Stepping behind her, Falcon lowered his head, his lips just above her ear.

“Might I join you, Belle?” he asked gently. “Or is this pleasure for you and Raeg alone?”

He couldn’t imagine not being part of the very thing he’d conspired to begin for years, the very pleasure that he knew he hadn’t craved alone. Raeg had battled the need for her, battled his own emotions and hungers with a strength Falcon couldn’t have found in himself in the same circumstances.

* * *

Summer froze, the erotic whimper rising in her throat barely silenced, weakness flooding her, carnal sensuality rushing through her system.

She could barely breathe. She’d fantasized for far too long, masturbated to the wicked thoughts of these two men. There had been too many sleepless nights, too many times she had tossed and turned, tormented by the unknown, but the need to touch, to taste the power and passion she’d imagined they could unleash on her senses.

Forcing her eyes open she was caught by the gold and brown raptor’s eyes watching her so closely.

“Oh, she wants,” Raeg stated softly. “Those pretty eyes are full of how much she wants.”

What was she doing?

Her hands fell from Raeg’s hair to his shoulders, her fingers clenching in the material of his shirt as Falcon’s broad hands rested on her hips. The heat of them sank through the thin material of the black sheath she still wore, sensation building in her skin beneath it.

Still caught by Raeg’s eyes, she forced herself to breathe, not to whimper, as Falcon’s hands slid slowly up her sides, curving beneath her arms, then drawing them up until he was placing her hands against the sides of his neck where he held them firmly.

As Falcon held her to him, keeping her arms raised, her body opened and vulnerable, Summer lost control of the moan trapped in her throat. Raeg’s hands smoothed up her sides, his head bending as his hands framed the sides of her breasts, lifting them to further reveal the upper curves of her sensitive flesh.

The rasp of his lips over them, the stroke of his tongue, and the eroticism of the act drugged her senses. Helpless against the sensations surging through her, her eyes drifted closed and she had no choice but to let Falcon support her weight. Because it felt so good, because pleasure was racing through her with such a high, she was helpless against it.

“Summer, did you still want…”

Her eyes jerked open, and Raeg sprang back from her so fast that if she’d been depending on him for balance, she would have ended up on the floor. Thankfully, Falcon didn’t seem nearly so ashamed to be caught by the senator.

“Oh well…” Davis Allen cleared his throat, his gray eyes filled with shock as they went from Summer to Raeg to Falcon and back to Summer. “Whenever you’re ready dear…” Summer lowered her arms, the feel of Falcon’s hands now at her hips kept her balanced as she found her feet once again, his hold possessively warm.

Backing out of the room, a flush suffusing his dark features, the senator quickly closed the door, leaving a heavy, suddenly uncomfortable silence behind.

Summer stared at Raeg’s back where he stood across the room now, close to the door, rubbing at the back of his neck.

“Deal with this,” Raeg told his brother, the brusque, cool tone of his voice tinged with regret. “I have to go.”

And just that fast, he was gone.

Shame washed through her.

Whatever he’d meant to do, he definitely hadn’t wanted anyone to know about it.

“God forbid anyone should believe he stooped so low as to actually touch the little Georgia hick,” she whispered. “How embarrassing.”

“Summer, that wasn’t…”

“Just stop, Falcon.” She turned to him, inhaling deeply at the tenderness in his expression. “I know you’re going to defend him, and it’s not needed.”

She stared up at him, the cool, pale blue eyes that belied all the emotions she knew this brother hid inside. His Spanish nature rarely showed in his expression or his gaze, but they’d worked together long enough that she could often tell what he was feeling when no one else could.

“I need to go,” she whispered, hearing the shakiness in her voice, feeling that trapped, smothering sensation that sometimes surrounded her. “Please. I just need some time…”

He laid two fingers against her lips. “I came to your room to wish you farewell, sweetheart, not to argue with you or attempt to change your mind,” he told her softly. “But running isn’t going to help. I know you, and we both know that’s what you’re doing.”

“I need to rest.” She was so tired. Summer could feel the weariness building inside her. She’d never imagined the past was as broken as it had been, and that those she’d been so loyal to could have betrayed her and those she cared about so easily.

She’d always known the world wasn’t what others perceived it to be, but to learn it was even worse than that had shaken her to her core.