The throb and caress of the thick cock head deep inside her was driving her insane. She wanted the hard strokes, the furious thrusts. This gentle caress inside her, where she was most sensitive, was making her insane.

“I love how you hold me here. ” He nipped her ear, drew it into his mouth, and soothed the tiny hurt.

Jaci stared at him in dazed pleasure, her eyes locking with his as his head lay beside hers, his lips touching hers.

“You’re torturing me,” she cried, breathless, fighting to move, to force him to give her that last stroke of sensation needed to throw her over the edge.

“I’m loving you. ” He caught her lower lip before she could reply, nipped it, licked it.

The ice green of his eyes was fiery now, burning with pleasure, with hunger.

“Then do it. ” She whimpered as he released her lip and licked it again. “Take me, Cam. ”

“Soft and easy?” He shifted, pulled back, then slid into her with such destructive ease that she wanted to scream out with the punch of ecstasy that ricocheted inside her.

“Or hard and fast?”

He held her hips and slammed inside her. Her back arched, bowed, she screamed out his name and a second before the flames consumed her, he stopped.

He stopped. Just stilled inside her and did that stroking thing that made her so crazy. Ah God, if he didn’t move, if he didn’t pound inside her, she was going to die. She could feel herself shaking from the inside out. Burning, flaming, so desperate to orgasm that she clawed at the hood of the car again.

“Easy sweetheart. ” His hands trapped hers, holding them still. “Let’s just play a little bit. See what you like. See how much you like. ” He pulled back and slammed inside her. Once. Just once.

“No. Oh God. Damn you, Cam. ” She fought to push against him, to find the incredible, mindless pleasure of seconds before.

“Ahh, my baby likes it hard and fast,” he crooned. “Whatever you want, Jaci. However you want it. All you have to do is tell me. ”

“Fast. Fast. ” She wanted to scream the words. “Damn you, Cam, fuck me. Hard. Fast. ”

He held her hands. His lips touched hers. And his hips moved. Hard. Fast. He pounded inside her, sending pleasure screaming through her nerve endings and the orgasm she fought so desperately for exploding through her senses.

A tidal wave of excruciating pleasure swept through her, tightened her, released and exploded again in a furious sweep of ecstasy.

She was aware of him shuddering behind her. The feel of his erection throbbing, his release sweeping over him. And for a second, she hated that damned condom. She wanted to feel him exploding inside her. Feel him taking her, marking her as he had never taken another woman.

But even more, she needed him to hold her.


He carried her to the shower and beneath the warm spray of water he held her, he loved her slow and easy. And he felt something break inside him.

This woman he had dreamed of. She held him through the night the only way he had allowed her to. She touched his body, but more, she touched his soul.

Just as she had so many years ago. She had been no more than a child when she found him, and he had been broken. But there was something about her. Wait for me, Cameron. I’ll grow up and I’ll make all the bad things go away.

He clenched his teeth to hold back the emotion that swept through him. Because she had taken the bad things away enough that he’d found the strength and the courage to do what he had to do.

“You make all the bad things go away,” he whispered into her wet hair as he held onto her.

The water sprayed over them, washing over her hair, along his hands as he caressed her naked back, and spilling to the floor below. It embraced them the way he wanted to embrace her, always. All over. Like a protective shield between her and any harm.

He felt her smile against his chest, a bittersweet curve of her lips that had him kissing the top of her head as he clenched his eyes closed in agony.

“The big bad Falladay brother,” she whispered against his chest. “Everyone thought they were supposed to be scared of you. ”

They’d had good reason to be scared of him. He’d lived in hell and he tried to take it out on any willing fist that would face him.

“You weren’t scared of me. ”