Unlike Courtney, Jaci had no interest in the club or the men who gathered there. She didn’t want to know their identities, and she sure as hell didn’t want to be a part of their conversations.

“You’re being mean to me today. ” Courtney sighed, though Jaci heard the amusement in her voice. “Doesn’t it make you curious about them? Sometimes, I think if I could be invisible, then I could move about them, perhaps find the answers I seek in what makes these men so different from others. The few I know that are members here are unlike other men. This fascinates me, wondering what has created these men, what makes them as they are. ”

“Have you asked Ian?” Jaci asked, though the only member that fascinated her was Cam.

“Ian’s answers would only infuriate you. ” She rolled her eyes expressively. “He is a man. I have decided that male language and female language are not always compatible. ”

God, wasn’t that the truth.

“Maybe men are just aliens,” Jaci suggested, thinking of Cam.

Over the weekend, being with him had seemed so natural, so easy. She hadn’t imagined that living in that huge apartment with him could be anything but taxing. She hadn’t lived with anyone since she had moved from her parents’ home.

But she had also realized there was so much about him that she didn’t know, and that she didn’t understand. Chase was easier to read. Cam hid much more of himself. She was learning that there was so much about him that she didn’t know.

He was doing just as she had once asked him not to do, though. He was seducing his way not only into her heart, but around it, through it, binding her to him in a way she hadn’t imagined she could be bound.

And at the same time, it worried her. The dark sexual core of him was growing. Despite the sexual excess of the weekend, he never seemed to lose that wild, desperate hunger growing inside him. And she was terribly afraid she knew the only thing that would ease it.

After she finished the photos and notes and walking through the club rooms, she returned to the main mansion with Courtney trailing behind her. Jaci couldn’t help but wonder at the hunger driving Cam, and if she was making a mistake in pushing for more before giving into that need that tormented him.

There was something that warned her that whatever drove him, whatever tormented him, wouldn’t be revealed easily. It was a part of him that worried her, even before she left Oklahoma.

That thought caused her to pause as she entered the office Ian had assigned her. She had known Cam before he joined the military. Admittedly, she had been too young then to understand much about the unsmiling Falladay twin. He was five years older than her. They hadn’t even gone to the same school, but sometimes her father hired the boys to help on his small ranch.

And she had always thought it a game, a challenge, whenever she saw him, to draw a smile to his lips, to his odd light green eyes.

She moved to the desk, downloaded the pictures on auto pilot, and frowned at those memories.

Cam had joined the army when she was still a young girl, but each time he returned home on leave, he had made it a point to check up on her; he managed to be wherever she was, and she had always dropped whatever she was doing to make Cam smile.

Whatever happened had happened there in Oklahoma.

She licked her lips nervously. Her father’s best friend, Sheriff Bridges, had made a point after she turned sixteen to warn her about Cam. It was a warning she had informed him she didn’t need.

Sheriff Bridges was retired now, but he was still a close friend—of hers, as well as her father’s. But would he tell her what she needed to know?

She pulled her cell phone from the clip at her side and laid it on the desk beside her, staring at it. Did she want to know?

“You look like a woman wit

h a lot on her mind. ”

She lifted her head and stared back at Chase. He didn’t know what had happened to his brother, either. The argument she had glimpsed the week before proved that he was as much in the dark as she was when it came to Cam.

“Quite a bit,” she finally admitted, watching as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

He leaned against the heavy wood panel, a scowl working at his face as he watched her. His gaze dropped to the cell phone, then moved back to her face.

“I’ve run more than a dozen investigations into our past,” he said quietly. “I’ve personally questioned everyone I could think of in that fucking town, had every pedophile and every filthy molesting son of a bitch I can think of questioned, and I don’t know any more now than I did when we were kids, when he disappeared from the house. ”

She stared at the phone again. Did either of them have the right to steal the secrets he was fighting so hard to hide?

“Do you like sleeping on the couch, Jaci?” he asked her then, his voice hard, filled with anger. “Do you like having nothing but your feet held between his, rather than his arms around you?”

“Stop, Chase!” She jumped from the chair and pushed her fingers through her hair, fighting her own fears and the need to have Cam hold her through the night.

“Do you know why he shares his women?”