“And to what do I owe the honor of this little visit?” Husky and sweet, her voice promised delights that tortured his most vivid fantasies, awake and sleeping.

She was dressed in nothing but a long, silky robe. He had to curl his fingers into a fist to keep from stripping it from her body and baring her to his gaze, right there in the open doorway.

“Do you really want to talk about it in the hallway?” he asked.

She looked from him to Chase again. Whatever Chase did, the damned maniac, had her lips twitching with amusement.

He turned in time to catch his brother ducking his head and rubbing his hand around the back of his neck. Chase didn’t need to make her fucking laugh. All he had to do was his part. Be here, help Cam maintain his emotional distance while they drove her crazy with pleasure.

“Fine. ” She breathed out slowly before moving back and opening the door fully. “Come on in. I was just having a glass of wine and thinking about jerks. You’ll fit right in, Cam. ”

Damn, she hadn’t changed as much as he had feared she had.

They stepped into the roomy sitting room, as she strolled—glided—all those graceful moves women made when they walked across the floor. But she did it better than any other woman he had ever known.

“The suite’s nice,” Chase commented, clearing his throat as he glanced between Cam and Jaci. “You should know I picked it out. ”

She lifted her brows in mock surprise. “You have very good taste, Chase. I’ve always said that about you. ”

“Most women do. ” His cockiness was going to get on Cam’s nerves any minute.

Cam threw his brother a hard, warning glare and only received a chuckle in return.

Jaci picked up her wine as she curled herself into the corner of the couch and stared back at them. She knew. He stared into her eyes, watched her gaze flicker, and he knew that she knew exactly why he was there.

It was eating him alive. For years, the memory of that one night had been like a slow, eating cancer, destroying his mind. He had fucked other women. He had taken them, he had danced with them, he had made small talk with them. But Jaci had always been there. Her laughter, her smile, the heat of her kiss, the shock in her eyes when she realized Chase was the man between her thighs, licking with greedy abandon as Cam filled her mouth with his cock.

That memory had the power to destroy his self-control at any given time.

“And what do you say about me?” Cam couldn’t hold the question back. For a moment, just a moment, jealousy ate into him. He didn’t need Chase flirting with her, showing her everything Cam wasn’t.

She turned to him, and what flashed in her eyes stilled the jealousy, the brewing anger.

“That you’re the jerk,” she stated with mocking conviction.

And for the first time, Cam almost smiled. Because she didn’t mean it. He could see the fine tremor in her hands as she brought the wineglass to her lips. The throb of her pulse beating out of control against her neck. And that flush. The light stroke of color on her face that indicated arousal, anticipation, curiosity.

“I’ve always said that about him, too,” Chase assured her as he moved across the room to the bar and poured himself a whisky. “I knew you were a smart girl, Jaci. ”

Cam shrugged his jacket from his shoulders and tore at the tie around his throat. And her eyes never left him. Her fingers tightened around the wineglass and her tongue stroked over her lips nervously.

“What happened to seduction?” she finally asked, as she heard Chase’s muttered curse from across the room.

“Did you know we were here in Alexandria?” Cam asked her then.

“I knew. ”

“Did you know we worked for Ian?”

She inhaled roughly. “Not until tonight. ”

“Do you have any idea how much I want you, Jaci?”

He was burning alive for her. His cock was so hard, he wondered if he would survive without fucking her this time—or if he could live through another night of jacking off and needing the touch of her body so much that the need was nearly violent.

“Like I said, what happened to seduction?”

“Was it something he was ever good at?” Chase asked her then. “If I remember correctly, I’m the nice guy, he’s the sidekick. ”