

The next day, Raeg had to escape the maddening atmosphere of the Calhoun house long before Summer was ready to leave. The woman was driving him crazy, and her daddy was just pissing him off.

The son of a bitch just couldn’t shut up about the men who were sometimes present for Sunday dinner, and how her momma had to refuse several requests from others to join them for Sunday dinner.

Her gentleman callers—Cal had called them that again that morning—were pressing her parents as well as her brothers for invitations to breakfast, dinner, or just a fucking visit?

Summer had gentlemen callers while she was home? And Summer spent the better part of the year home, Raeg told himself later that day.

According to her father, some mornings there could be up to three socially acceptable men from the area who would be at Sunday breakfast to charm Summer.

Damn her.

No wonder she spent so much damned time in Georgia.

And who the hell was this woman who bowed down to her family, fetched and carried for her father, and actually hand-washed dishes in a kitchen because that was how her momma liked them washed. Her momma had enough money to line the damned state in dishwashers, yet she refused to have one in her own house.

Come to think of it, there wasn’t one in Summer’s house either. He’d be damned if he was handwashing dishes just because he decided to dirty something. He knew what dishwashers were made for, and he damned well knew how to use one.

When he’d finally had enough of the stranger that was Summer, he’d escaped. He simply couldn’t handle watching her father order her here and there every five or ten minutes. Raeg had finally had to excuse himself and leave the porch with its overhead fans and stifling heat to head back to Summer’s house. Otherwise, he was going to end up telling the old bastard exactly what he thought of him.

Somehow, between the acre or so that separated the two houses, he’d wandered from the sidewalk leading through a long line of tall, heavily limbed weeping willows.

Centuries old, their branches hanging thick and heavy to the ground and intermingling from tree to tree, they created a perfect canopy, almost an umbrella effect that completely hid the clearings beneath them.

The living boundary was an exceptional privacy screen and the perfect hiding place for an enemy. With that in mind, he’d stepped beneath a few of them, just to see what he was dealing with, and found the cool, sheltered areas of comfort they held.

The whole damned farm was a security nightmare, and her family would drive a man to drink. Brothers, sister, mother, and a father who not only treated his daughter like a maid but who saw and knew far more than he should.

Lingering beneath the thick curtain of limbs of one of the trees, Raeg fully admitted he might well be hiding from the crazy people Summer called her family.

Relaxed back on the wide, padded swing, he could understand Falcon’s fascination with the shorter, narrower swing on the Calhoun’s front porch.

This one was actually long enough to stretch back and nap on if a man wanted to and just wide enough for company if he had Summer’s body stretched out ben

eath him.

Summer’s body.

He throttled a groan.

All he could think about was fucking her when she was in residence at the Hampstead estate. Luckily, Falcon was rarely there at the same time she visited during those times. That was the only reason he’d held out until now.

Now, they’d already had her though, burned in her sweet heart, and he found he only craved more of her. Hell, he couldn’t get enough.

He was so damned hard, so hungry for her, it was all he could do to keep his hands off her. Not that Falcon bothered to restrain his need to touch her. His brother never had. He was always pulling her into an embrace, sliding his arm around her, or holding her hand if they were moving in the same direction.

Like some fucking teenager with his first love.

When Raeg had refused his suggestion they wake her that morning, Falcon had flashed that cocky grin of his and gone to her bedroom alone. And like a fool, Raeg had stood at the bedroom doorway, dying as he watched his brother send her screaming into orgasm as Raeg held her gaze.

Had he been smart enough to join them then? Well, hell no he hadn’t. He’d retreated to the shower and jacked off instead, determined to maintain as much distance as possible.

Now, all he could think about was fucking her again. But hell, that was all he’d thought about for years where Summer was concerned. He and Falcon both had lusted after her with a strength that terrified Raeg.

He was still shocked by the fact that his brother had insisted on not taking her to his bed alone for so many years. Falcon kept claiming she was a woman worth relishing, and she could never be relished properly by him alone. Taking her alone would only be an appetizer to the real thing, not the satisfaction he craved, the other man had stated.