building. They were like little boys desperate to keep their newest toy close to them.

She inhaled deeply. “Whatever you want to do, Rowdy. ”

She pulled her arm from his grip before moving to Ray and her mother.

“Sure?” Ray asked her quietly.

“I just want to go home,” she muttered. “Now. ”