“Hell, you don’t travel light, do you sweetheart?” Chase grinned as she followed them into the hallway.

“For a several-month stay?” She rolled her eyes. “I like clean clothes, Chase, and the convenience of wearing more than a few outfits. Courtney told me to plan for six months. If the designs for the mansion are accepted, then she wants me to begin on the house as well. ”

And it appeared she might be picking up a bit more work in the Alexandria area. She’d had several calls from

potential clients that she had met at the Brockheim Ball. She was hoping to meet with them soon and discuss details. She wouldn’t mind staying around for a while, she thought. Whether things worked out with Cam or not, she had a few friends here. It would be a good place to settle down for a while, perhaps to build enough of a client base to make her dream of her own studio a reality.

They entered the elevator with Cam strangely silent. The ride down to the parking garage was over quickly, and within minutes they were storing her luggage in the back of the Jaguar and Chase’s jeep.

Perhaps it was best that she didn’t give herself more time to consider this move, she thought. With the weekend beginning, it would give her time to settle into the apartment, perhaps to settle in with Cam. To try to make sense of the fascination he had always been for her.


“Regretting?” he asked as he closed the door behind him and started the motor.

“I rarely do things that I think I’ll regret,” she told him as she smoothed her hands down her jean-clad thighs. “Maybe you’re the one who’s regretting?”

“I learned not to regret what I can’t change. ” He slid the car into gear and drove from the underground garage.

“You’re luckier than the rest of us mortals, then,” she said.

He shifted the gears, his thigh bunching as he used the clutch, the muscles of his lower arm flexing and tightening as he moved the gearshift. Damn, why did watching him shift gears always make her hot?

“How am I luckier?” he finally asked. “I would have assumed I was smarter. I learned a long time ago how useless regret can be. ”

There was darkness in his tone, not anger, but a dark realization that made her realize the hunger was growing inside him.

She looked at his face, seeing the hard angles, the tightening of his jaw, and felt that same restraint inside her he had talked about the day before begin to unravel further.

It was as though the wickedness she could see building inside him called to a once-hidden, wicked core inside her. She wanted to get wild with him. Right here, right now. She wanted to be wicked, wet, and seductive, and she wanted to see him lost inside her. Just as he had been the day before on the balcony.

“How long has it been since you’ve had sex without a condom?” Suspicion was tearing through her, because she knew Cam. She knew his control.

“Until you, I’ve never forgotten. ” The tightly leashed hunger throbbed in his voice.

Was this what she really wanted? Jaci stared at him, realizing the anger that pulsed just beneath the surface.

“What about when you and Chase share your women? Are you as particular then, Cam?”

He glanced at her, his pupils flaring, the green of his eyes darkening. “I’ve always been more particular, until now. With you, I won’t be. ”

Jaci’s lips parted in surprise, in shock. “Have you lost your mind?”

“I’m warning you. ” He stared straight ahead now. “I’ve never taken a woman without a condom, Jaci. I’ve never claimed another woman. I’m claiming you. ”

“And if I hadn’t been protected?” she snapped back.

He gave her a mocking look. “I ran the investigation on you, sweetheart. I know better. ”

Well, that took care of that. “And this is all your decision? I don’t think so, Cam. ” She shook her head furiously. “What the hell gives you the right to think you can make that choice for me?”

“The fact that I lost my fucking mind with you,” he stated, obviously not pleased with the fact. “For God’s sake, do you think I didn’t realize then what the hell was going on? I don’t have any control with you alone, Jaci. There’s not a chance in hell I’ll have any, once things get wilder. ”

Once things got wilder. Once he and Chase started touching her again, once they were taking her again.

He didn’t like admitting it, he didn’t like the loss of control. Cam shifted gears with a brutal flick of his wrist, grimacing at the grinding, before pulling back and breathing in roughly.

“I’m sorry,” he bit out, shaking his head at the feelings he couldn’t make sense of. “I’m just trying to be as honest as I can with you. And I swear to God, that’s more than any other woman has ever had. ”