And still he needed more of her. He couldn’t believe how stiff, how hard he still was. He couldn’t believe the hunger fl

owing into him as he pulled her to her feet and jerked her jeans down her legs, pushing her to the soaked pad of the sun lounge behind her.

He knew Chase was watching. That was enough this time. He was there, centering him, holding him back. He hoped. There were so many emotions tearing through him that, hell, he couldn’t tell anymore if it helped or not. All he knew was this time, just him and Jaci. The need for it was killing him.

Unlacing and removing her boots took only seconds. The sodden jeans and panties were stripped from her legs, and he had only a brief moment to thank God that the privacy railing around the deck was high enough to hide what was going on behind it.

He tore his shoes from his feet, peeled his pants off his legs, then knelt at the bottom of the lounge, pushed his hands beneath her ass and pulled her to his mouth.

Her legs curled over his shoulders as he buried his lips in the heated syrup of her pussy. He licked and stroked, pursed his lips and kissed the tender bud of her clit until she writhed in his grip.

Jaci was awash in sensuality, in complete sensual overload. She arched to Cam’s devouring mouth, twisted against him, then cried out when she felt his fingers stretching her deliciously.

Turning her face into the saturated pad of the cushion, she fought just to breathe. The pleasure was tearing through her, blazing across her nerve endings. Cool rain and blistering hot sensations, her system was rapidly approaching overload and she knew it. Too much pleasure. Too much hunger.

“You’re as sweet as candy,” he groaned against her flesh, the words rasping, tormented with male lust.

“I can’t stand much more,” she panted, pushing against him, straining, desperate for release.

She could feel her pussy flexing, milking his fingers. Involuntary contractions tore through her womb, rippled through her core, and sent her juices spilling onto his fingers. And he used the slickness of her response, the juices that spilled from her, and drew his hand back: Protecting her tender flesh from the rain, he slowly lubricated and eased the entrance to her rear, pierced it with his fingers, stretched it as he had her sex.

Jaci’s head thrashed on the cushion as her hands burrowed into his hair and tightened in desperation. His lips caressed, his tongue licked.

She could feel the flames of need burning in her rear as he eased into the tender flesh there. He penetrated with first one finger, then two, stretched her, and sent her senses careening with the burning pleasure and pain.

She could feel her own response burgeoning inside her, a dark core of agonizing need that she had only felt in Cam’s arms.

“You love this. ” His voice flowed over her like the rain, like her own dark desires. Because she didn’t have to ask what he was talking about, she knew. The image had hit her head the moment his fingers had pierced her ass.

“Tell me you love it. ”

His head jerked up. Green eyes burned with hunger, with dark, wicked desires, with torment. The agony of hunger she had only glimpsed in him before was burning in him now. His expression was savage with the hunger, with a lust he was doing nothing to hide.

The rain had eased, but the water still washed over his head and face in rivulets. The hard contours were savagely defined now, his eyes narrowed and bright with a ravening desire.

“I love it,” she said, moaning.

“I need you,” he growled, his fingers pushing deeper inside her rear as his thumb pierced her pussy and sent her arching into exquisite pleasure.

She held his gaze, her vision dimming as the sensations began to pile atop each other. Flash points of need ratcheted through her system and left her shaking in his grip.

“What do you need from me, Cam?”

“All of you. ” His fingers slid free of her, then he was pushing her thighs apart, coming over her, blocking the rain with his broader body, as his erection nudged into the desperate entrance to her pussy.

Jaci slid her hands to his shoulders, caressing, stroking, then gripping in agonized pleasure as he began to work himself inside her.

“Take all of me, then. ” She arched closer, her legs lifting, wrapping around his waist as he pressed into her.

His eyes narrowed further. “You’re mine. ”

“Then prove it, Cam. Prove it, damn you. Take me. ”

He wanted so much more than to just take her. She knew it, she could see it building in his expression, in the battle for control in his eyes. And she watched him, felt him, lose that control.

She arched, twisted, felt the hard thrust that burrowed the length of his cock inside her, stretching her, burning her, taking her with a desperation that rocked her soul.

The hard, plunging strokes fired a pleasure and pain that tore past preconceived notions of pleasure. It whipped through her mind and left her reeling, and it tore through her senses and left her fighting for the breath to scream.