It wasn’t a request, and acknowledging that had her reacting instinctively. Lifting herself enough to pull the material over her hips, she gripped the hem and pulled it over her head before dropping it to the floor next to the bed.

His gaze dropped to her breasts, lashes shielding his eyes though his breathing was deeper now, heavier.

“Lie back across the bed, Belle.” The demand was softly voiced.

Demand, or request? She couldn’t differentiate, but the sound of it had her fighting back a whimper, fighting just to breathe as she moved to the center and stretched across it, pulling the braid out of the way instinctively.

“No fight?” he asked, his knee pressing into the bed as he lifted himself to her, coming down beside her.

“Do you want me to fight?” She watched warily as he gripped her wrists and pulled them over her head, staring down at her breasts as he did so.

“I want you to let me give you exactly what I know you need.” His head lowered, his lips brushing over hers, their gazes locking.

His hand tightened at her hip, the other slid into loosely weaved strands of hair, gripping them with erotic pressure. The wicked tug and subtle restraint had her stilling, shock surging through her as some inner core of feminine submission sent a wave of pure bliss shuddering through her senses.

The contradictory, completely unfamiliar sensations left her reeling, uncertain whether to orgasm or panic, and as she stared back at Falcon, she knew, knew, somehow, that she’d given him exactly what he’d wanted, but hadn’t been certain he’d find.

She wasn’t entirely certain that was a good thing.

* * *

There it was.

The steel core of sexual dominance Falcon had always hid from he

r rushed forward when she stilled beneath him and those violet eyes darkened, flaring with the unconscious sexual submission that only a strong, otherwise dominant woman could possess when beneath a lover she sensed could harness and control all that wild hunger inside her.

“Maybe this isn’t a good idea.” Panic, it was there in her eyes, in her voice.

“Should we continue to play games instead?” he asked, tugging at her hair once again. “Go back to pretending we are not dying for exactly what burns between us at this moment?”

Sweet Summer.

Confusion filled her pretty eyes. She did not even know what she wanted so desperately, why no other man had ever given her what she’d known he and Raeg could give her. And it was exactly what he needed himself to sate the greedy lust that always rose whenever he was around her.

If he gave her time to think about this first, then her fears would pull her back. And that he simply could not allow.

Before she could make another protest, his lips covered hers. Slanting over the soft curves, Falcon took the taste of her with greedy hunger as her arms wrapped around his neck, her body arching to him.

Catching her wrists, he drew them over her head, holding them with one hand and cursing his brother’s stubbornness. Had Raeg been there he would have restrained her, held her arms above her head and helped Falcon to give her a pleasure she could only know with both of them. A pleasure he couldn’t give her alone.

It would take both of them to fully sate this woman’s hungers. He had always known this.

She arched against him, moaning into his kiss, her tongue dueling against his, challenging for control. Taking her alone would be more pleasure than he’d known in his life. But how much better could it be?

Pulling back, he stared down at her, taking in her flushed features, her passion-drugged gaze, the arch of her swollen, flushed breasts and cherry red nipples.

“Do you wish he was here as well?” he asked, grimacing in hunger at the thought as he cupped the silken weight of her breast. “That both of us touched you?”

For a moment something so hungry and tormented flashed in her gaze before it was gone.

“Does it matter?” she whispered, her voice filled with need. “He’s not here.”

Her nipples darkened, became harder at the thought of it though.

“If he was,” he told her, “we would hold you between us and both sweet nipples would know the hunger we have for them.”

His head lowered, his lips covering one hard peak, teeth raking it, then his lips closing on it as he sucked the tempting morsel into his mouth.