“We’re not finished yet, sweetheart. Just a little while longer. Just a little more pleasure. ”

“You’re going to torture me,” she moaned, but she couldn’t complain too hard—because it was unlike anything she had known before, anything she could have ever imagined.

Sweet heaven, the pleasure was incredible. It was flashing through her, brilliant rays of sensation so hot, so incredibly deep, that she wondered if she would survive it. And he said there was more?


Cam watched her eyes for as long as possible. Those brilliant green-and-blue-flecked depths, not really hazel, the colors too intense for that, as they glazed over, grew mesmerized with the pleasure.

She was wanton, adventurous, more so than she even suspected. He saw it in her eyes, and when she settled on her stomach, he saw it in the quivering curves of her ass.

She knew what was coming. She knew what he needed. At least part of it.

There was a point where a woman surrendered everything to her lover—physically, mentally—when she gave up control, trusting the one that held her to protect her pleasure, to draw her into the final sphere of pleasure.

At that point, her body belonged to the hand that brought that pleasure, and her body was willing to give up every measure of sensuality and surrender to the right touch.

He smoothed his hand over her ass. Soft, rounded flesh trembled and tensed, and he smiled tightly. She was almost there—not quite, but getting closer.

He eased the thong from her, watching as her thighs and buttocks tightened, lifted to him, then eased back to the mattress. Once there, she shifted again, pressed deeper, searching for enough friction to ease the ache in her clit.

His hand landed on her ass, the flesh blushing slightly as she gasped and grew still.

“Relax,” he murmured.

“Relax?” The moan in her word was filled with need.

“You need to relax for this. ” His hand lowered again, delivering a burning little caress to her rear, and this time, she lifted to him.

Moving to her side, he let his lips trail down her spine. For every kiss along the silken flesh, his hand landed on her rear. The delicate, burning little slaps had her moaning within seconds, lifting, reaching, the additional sensations whipping inside her as she begged for more.

Her voice was dazed, almost incoherent. Her body shook, trembled, and the muscles of her ass eased; and as his lips reached the dimpled rise, the cleft of her buttocks parted easily beneath his fingers.

He kissed each cheek, then kissed inside the cleft. A second later, his tongue rasped around the puckered entrance as a shuddering cry tore from her lips.

He was burning with her now. He could feel the edge of his control fraying as he lifted her hips, turned, and eased his head beneath her before pulling her to him. He needed this. Needed to show her what she meant to him. The need for it tormented him.

His lips sank into fragrant, sweet juices. Her cry filled his ears. As he licked at the spill of sweetness he lubricated his fingers, then found that tender, tiny entrance once more. The toys. The play. Keeping her sexually off balance aided the slight distance he needed now.

Jaci’s eyes flared wide and unseeing, ecstatic, burning pleasure swamping her senses, as she felt the smooth glide of his fingers in her rear, his lips at her sex.

She tried to twist in his hold, to get closer, but his arm tightened around her hips, holding her in place. His finger slid deeper, retreated, then another joined and entered.

She screamed out at the sensations. Surely she couldn’t bear it. It was too much. Too much pleasure, too much heat. She could feel tiny explosions whipping through her senses, her mind, her body. Nerve endings were exploding with pleasure, burning.

Her nails dug into the bed, fractured cries tore from her lips as his tongue circled her clit, drew it into his mouth, and brought her close. Oh God, so close. She was so close to exploding, to finding a pleasure she knew for certain would destroy her, tear into her soul, leave her wasted and reaching for more. She would always need more now, would always beg for it.

Just as she was begging now, her voice torn, ragged, as he stretched her where she had never been truly stretched before. Preparing her for a possession of more than just her body.

“Now!” He pulled from between her thighs, ignoring her attempts to scream, to protest the throbbing, aching emptiness inside her pussy, the gnawing agony of her clit.

“Don’t stop. ”

“Never. ” His voice was ragged as his fingers eased from her, then returned. Eased back, returned again. Lubricating her further, stretching her farther. Creating a need inside her that she suddenly feared would destroy her mind.

“Cam. Please. ” Her head dug into the mattress, her nails clenched at the sheet, finally tearing it away from the mattress as she felt him move closer, his hard thighs brushing against hers as the head of his cock slid against the prepared entrance.

“Easy,” Cam crooned.