“You’re a grown woman, Summer,” Raeg told her softly without looking at her. “I’d think explanations aren’t needed.”

Her daddy just looked at him. Just gave him one of those long, disappointed looks that could make his own children feel five again.

“They aren’t needed,” she assured him brokenly, feeling her throat tightening with tears and regret. “But a woman should have an excuse for letting a man that’s so disrespectful to her daddy actually handle her with such familiarity.”

Her breathing hitched as she felt her hands shaking, felt the little girl and the woman standing in such conflict now that she had no idea how to handle it.

Her daddy just shook his head before turning his gaze to her. His look was gentle but watchful, as though he suddenly didn’t quite know what to expect of her.

As though he didn’t know her.

“I’m sorry, Daddy.” Pushing her fingers through her hair, she glanced at Raeg’s back, then at Falcon’s hardening expression. “I’m very sorry. This was the wrong place…” She dropped her gaze, shaking her head. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, then turned and rushed from beneath the tree, unable to meet his gaze, Falcon’s, or Raeg’s.

Oh Lord, she just couldn’t believe this. She’d never be able to face her daddy again.

* * *

The wrong place …

At least she hadn’t said he was the wrong man, Raeg thought as he met her father’s gaze again, refusing to back down in the silent war that seemed to be going on between them.

“Go after her, Falcon,” Cal ordered, his voice low. “Don’t let her cry.”

“Yes sir.” Throwing Raeg another hard glare, Falcon turned and obeyed just like some damned pup conditioned to obedience. Was there something in the damned water here? Something that made grown men and women jump to this man’s command?

“Aunjenue,” the elder Calhoun called out.

“Yes, Daddy?” If Raeg wasn’t mistaken, there was the slightest bit of amusement in the girl’s tone.

“Get your ass to the house, girl, and stop eavesdroppin’,” he ordered her firmly.

“Yes, Daddy.” Instant fucking obedience.

Cal leaned heavily on the walking stick he carried, clasping it with both hands, despite the fact that he stood perfectly straight and tall, his expression thoughtful.

“If you’re waiting for an apology, it’s not coming, Mr. Calhoun,” Raeg informed the older man. “I’d say Summer just did enough groveling for the both of us.”

Summer’s father nodded slowly. “I didn’t imagine it was,” he finally said. “A man who can’t see his woman’s love for her family wouldn’t understand why one was needed, even when it was.”

The subtle insult wasn’t lost on Raeg, it was just ignored.

“She’s not my woman.” The words were pushed out between clenched teeth. Deliberately. “I told you, I have no claim on her.”

Some glint of satisfaction filled the other man’s gaze then. Whatever caused it, Raeg wasn’t certain, but he could feel his gut tightening in foreboding with it.

“Good then,” he declared, that satisfaction filling his voice. “That’s damned good then. No hard feelings, boy. My girl has more common sense than most. You might fool her for a bit, but she’ll wake up. When she does, she’ll kick your ass to the curb and send you packing, I have no doubt. I’ll say good evening then. See ya’ll in the morning.”

Turning, he let the limbs fall back in place, leaving Raeg standing in the darkened interior, confused, wondering what the hell that meant.

And the satisfaction in the older man’s gaze? He was damned glad Raeg had no intention of claiming Summer. Happy even.

Raeg’s fists clenched at his side, his jaw aching because his teeth were clenched so tight.

He’d be damned. Caleb Calhoun Sr. didn’t think Raeg was good enough for his pretty little daughter. Now, didn’t that just beat it all?

* * *

Summer left her parents’ home well after dark and returned to her own house, her brother following her until she disappeared into the house and locked up. She was mortified her daddy had caught her in such a compromising position. Why, if she even thought she’d nearly caught her momma and daddy getting so personal, she’d just die.