When the already tight grip of her pussy began clenching further, milking at him, Raeg pushed her harder, thrusting faster inside her, the sound of wet flesh, of lust crazed thrusts and feminine cries filling the cabin as she stiffened in his arms and he felt her coming for him. Felt each explosion around his pounding erection, the rush of her juices and his own senses detonating with a release that he swore tore his soul from his body for fragile seconds.

His semen exploded from his cock, filled her, spilling inside her.

Groaning, shuddering, his hips jerked, tiny thrusts that extended the pleasure, uncontrollable, a reflex to the agonizing pleasure overtaking him.

His Summer.

His heart.

God, he loved her. Loved her until he was dying with it, dying for it.

She was his heart and his soul, and it was destroying him.



Saturday was dinner and dancing.

Summer had lost her appetite before the barbeque the day before and it hadn’t returned.

Steven had done a wonderful job with her hair, just as he’d promised, and the gift he’d had for her was absolutely exquisite.

His mother’s, he’d told her. It had been meant to go to any son he might have. Some men, he’d stated then, weren’t blessed with sons. He’d secured the bracelet around her wrist, declared it the perfect accessory to go with the tea-length emerald and cream chiffon dress with its slender straps and sweetheart bodice. The back ties held the dress snug around her breasts to her hips, where it then flared out in folds of weightless material that fell to her calves.

Flat sandals rather than her normal heels, her hair a lush, long skein of masterful ringlets that glistened with dozens of fragile silver chains dripping with emerald crystals threaded through them.

The front of her hair was pulled back from her face and secured at the crown of her head, the style flirty and playful, but casual enough for the setting.

Once Falcon and Raeg were gone, Steven had promised to cut her hair. They’d discussed various styles and settled on a layered cut that would end at her shoulders.

There was no sense in dealing with it for her own pleasure. She hadn’t kept it long for herself anyway. She’d kept it long because Falcon had so loved the length. She hadn’t known how much Raeg had found pleasure in it as well.

Now, standing beneath the garden lights, music drifting around her, Summer let her gaze find Falcon and Raeg once again where they stood, always watching her.

They hadn’t talked when they had reached the house. She’d barely had time to put her clothes on once she could move again, and after they helped her into the house and up to her room, once again Falcon and Raeg had left her to sleep alone.

She hadn’t protested it. It was what they wanted, and she hadn’t pushed it.

She’d already turned down just about everyone there, she figured. She loved to dance, but she couldn’t find any joy in the thought of dancing with another man. Especially as Raeg and Falcon watched.

“Summer, this is ridiculous,” Aunjenue hissed as she moved to her side. “Not a single dance…”

“Don’t.” Summer shook her head, afraid to discuss it, to hear a lecture on it.

She didn’t want to cry, and she could feel the tears building, tightening in her throat and dampening her eyes.

“I think I hate them,” Aunjenue muttered, the warm weight of her hand settling against Summer’s shoulders for a moment. “They’re killing you.”

She shook her head again. “It’s the only way to let go, Auna,” she told her sister.

She understood what they were doing, and why they were doing it. She had been so determined to find a husband, a family, that she had agreed to these parties. They weren’t going to interfere, they were letting her go instead. And now, that husband, those children who weren’t theirs … she couldn’t do it. She knew she’d never be able to do it.

“Daddy’s so mad he’s threatenin’ to start to find a chew,” Aunjenue told her. “That’s bad, sis.”

That was very bad. Her father hadn’t practiced the disgusting habit of chewing tobacco since he’d been discharged from the military. To her knowledge, there were only a few times in the years since that he’d threatened to pick it back up.

“Everything will be okay,” she promised her sister. “I promise. Daddy won’t start chewing again, Momma won’t let him.”