Ecstasy exploded through her.

Her mouth tightened on Falcon’s cock, her tongue undulating just beneath the head. Orgasmic explosions ripped through her senses, jerked through her body, and sent her hurtling into chaos.

No more than a heartbeat later, Falcon’s hands tightened further in her hair, amplifying the pleasure before she felt the first, rapid pulse of semen fill her mouth, shocking her senses.

That first taste, and she wanted more. Each rapid taste of male heat, slightly salty, reminiscent of a Georgia thunderstorm. It filled her taste buds and added to the explosions tearing through her.

And with each, hard detonation of pleasure rocking, Raeg’s lips and tongue were there to catch, to taste, the release of her juices spilling from her.

It was never-ending, only to end far too soon.

Falcon’s still-erect cock pulled from her lips, his voice soothing, deep, as Raeg eased from between her thighs. His lips and tongue were no longer tormenting her, driving her deeper into that climactic storm.

Collapsing to the bed, the sweetest lassitude swept through Summer. Stealing over her, dragging her into a quiet, dark place where nothing existed but the warm peace she’d been craving.

Finally …



Summer’s eyes opened as Raeg turned her onto her back. He watched her breath catch, need still simmering in her dark violet eyes as he pushed her legs apart. He lifted her knees, placing them over his spread thighs as he knelt between them. Sliding his hands to her hips, and rather than coming over her, he dragged her body forward, her hips tilting until the wide, flared crest of his erection kissed the naked folds of her saturated pussy. Pleasu

re shot up his spine and drew a ragged groan from his chest.

“How fucking pretty,” Falcon’s voice sounded like a growl as Raeg watched his brother lie beside her, his hand smoothing over her stomach, his broad palm stroking against her abdomen. “I want to see this, baby. To hear your pleasure. This is what we dream of, Summer, seeing all the hunger and need inside you, and stoking it as hot, as wild as it can go.”

She was pretty. So damned pretty it was all Raeg could do to breathe when he saw her sometimes. And now—his gaze lowered between her thighs, watched as the glistening folds of her pussy parted, embracing the broad crest of his cock.

He had to clench his jaw to hold back. His teeth locked together so tight they ached. The slick, juice-laden flesh cupped the end of his cock, the narrow entrance flexing, heat easing from the inner channel as he began pressing forward. His hands clenched on her thighs as he watched, felt the brutal pleasure beginning from the head of his dick to his balls as they drew tight at the base of the shaft.

“Oh God…” She tried to tighten her thighs as her pussy flexed, caressing each inch of his flesh as he worked it inside the snug channel.

“Hell, she’s so fucking tight,” he groaned, pushing in deeper, easing back, then forcing inside her by slow degrees once again. Each inner contraction around the sensitive crest was destructive.

So hot, so damned good …

Her fingers fisted in the blankets beneath her, hips arching as strangled cries left her lips.

Flushed features were dazed with her pleasure, those pretty violet eyes so dark, so wild with her climb to release that they were nearly black. Dazed, her face suffused with the intensity of sensation. And he was mesmerized by that look, torn between watching as he pushed inside her and watching her face as each inch stretched her inner flesh.

He’d told himself he could keep this from happening, could maintain the distance, could keep her so angry that she wouldn’t let him touch her. But he’d known, he thought fatalistically as a groan tore from his chest, that he was lying to himself. Lying to himself and endangering her in ways he’d never wanted to. Just as he was endangering his own soul.

Because Summer wasn’t the only one mesmerized by the pleasure. He was dying from it. With each shallow thrust, each clench of her snug pussy around the head of his cock, his sensations became sharper, his pleasure deeper.

“That’s it, baby,” he whispered as her hips jerked in his grip, trying to push him deeper as her cries of pleasure filled his senses. “You’re so sweet and tight. You like that little burn, don’t you? That little bit of pain mixed with the pleasure.”

His gaze slid to Falcon, watching as his brother kissed his way down Summer’s perspiration-dewed neck to the tight, hard points of her nipples. The flushed, pebbled tips were cherry red, flushed and swollen and drawing Falcon’s attention as Summer arched against the tight, controlled thrusts of Raeg’s erection inside her.

“Please.” Her voice was low, her body straining as he worked his cock deeper inside her in slow, controlled thrusts, easing inside her, torturing himself with the pleasure, with the heat searing his flesh and tightening around his erection.

He wanted to enjoy this. Every sensation, every cry from her pouty, reddened lips, the sight of her struggling to accept a pleasure so extreme it was tearing through her senses.

As Falcon’s lips neared the swollen point of a nipple, Raeg eased back, pausing, his cock resting just inside the entrance of the snuggest grip he’d ever known in his life.

The second his brother’s lips covered the sensitive tip, Raeg pushed inside her in a long, hard stroke. The pleasure suddenly gripping the sensitive length of his cock was violent.

Each time Falcon’s cheeks drew in, creating a firm suction on her sensitive nipple, her pussy flexed and rippled around Raeg’s erect flesh, the action sending warning strikes of raw pleasure racing straight to his balls.