Now, there was only pleasure.

“Don’t say no. ” His lips lifted from hers, then he skimmed them over her jaw. Her head tilted back as he moved down her neck. “Just feel. We’ll seduce you together. Seven years. Seven fucking years, Jaci, and I’m dying for you now. ”

It was a craving. An addiction. As though his mind and his body had finally recognized a missing component to his life. Jaci was missing. And he needed her now, ached with a junkie’s desperation.

Behind her, Chase pressed closer, his hands sliding to the belt of the robe, undoing the loose knot and slipping it free.

“No means no,” Chase whispered at her ear, and Cam hated him for encouraging her to even consider saying that hated word.

“What does no get me?” Her head tipped back until it rested on Chase’s shoulder and Cam watched, his body strung tight, his cock throbbing in agony as the silk of the robe parted, revealing perfect breasts, sweet dark nipples, and lower, between slender luscious thighs, a neat little triangle of fiery curls.

Before his brother could convince her to say no, Cam was tasting her. He was licking her.

He was bending, spreading kisses along her torso, her little belly, going to his knees as one hand cupped her inner thigh and he lifted her leg to curl over his shoulder.

Cam’s hands were shaking. Hell, his hands hadn’t shook since he was fifteen years old. But they were shaking now, as he parted the dewy, syrup-laden folds hiding the sweetest flesh in the world.

“Cam. ” Her voice was uncertain, just a little dazed.

He glanced up from the sweet treasure to see her braced against Chase’s chest, his brother’s hands cupping her breasts and his lips at her shoulder.

“It’s so easy,” he whispered. “To just feel the pleasure. That’s all, Jaci. Let me love you. Let me love you the only way I can. ”

How much he revealed in those simple words. Jaci felt a sob lodge in her throat, felt the sudden aching need to know Cam, exactly how he was right now. To take what he wanted to give her.

“It’s okay,” Chase whispered in her ear, a soft caress of breath barely heard. “It’s just Cam, Jaci. I promise you. It’s just Cam loving you. ”

She trembled and closed her eyes, hearing in his voice something she needed to know. Her heart had always belonged to Cam, she couldn’t share it. Couldn’t imagine opening part of it for another man.

Then she couldn’t imagine ever thinking a sane thought again. She flinched as sensation drove her breath from her lungs and pleasure began a lash of intensity that threatened to break her.

She felt Cam lick her. His tongue pressed into the narrow slit of her pussy, licked up and around her clit, and had her crying out with the tidal wave force of sensations tearing through her.

She remembered Chase licking her there. Remembered his tongue, gentle and savoring. Cam savored, but he took and gave with a force that left her shuddering. He devoured her like a man starving for the taste. And in turn, he drove hesitancy and doubt from her mind.

She had always wondered what she had walked away from. Now she was finding out. This. Cam’s hungry mouth delving into her pussy, his body bending until he could work his tongue into the narrow opening of her pussy, driving into it in a hard, destructive thrust.

“Oh God!” Her hands were threaded in his hair, her head pressing into Chase’s shoulder as Chase’s fingers pulled at her nipples. Blistering streaks of pleasure and gentle pain raced from the hard tips to her womb, mixing with the fiery fingers of white-hot sensation tearing from her vagina.

She lifted herself against them, her hips writhing against the hold Cam had on them, trying to work more of that stroking, heated flesh deeper inside her.

He was licking her inside.

He was licking her. And Chase—diabolical, wicked Chase—with slickened fingers was probing at her rear, one finger entering, penetrating her easily as she strained to come. He thrusted with such gentleness that the movements were nearly lost amid the violent pleasure of Cam’s fucking tongue.

“I can’t. . . ” Her head thrashed on Chase’s shoulder.

“So easy, sweetheart,” Chase whispered, his voice rough and filled with hunger. “Just take the pleasure. ”

His finger slid free, pulled back, then slowly pressed in again. But this time, it was wilder, hotter. Not one finger but two, pressing inside her, easing into the untried channel as Cam licked and devoured.

She felt pleasure and streaks of pleasure-pain. She felt fiery fingers of sensation racing over her body, and lost her breath as Chase’s fingers spread inside her slowly, easily.

“Cam. Oh God. It’s too much. ” She was fighting to hold on to her sanity. Just a little sanity was all she was asking them to leave her. Just a tiny bit.

But it wasn’t happening. His tongue pushed hard and deep, retreated then pushed forcefully inside her once again, and nearly had her orgasming as he licked. Chase’s fingers slid free, pressed forward, the width thicker, her hold on him tighter; they worked inside her rear with the gentlest movements—experienced, knowing.

He knew how to do this. This wasn’t a man just along for the ride. He knew what the hell he was doing and how to do it. How to counter each touch, each stroke Cam gave, how to blend pleasure and pain until there was no thought, not so much as one thought of hesitation inside her.