She glanced at Chase before bringing her gaze back to Cam slowly. “He was never the sidekick. ”

Satisfaction surged inside him. Everyone knew Chase was the one with the smooth lines and the charm. He convinced the women they needed both brothers at once, while Cam watched, waited, and added to their pleasure—then left them to Chase’s smooth maneuvers, once the bed play was finished.

“So, you just show up at my hotel room and expect me to spread myself open to your combined lusts?” She arched her brow mockingly, but her eyes, green and brown with hints of blue, darkened at the thought.

“Chase seduces, if that’s what you need first. ” He had to clench his teeth at the thought of waiting. He needed to be inside her. Now. Fuck charm and seduction.

“And what will you do while he seduces me?”

Her nipples were hard. They pressed against the silken material of the robe, tight and budded with arousal.

“I’ll watch. ” His voice sounded harder, more guttural then he had ever heard it himself. “And go crazy for you. I’ll remember the sight of the head of my cock buried between your sweet lips, and the pleasure on your face as my brother licked at the sweetest cream in the world. And go crazy, because right now, nothing in the world is as important as burying myself inside you. ”

Her face flushed brighter as he talked. The pulse at the side of her throat picked up its pace and her eyes grew wide, almost dazed, almost seduced.

“But it has to be both of you?”

It had to be. He couldn’t accept it any other way. Any other woman, he’d be damned if it mattered; however he fucked her was fine. But with this woman? This woman had the power to destroy him, and he knew it. It had to be both of them, because it was the only way to claim her and still retain a hold on himself.

“Jaci. ” There was no way to explain, but so many ways he wished he could. “It will give you more pleasure than you can imagine. I swear that to you. ”

It wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough for any woman, and he knew it. Chase had warned him for months that it wouldn’t be enough for her now, any more than it would have been before.

“It’s been seven years since I’ve seen you, Cam,” she whispered then, rising to her feet as her expression suddenly turned somber. “We’re not the same people we were then. You can’t just expect me to jump into bed with you. ”

He had expected that. He had known she wasn’t that easy, wasn’t the sort of woman who just took sex in stride. But he wasn’t just any other man, either. And seven years was seven years too long, with this need raging inside him.

“I let what belonged to me slip through my fingers then,” he stated as he moved toward her, watching her stiffen, watching her eyes dilate and darken. “You were mine, Jaci. Look at you. You still want me, just as damned badly as I want you. And this time I won’t let you slip away from me. ”

“Cam. ” Chase’s voice was a distant protest.

“All you have to do is say no,” he told her, his hands framing her face, feeling the heat and the silk of her flesh as he let his body brush against hers. “Just say no, and it stops. ”

Her lips parted and his covered them. He pretended she was parting them for his kiss, rather than to whisper that hated word, and for the moment, she went along with him.

Cam felt lust flay his balls as her lips parted. She trembled, and like the virgin she had been seven years before, stood in anticipation as he stared into her eyes and pressed her lips with the kiss.

He didn’t devour her, though God knew he wanted to. He needed to. He let his tongue lick over her lips as his arms went around her, drawing her against him. Then he slanted his lips over hers and took what he needed.

Nothing had ever compared to Jaci’s lips. She kissed like a wanton. Like she was addicted to his kiss, the stroke of his tongue. She took his tongue like a woman on the edge of coming. And he loved it.

Once she came alive beneath his lips, it was like tasting fire and rain. Her arms lifted to his shoulders, her little nails pressed into the fabric of his shirt, and she trembled in his arms.

She had trembled just like that the last time. Part fear and part

excited arousal. Wicked intensity burned inside her as she rose against him, straining for more. Knowing he had more to give her.

And he had so much more. His hands moved down her back, gripped her sweet ass, and lifted her to the cradle of his thighs.

He’d be damned if he would give her a chance to say no. Already the sweet taste of her was penetrating his senses, firing through his nervous system. He was burning for her, awake now to every nuance of the moans leaving her lips. To the feel of the curve of her butt, the touch of her thigh against his.

And Chase moving in behind her.

He could feel his brother coming to her as he relished her taste, her touch.

And he could feel his brother’s uncertainty. The twin bond they had once shared had been absent for over twenty years. And that was his fault. But he could still sense Chase’s uncertainty, and at times his nightmares.

There were no nightmares now. He wasn’t going to allow them for either of them.