She moved to pull her body from his, ignoring the tightening of his hand on her hip, pushing away his hold, as he watched her with that hawklike stare.

She rose quickly from the couch, ignoring both men now, pulling her shirt around her and straightening her skirt as she rushed to the bedroom. She closed and locked the door carefully behind her.

Her shirt was ruined. Buttons were missing, there was a tear at the shoulders. She ripped it from her body and tossed it across the room before pulling a soft, comfortable pullover from her closet, along with a pair of jeans.

As she finished dressing, there was a soft knock at the bedroom door.

“Don’t make me break the lock, Jaci,” Cam warned her.

Don’t make him break the lock. He was so arrogant, so selfassured. So certain of himself that it oozed from every pore of his body and made her want to scream in outrage, because she couldn’t find that confidence—couldn’t seem to fake even a quarter of that self-assurance whenever he was around.

She turned the lock and jerked the door open.

Standing before them, it was all she could do to rein in the shiver that would have trembled through her body at the look Cam gave her. The way his gaze slid over her body, the mocking quirk to his kiss-swollen lips.

Did her lips look like that? Reddened and swollen and hungry?

“We need to go back to the office,” he told her. “I’ll see you in the morning. ”

One hand cupped her neck, his hold dominant, daring her to pull away as his head lowered and he delivered a quick, hard kiss to her lips.

“What was that for?” She jerked back, but only after he released her.

“That was one of those little good-bye kisses lovers share,” he said sensually. “Surely you recognized it?”

She would have had to have a lover first. “We’re not lovers,” she told him through gritted teeth.

At that he smiled. A slow, sexy curve of his lips, rife with promise. “Of course we are, sweetheart. I told you, you can’t go back now. The only question in this relationship is when we’ll go forward. ”

“There is no going forward. ” She had made a grave tactical error with him, and she knew it. He had taken control from the first moment, and he wasn’t letting it go. “I’ve decided enough is enough. It’s more than obvious I can’t handle you, let alone both of you. ” She waved her hand toward the silent, amused Chase.

Amusement glittered in his eyes. “You already have. ”

Jaci stared back at him in disbelief, and she had to admit to the temptation rushing through her at the amused passion, the arrogance in his eyes.

“You couldn’t handle it seven years ago. You were too young then, and I knew it. You’re not too young to understand it now, Jaci. ”

“No. Now, I’m old enough to know a disaster walking when I see it,” she said, her voice scathing. “And that’s what you and Chase are to any woman’s heart, Cameron Falladay. A disaster walking. ”

He chuckled, the deep rumble of amusement stroking across her senses, despite her determination to remain resolute.

He leaned closer, and rather than retreating, she felt frozen before him, staring back at him, mesmerized by the fire in those light green eyes.

“So much pleasure,” he whispered. “Remember how good it was last night, Jaci. How hot and sweet, and so good you thought you were going to die from it. ”

She could feel the sizzle in her womb, the need for that pleasure further dampening the flesh between her thighs. Dangerous. The potential for destruction was rising daily.

“You have to leave, remember?” She forced herself back from him, but she couldn’t force back the images raging through her mind, or the fire it built low in her belly.

Just the thought of last night. The thought of being wanton, sexual, of taking all the pleasure she had ever dreamed of

and knowing she was safe within it, was a temptation she found hard to deny, now that she had experienced it.

“We’ll see,” he murmured, stepping back to return to the living room.

“You’ll see,” she informed him, rather pleased by the strength in her voice. She didn’t sound as though she were ready to submit and lay prone before the Falladay brothers, as they covered her in nothing but lust.

He smiled at her declaration. That sexy smile. The way his slightly fuller lower lip tempted her to taste it, and the way his eyes encouraged her to be bad, was a potent combination.