They were already a part of her.

* * *

Raeg watched Summer enter the house from the shadowed doorway leading to the hall at the other side of the kitchen. With the lights out and the shades closed, the hall was the darkest part of the house. Not that that was why he was there. He was there because it was the best place in the house to install one of the cameras he was using to monitor the place.

Still, he didn’t let her know he was standing there. He just watched her. The long beige print skirt she wore swished around her ankles, making her look more delicate, more fragile than ever. The thin top she wore emphasized her surprisingly full breasts, the rounded shape a perfect handful and topped with the prettiest nipples.

His cock, already hard and aching, swelled further, throbbing its reminder that he hadn’t touched her since the other night. He hadn’t tasted her kiss, hadn’t felt the glove-tight heat of her pussy milking at his erection.

He grimaced as she finished washing the coffee service she and Aunjenue had used and left the kitchen. And of course, he followed her, knowing where she was heading, knowing he didn’t think he could go much longer without taking her.

He was worse than a moth to a flame, he thought with a heavy breath before following her, drawn to her by a hunger he simply did not want to ignore any longer.

Letting her escape into her room before following her up the stairs, Raeg came to a stop at her open bedroom door and watched her as he leaned against the doorframe, a grin edging at his lips. She had her back to the doorway, but he had no doubt she knew he was standing there watching her.

She sat on the side of the bed, all those long, black waves and curls falling to just above her hips. She looked sweet and innocent. Her head was bent to allow her to see the screen of her tablet, the slightest turn of her body allowing him to glimpse her profile.

“Stop starin’ at me,” she finally ordered him, tossing a querulous look over her shoulder. “What are you doin’ here anyway? I thought you and Falcon were goin’ out with Daddy to see the security protocols.”

Ah yes, that reminded him.

“Why is this place more secure than some presidential retreats I’ve seen? Hell, you have working cameras just inside the swamp and some of the most cleverly disguised shelters Falcon swears he’s ever seen submerged in the water. And that’s not counting the security measures we only suspect are in place.” Raeg grumbled, remembering how impressed Falcon had been.

Her lips twitched. “And once you’re gone, every bit of it will be taken down and moved.”

Standard procedure, he thought. If you can’t move the safe house, then change the security used for the safe house.

“Or just what Falcon has been shown will be taken down?” he grunted, straightening and walking across the room so he could better see her expression.

“Well now, anything’s possible when you’re dealin’ with a former CIA intelligence analyst and her Delta Force husband. Momma was with the CIA when she and Daddy met on a mission somewhere in Asia. Then there’s Caleb, he’s former Special Forces.” She laid aside her tablet to count off fingers. “Bowe’s a sniper with the best eyes I’ve ever heard tell of and Brody spent his life in the swamp learnin’ everything my uncle David, Momma’s brother, knew about native warfare. You could say all that trainin’ and subsequent war stories builds a bit of paranoia in a man’s mind. Not to mention a woman’s.”

That was possible, he thought. Perhaps not probable, but possible.

“Six guesthouses?” He lifted a brow with the question.

Summer’s eyes widened. “There’s a lot of relations that come in during family reunions, weddings, funerals.” The innocence in her expression would have been believable if he didn’t know her so damned well.

“So why did Caleb send men out to get those guesthouses ready for occupation?” he asked, watching her carefully. If he hadn’t been watching her so closely he would have missed the little telltale sign of deception so unique to Summer it always amazed him.

She didn’t blink, her gaze didn’t change, her lips didn’t thin. When Summer was hiding something from him or Falcon, she had the oddest reaction, something that never happened if she lied to anyone else or when she was on a mission. When she was deceiving them though, she always made the mistake of giving the cutest little twitch of her nose. Just like she just did.

“Momma has some family coming in. You know my cousin just had that pretty baby of hers?” She grinned as though that said it all. “She’s six weeks old now, plenty old enough to show off to family. We’re all very close you know.”

Ingenious. He had to give it to her, but her nose twitched again. Just a little bit. Nothing others would catch onto very quickly. And then there was the fact that she didn’t exactly lie. No doubt family was coming, he was just curious as to why. And yes, her cousin just had a baby, the infant was six weeks old. And she no doubt felt six weeks was old enough for family to be viewing it. Each sentence stood on its own and created a perfect cover without actually lying.

Moving across the room until he stood in front of her, he couldn’t help but marvel at the quickness of her response as well.

“And you’re sticking to that story?” he asked, staring down at her and seeing the latent amusement lingering in her gaze.

Leaning back, she propped her hands on the mattress behind her hips and gave him a look of sweet surprise.

It wasn’t a look he found comforting.

“Of course I am, sugar. It’s always best to stick to the truth, ya know.” The playful smile edging at her lips only made his dick harder, only made him hungrier for her.

Damn her, he wanted to push her to the bed, slide between her thighs and pound inside her with animal lust. That was what she did to him. Made him so desperate to come, his balls ached.

As she stared up at him, the laughter in her eyes slowly faded and a flush began to heat the skin of her face.