Courtney was always threatening physical harm, though, to Jaci’s knowled

ge, she had never actually attempted to follow through with one of the threats.

But she was right, when she had called Courtney, she’d been hurt and confused. She still was. That didn’t mean she was seducible.

“You said he does this often?” She couldn’t stop the question. It was tearing at her mind. She was wondering, was it just her? Or was it normal?

Courtney sighed. “Yes, Cam seems to have a habit of annoying his lovers. At least the few I’ve known of him having. He never spends the night. He always leaves when his part of the fun is over. Though usually, Chase is there to soothe any ruffled feathers. ”

At least it wasn’t just her, though she wasn’t certain how much easier it made things, to know that Cam never slept with a lover. It was frightening, knowing it was a habit, rather than just her—that she was no different from any other woman who had gone before her.

“He’s a difficult man. Even Chase admits to that. ” Courtney shrugged.

A difficult man didn’t even come close to describing it.

“I shouldn’t have called you and upset you, Courtney,” Jaci finally said. “I don’t even know why I did. ”

Because she had been furious. She had been hurt.

“Oh, he’ll survive my ire. ” Courtney flashed her a grin. “Perhaps it will even give him something to think about. He’s a little too confident at times, wouldn’t you agree?”

Jaci could only shake her head. Hell if she knew what he was after last night. She did know she couldn’t handle another night of feeling as though she had been cast off.

“And on that note, I’m going to have Matthew bring the limo around and return you to your hotel, while Cam is certainly otherwise occupied,” Courtney stated. “You’re exhausted. Rest. Don’t think about that irritating man. We’ll have dinner this evening, if you like. The hotel has a wonderful restaurant. ”

Lightning flared outside again, and thunder boomed. Jaci could almost feel the rain that fell in a steady downpour, and she wanted nothing more than to curl into bed and sleep for just a few hours.

“Maybe that would be the best idea. ” She sighed, setting her cup aside and rising to her feet. “I’ll see you tonight then. ”

She collected her case and notes that she had left there earlier, and moved to the door.

“Matthew will have the limo waiting out back,” Courtney promised. “He’ll meet you downstairs and take you to it. ”

“Thanks, Courtney. ” Jaci flashed her friend a tired grin. “And don’t be too hard on Cam, I have a feeling there’s more to this than just a need to sleep alone. ”

“Of course there is,” Courtney stated. “But trust me, my friend, he’s insanely crazy about you. He can fess up to the truth to you, or suffer the consequences. ” She nodded as though it were entirely her decision.

With a quick wave and a shake of her head, Jaci left the suite and headed downstairs. She didn’t run into Cam, and she wasn’t certain if she was thankful or sorry that she didn’t.

After the night before, her emotions were so torn regarding him that she could barely make sense of them right now. The more she thought about it, the more it hurt. The more it hurt, the more she became angry with herself, as well as with Cam.

As promised, Matthew was waiting for her downstairs. He led her to the back entrance where the limo waited beneath the sheltered parking area.

The chauffeur stood next to it and opened the door as she neared. She was halfway in the car before the fact that Cam was there fully registered. He pulled her the rest of the way in before she could do more than squeak a protest.

“Tsk-tsk. Play nice. ” He caught her around the waist and pulled her to his lap as she moved to push the door open once again.

“Play nice, my ass. ” She wiggled against him until he released her, but it was already too late, the limo was pulling out of its parking space and rolling along the driveway.

“I could play real nice with your ass, sweetheart. Just give me the chance. ” The words were teasing, but his expression, when she glanced at it, was dead serious.

“Oh, I just bet you could. ” She moved to the seat opposite him and glared back at him. “Too bad it’s not going to happen. ”

He sighed heavily. “I should have awakened you before I left. I apologize. ”

Jaci eyed him warily. “I don’t require an apology. ”

“Then what do you require, Jaci?” He asked the question so seriously, that for a moment she was taken aback.