The low strangled cry was not quite enough to draw Raeg’s attention. But it would be, Falcon swore. Very soon, it would be.

Keeping her arms stretched above her, he sucked, nibbled, teased her nipples. Suckling kisses were given to the tight little buds, each caress drawing her deeper into the hunger building between them, loosening her restraint and her fears of being overheard.

Control was always the issue for Falcon when taking a woman alone, especially one he knew would begin instinctively fighting the need for pleasures she had never imagined hungering for. Restraining her kept her focused on her own pleasure rather than pleasuring him. She had no choice but to let her senses fill with each sensation.

Gripping the tender nipple between his teeth and exerting just enough pressure to create that pleasure-pain that shocked the senses, he licked over it, adding to the sensations before he released it and sucked it firmly. The taste of her skin, the hardness of the little bud against his tongue, the throb of reaction a little pulse in the tip, making him hungrier for her.

He’d known she’d respond to that edge of sensation between pleasure and pain. That place where a woman’s sensuality became far too curious and her inhibitions surged free.

Summer’s moans went from strangled to unrestrained. Her head tossed against the bed, her body shuddered, perspiration slickening her flesh as he alternated his caresses, soothing, fierce, sucking hard and tight against the sensitive flesh, then licking it, easing it before making it burn again. From one nipple to the other, he tormented each in turn, wondering how much more she would have loved it had Raeg been there to concentrate on one breast as he had the other.

Soon, her cries echoed around him, and still Raeg was not there.

Regret and disbelief that his brother could be so stubborn filled him. Summer wasn’t the only one who would fight what she knew would complete her. Even Raeg, it seemed, was determined to wage that battle.

* * *

It was her cries.

Stepping from the bathroom into his bedroom, a towel around his hips, Raeg felt his dick go rock-hard instantly at the sound of them.

Iron. Spike. Hard.

Hungry, desperate cries. The faintest sound of them, hoarse and resonating with such pleasure it couldn’t be contained, hit his senses like a sledgehammer. It was a sound he thought he’d never hear, from a woman he’d tried to convince himself he couldn’t have.

He knew that sound, knew the edge of confusion, of dazed uncertainty that filled each cry. He knew, and he was helpless against it. It was a sound that had filled his fantasies, his darkest dreams, and filled every hungry desire he had for Summer.

Leaving the bedroom, Raeg walked to Summer’s room, the open door an invitation he couldn’t resist. Didn’t resist. He then stepped into his greatest fantasy.

Summer, spread on the bed, her wrists captured in one of Falcon’s hands, the hard tip of a breast being sucked firmly as Falcon drew her slowly into a pleasure she couldn’t know was coming.

“Now,” she demanded, breathless, that edge of desperation in her tone an assurance that the need Falcon had struck a match to, she was going to instinctively fight it. Raeg could hear it in her cries, her plea that his brother take her now. She would fight each level of pleasure she would be drawn into, and that struggle would only intensify his and Falcon’s pleasure in taking her.

And he knew Falcon. His brother would struggle against the demands, but his hunger and hers would make it difficult to pull her into that dark edge where she’d begin craving sensations one lover alone would find difficult to harness.

As he watched, Falcon’s free hand moved slowly over her thigh, the silken, slick bare flesh between her thighs drawing his touch. He couldn’t resist it, not alone, not without a reminder that it wasn’t quite the time for a deeper, more intimate touch yet.

“Falcon.” Raeg spoke firmly just before his brother found the sweet, heavy juices spilling from her. “It’s too soon.”

Summer shuddered. Raeg saw the hard, rippling response to the carnality and nearing orgasm that nearly exploded inside her at the sound of his reminder.

His brother released the hard, reddened nipple, his blue eyes several shades darker with the needs he was fighting.

“Do you require a third?” Raeg asked, desperate to touch Summer, aching for it. Every muscle in his body was strung tight, tension radiating through him as his hunger burned hotter than he could ever remember feeling it burn.

“A third?” Falcon snapped, his voice darker, deeper with the struggle to hold back his lusts. “I don’t need a damned third, I need an equal.”

A commitment to Summer, to her pleasure, to the woman and the needs waiting for them to unlock inside her. An integral part of the relationship, free to take her with or without his brother. She would be as much his as she was Falcon’s. And the thought of that was like a heady drug rushing through his senses.

“Very well,” he agreed, barely hesitating. “An equal.”

The second he acknowledged it he felt a shift inside him, a knowledge he simply couldn’t face at that moment. Later, he decided. He’d consider it later, when his mind wasn’t clouded with his needs as well as Summer’s.

Moving around the bed as Falcon shifted position and moved behind her head, Raeg met her violet gaze with a slow smile.

“Is she going to fight it?” he asked his brother as he dropped the

towel from his hips and watched the haze of sensuality intensify in her expression.