He was obviously wounded, Falcon thought with satisfaction. Trust Summer to shed blood. She was damned good at that.

“Mike.” Caleb stepped out in front of Summer, Mike, and that bastard helping him drag Summer through the night. “Let her go.”

Falcon glimpsed Mike’s face as the other man laid the barrel of his gun against Summer’s head.

“Well hell, and here I was hoping you wouldn’t know it was me.” Mike’s laugh was bitter, filled with anger. “You should have given me that loan I asked for, Caleb. Then I wouldn’t have had to do this.”

Falcon slipped closer, edging in from tree to tree.

The two Russians behind Mike and the larger abductor weren’t nearly as dangerous as the one holding his gun against Summer’s temple.

As Falcon moved into position to attempt to draw the lead kidnapper’s attention, he found Raeg to make certain his brother was in place to fire a killing shot to take the bastard out.

Raeg was lifting a rifle to his shoulder another guest, one of the Special Forces soldiers Falcon had seen earlier, had handed him.

There were others moving through the trees, silently, no more than shadows as they blocked any attempt to reach the boat waiting at the edge of the swamp beyond the glow of the flashlight Mike held.

“Just let her go,” Caleb suggested reasonably. “All of you can walk away then.”

Like hell, Falcon thought. Not a single bastard involved in dragging Summer from the house was getting out of there. At least, not alive.

“She’s not worth it, Caleb,” Mike snapped then, having obviously lost his senses. “She’s trouble. She always been, and you know it.”

“She’s my sister,” Caleb reminded him. “My baby sister. The one you tried to rape!” he snapped then. “Did you think I didn’t hear that shit? You betrayed all of us. We were family and you didn’t give a damn.”

“I’m losing the farm…”

“There’s no excuse,” Caleb snarled. “Now let her go.”

“She will die.” The Russian pressed the gun tighter to Summer’s head. “You will move, or I will kill her now.”

“Yeah?” Caleb sneered. “She’s the only thing keeping you alive, you dumb bastard. You really want to do that?”

The big Russian grinned as he moved the gun from Summer’s temple. Before he could reposition, a shot rang out.

Falcon watched as brain matter exploded from his big head and splattered against Summer’s face even as she tore herself from Mike’s grip and threw herself to the ground.

That shot wasn’t theirs. Neither were the three successive ones that took out the two Russians trailing Summer, and left Mike on the ground, groaning from a shot to his abdomen.

Falcon rushed for Summer, aware of Raeg at his side. Reaching her, they hauled her from the ground as half a dozen male guests followed, surrounding them as they quickly moved Summer from the line of fire while Caleb and his father dragged Mike behind the thick trunk of a nearby tree.

“Summer, baby?” Once within the cover of the trees, Falcon pushed Summer behind a stack of boulders resting against a pine, his hands running over her quickly as Raeg cushioned her against his own body, holding her close to his chest. “Are you okay?”

“Fine.” She nodded, her voice shaky, her face bruised. “Who took that shot?”

“Don’t know.” He shook his head, the vibration of the satellite phone tucked in his jacket pocket drawing his attention.

Jerking it quickly from his pocket, he stared at the display, shock resounding through him before he handed it to Raeg.

Dragovich at the Taggart hunting lodge.—Father

* * *

Raeg read the message and knew in an instant who had taken the shots.

“Caleb,” he called out.

“Who’s taking those fucking shots?” the other man answered.