Her thighs parted as his hand slid between them. As he pushed at the back of her knee, she rose slightly until her ass was elevated.

“I want you here. ” His fingers slid beneath the elastic band that ran between the cheeks of her ass, and the thick pad of his finger pressed against the entrance to her ass. “Right here. I want to feel how hot your ass is, Jaci. I want to feel you taking me, hear you begging for more. ” His voice was a smooth, controlled demand, as her eyes widened.

She wasn’t saying no. She couldn’t. She could remember the feel of his fingers inside her, the pleasure and the pain, and she needed more.

“Pain and pleasure. ” He kissed the back of her neck. “But first things first. Turn over for me baby. Let me get you ready, then we’ll fly together. ”

Fly together?

She turned, already burning as she stretched out on the bed before him, her thighs shifting, parting as his hand caressed down one leg, easing them apart.

Cam knelt on the bed before her, the hard length of his cock standing out from his body, tempting her. Her mouth watered to taste him again, the desire rose inside her like a conflagration that wiped out her control.

She licked her lips and watched in regret as he came over her, that stiff length of hard flesh disappearing for a second while his lips settled over hers.

That kiss. Cameron’s kiss. It burned inside her soul.

Her arms lifted from the bed and wrapped around his shoulders, her palms and her fingertips feeling his flesh, the tough, hard muscles beneath strong skin. Warm and vibrant, and for this moment, hers.

“I love your sweet lips,” he murmured against them, before licking over them. “Look at me, Jaci. Let me see your eyes while you burn. ”

She had to force her lashes open, and when she did, a whimpering sigh tore from her throat.

His expression was filled with tormented need, with a desire, a hunger, a burning flame of desperation that pierced her soul.

“There you go,” he crooned. “Just like that, Jaci. Let me see you. Let me see you need me. ”

He needed to see her eyes. He needed to watch her, needed to watch the fine edge of agonizing pleasure as it began to sweep over her.

Here he could forget what he had once been. In her arms, from the first touch, the first kiss, it was pure pleasure, nothing more. Just Jaci burning with him, needing him, rather than simply wanting him. Pure desperation rather than pure depraved lust. She ached for the pleasure he could give her, and he wanted to give her so much.

Holding her eyes, he let his lips settle over hers, his tongue piercing them, sweeping inside to wrestle with hers in a kiss that had him tightening, forcing back the wild hunger.

She did that to him. She made him crazy. Made him so desperate to push her, to make her wild, that it ate at him like a sensual disease.

“Come here. ” He lifted his lips, then pulled her arms from around his neck, stretching them above her head. “Just like that. ”

“But I want to touch you. ” Her voice was thick, yearning.

Cam grimaced, hearing the need gathering inside her.

“Later. This time, it’s just for you, sweetheart. Just feel. Let me love you, Jaci. Just like this. Watch me, feel me. ”

She watched him.

His lips settled over hers in a kiss that ate at her sensuality. She stretched beneath him, a ragged moan leaving her lips as her nipples brushed against his chest.

Cam framed her face with his hands, caressed her jaw and down her neck and was kissing her with a fierce driving hunger that reflected in the green fire of his eyes. Lips, teeth, and tongue, he devoured her until she was shaking against him, reaching for more, her body lifting to him as desperate mewls of pleasure echoed in her throat.

When she was certain the need couldn’t rise higher, his lips slid from hers, nibbled down her neck, and kissed over her shoulder while her neck arched and her lashes drifted closed.

“Look at me, Jaci. Watch me. ” The hunger for it was a growl in his voice.

Her lashes lifted, her head lowering again as her panting became low, pleasure-filled cries.

“So beautiful,” he whispered, touching her cheek as his lips hovered over a nipple. “Your eyes, Jaci. I can see straight to your soul. See the pleasure building inside you. I want to see that, baby. ”

She could barely see him. She was dazed from the pleasure to the point that she had to force her gaze to clear, force his face into focus.