“Tell me how good it is, Summer,” he groaned, his hips shifting, stroking inside her. “Tell me why you love it, baby.”

Why? Why she loved it?

“It hurts so good,” she moaned. “Oh God, Raeg, I love it because it hurts so good. Because you make my pussy burn for more…”

* * *

He lost it.

She said “pussy.” Saying “fuck” was bad enough. Whenever she said “fuck,” it tempted the leash on his control but didn’t break it. But she said “pussy”. She said he made her “pussy burn.”

The snarl that tore from his throat was a sound he’d never made before, and he wasn’t certain why he was making it now except that it happened the second he lost his mind. The feel of her pussy clenched so tight around his cock, so slick and hot, rippling and milking his flesh, was simply too much when combined with that husky drawl whispering those naughty words. Just way too damned much.

Levering back, kneeling between her thighs, he pushed her knees back, holding her in place, tilting her pussy to him. He began rocking inside her furiously. Short, furious thrusts, stroking her inner flesh with a friction certain to destroy both of them.

His balls drew tight to the base of his cock, her pussy tightened even further, sucking at the head of his dick, clenching and rippling until he heard her cries change from pleading to ecstatic.

She jerked in his hold, her body shuddering with each hard explosion as it tightened her further around his cock, had her pussy sucking at it harder, tearing the last of his sanity free and sending him hurtling into a release that rocked his soul.

Gathering her to him and groaning at each hard pulse of semen jetting from his cock inside the brutally tight confines of her pussy, Raeg knew there would never be anything this good in his life again.

Not just the complete, overwhelming pleasure, but the feeling racing through him as

he held her to him in the aftermath. The melting, softening feeling in his chest that he’d never felt in his life until this moment.

“Hold me, just for a minute,” she whispered when he would have pulled from her. “Let me hold you…”

The words broke off just as her voice seemed to echo with emotion. An emotion that intensified that feeling radiating through his senses.

“I have you, baby,” he whispered, rolling to his side and holding her close to his chest, feeling her hand press against his heart as he cupped the back of her head and held her to him.

“This is so dangerous.” Her voice was so soft he could barely make out the words. “You know it is, just as Falcon knows.”

“I know it is.” Still, he stroked her back with his other hand, luxuriating in the softness of her skin. “We both know it is.”

He felt her breathing hitch before she controlled it, breathing in deep as a tremor shook her.

“You can’t stay, can you?” she asked. “When this is over, when Dragovich is gone, you and Falcon won’t stay, will you?”

He stared into the sun-drenched room, fighting the past, wanting nothing more than to hold onto this moment and knowing it simply wasn’t possible.

“No,” he finally answered, hating it, hating himself and everything he hadn’t known he wanted until this moment. “We can’t stay, Summer.”

She didn’t stiffen in his arms, didn’t pull away or become angry. A sense of resignation settled over her instead as she nodded against his chest.

“We can have this right now though.” Tilting her head, she stared up at him as he turned his head to meet her gaze. “Until Dragovich is taken care of. We can have this, without questions or recriminations?”

The vulnerability in her gaze caused his chest to ache.

“No questions, no recriminations,” he agreed. “But only here, in your home. What the world doesn’t know can’t hurt any of us.”

Especially her. If no one knew how much she meant to him and Falcon, then she couldn’t be hurt because of it, because of them. That was all that mattered. That was all he cared about, nothing else. Protecting her as much as possible.

* * *

What the world didn’t know couldn’t hurt them.

Laying her head against his chest once again, Summer fought to hold back her tears, to keep from sobbing in despair. She pushed it back, swallowed against the pain, and promised herself there would be a time to cry later.