Jaci turned and watched as Courtney drew a bottle of wine from the minifridge and gathered two glasses.

“Has Ian shared you with Cam?”

The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. Jaci clenched her teeth and stood by them, though. She wasn’t going to apologize for the question. So she crossed her arms over her breasts and stared firmly back at her friend.

Courtney rolled her eyes. “Really, Jaci, do you think I’d allow something such as that? I’ve known from the beginning what Cam was to you. I would never overstep those bounds. No matter how luscious he is. ” She winked shamelessly.

And Courtney wouldn’t lie to her about it. Jaci knew that her friend, despite her often careless attitude, had a streak of honesty within her a mile wide. She might talk around a subject, she might lie shamelessly to her enemies, but with a friend, she was scrupulously honest.

“Come on, let’s relax a bit,” Courtney ordered, her voice firm as she plopped down on the couch, glasses and wine in hand. “I’ll explain all the complex little rules of the world you’ve suddenly found yourself in. It’s really quite unique and interesting. ”

Jaci sat down, accepted the wine, and watched Courtney warily. “Do I really want to hear this?”

“Of course you do. ” Courtney laughed. “Just imagine, Jaci, a group of men whose main focus, whose only thoughts are not just the pleasure but the protection of their women. In exchange for the greatest pleasure a woman can ever receive, by allowing their husbands, their lovers, a single sexual desire, whether they know it or not, they’ve gained the protection of hundreds. It’s really pretty amazing, wouldn’t you think?”

“It’s really pretty far-fetched. ”

“But it isn’t, Jaci. They have rules. Clear rules. And breaking those rules comes with quick, decisive punitive actions. Complete faithfulness, just to begin with. The men share their women, but those women never have to fear sharing their lovers or husbands, as long as they’re with them. Spousal abuse is not allowed, and God forbid if one of those members should abuse his child. They protect their own and they punish their own, and the main reason for the club’s existence is that protection. To provide a base of trustworthy men, single men who share the same needs, who understand the code the club was formed upon. A base of protection for themselves and their women. A place to come together with those who understand, and who can be trusted. The club has existed without detection for two hundred years because of that code, and because of the security they enact themselves. For our sakes. It really isn’t so bad, being claimed by a member of the club. ”

“I won’t be claimed. ”

“But my dear, Cam has already taken care of that. Already, members are contacting Ian, the whispers of the Robertses’ campaign is drawing concern from them. They’re ready to act in your favor, to protect you and to protect Cameron. It’s too late to worry about being claimed, Jaci. That claiming is what allowed Ian to make certain you did get the job, despite the accusations the Robertses have spread against you. ”

Jaci lifted the wineglass to her lips and drained it before extending it for a refill. She didn’t bother to reply until she had drained that one as well.

Maybe she needed something stronger than wine.

“Courtney, have you considered that perhaps this code you think the club runs by is no more than a thinly veiled illusion? Where’s the honor, when a man expects his wife to take another man to their bed?” But she knew better, she knew Cam’s hunger—trying to understand what drove it was making her insane, though.

Courtney eased herself deeper into the corner of the couch and drew her legs beneath her.

“There’s honor in a pleasure so extreme, so all-consuming that a woman is left so completely sated she can barely move. Ian chose our third very carefully, Jaci. A man he knew was no risk to the emotional bond we share, one he knew would protect me, should anything happen when he wasn’t around. ”

“And when that third decides to find his own lover or wife?” Jaci asked in disbelief. “What then, Courtney?”

“Then Ian and I will decide if another third is required or not. ” Courtney sipped at her wine. Jaci downed another half glass.

“Does he . . . ” She waved her hand as she flushed in embarrassment. “Is he bisexual?”

Courtney’s eyes rounded before a burst of laughter escaped her. “Do you think Ian’s bisexual, Jaci?”

No, she had to admit he didn’t.

“God, I’m going to lose my mind on this job. ” She shook her head and held out the wineglass. “You could have warned me. I hate you for not warning me, Courtney. I’m going to hate you forever for not warning me. ” Of course, she really wouldn’t . . . maybe.

“Oh, really? Would you have believed me?” Courtney waved the accusation away.

Jaci had to admit, it would have been hard to swallow, but she would have believed it.

“You should have warned me,” she said again. “You don’t know what I’m facing here, Courtney. Dealing with the Robertses will be bad enough, but now Cam’s determined to get answers. Fighting them both is going to be hell. ”

“Why not just tell Cam the truth? Come on, Jaci, let him protect you. Let the club protect you. This is why it was created, why it still thrives. Your reputation is beyond reproach, as far as they’re concerned. But they can’t protect you without knowing what they’re protecting you from. ”

Jaci shook her head. She wished she could tell Courtney. Sometimes the need to share the horror of that night was like an acid inside her soul. And the only person who knew couldn’t allow herself to be associated with Jaci. If she did, then the plan they had put together would never work.

“Why do you hold their secrets, Jaci?” Courtney asked quietly, referring to the Robertses.

Jaci breathed out roughly. “How far can I trust you, Courtney?”