Oh God, they were going to kill each other. Wide-eyed and shocked, she watched them fight as she reached to the table and grabbed the glass of whisky Cam had poured for her earlier.

She took it in one drink and wheezed in reaction. It caused her to miss several seconds of the blood and curses flying around the room.

“Bastard!” Chase cursed, after Cam managed to land another blow to his jaw. “I ought to kill you for that. ”

“Yeah, for protecting you?” Cam’s voice was savage as he dodged a blow to his jaw, but he was a hair too slow to dodge the fist to his hard abdomen.

“Didn’t fucking need protecting. ” Chase jumped at him and the fists were flying again.

Jaci winced and cried out, then she picked up the bottle of whisky and took Cam’s earlier example. She lifted it to her lips and drank straight from the bottle.

There had to be a way to stop this. They were going to kill each other. Cam had ripped the shirt off Chase’s back already, and his own was hanging in tatters. Both their lips were bleeding, and oh boy, were they going to have some bruises later.

When Chase’s fist connected with Cam’s face again, she’d had enough. This was ridiculous, she decided as the whisky began to warm her stomach and take the edge off the pure horror of watching these two fight.

There had to be a way of stopping it. Sometime before they killed each other, maybe?

But a little part of her that the liquor had released had to admit it was damned sexy, almost erotic, watching them fight. They were powerful, muscular. Sweat gleamed on broad chests and dampened chest hairs. Blood smeared their faces and their eyes were lit—with savage pleasure. They were enjoying the fight.

There was something they would enjoy just as much, though.

She took another drink of the whisky. Too much. She wheezed and choked as it went down, tears coming to her eyes as she fought to catch her breath.

Okay, that drink hurt. How the hell did Cam do that?

Chase managed to throw Cam into one of the hard steel beams centered around the room, and at that point she’d enough.

She slapped the whisky to the table and moved to the other side of the couch. The niggling idea moving through her head would never work if they couldn’t see her clearly.

She toed off her shoes first and pushed them to the side. She released the button to her slacks, then slid the zipper down, wincing again as Cam slammed his fist into Chase’s jaw, driving his brother’s head backward.

She was going to kill both of them.

She slid the jeans down her legs, then pulled off the stylish T-shirt she wore. She wore nothing now but the white, lacy panties and the flimsy bra she had put on that morning.

She was unclipping the bra, when a tense silence suddenly enveloped the room.

Jaci kept her smile hidden and her eyes on the little clip of the bra between her breasts. She released it slowly, then peeled the cups away from her breasts before dropping the silken lace to the floor.

She had their attention. It was complete, undivided, two sets of male eyes trained on her, devouring her. She ran her hands up her midriff, then cupped the mounds, her fingers running over her stiff nipples, before she lifted her head and stared back at them, allowing the lust, desire, and the pure love she felt for Cam to show on her face.

They were bruised and bloody—and jerking their boots off.

She lowered her hands, smoothing them over her flesh, down to the band of her panties, where she hooked her fingers beneath the elastic and lace and drew them slowly down her thighs.

She kicked them off as boots thumped to the floor and their hands went to the snaps of their jeans.

Blood smeared their faces. Cam had a cut on his shoulder, Chase’s chest was smeared with blood. They looked like warriors—like bad boys looking for trouble; and the effects of that fight had her blood pumping and hunger pouring through her veins.

Conquerors. They could consider this fight a draw, and to the victor goes—well, Jaci. Two victors and the fantasy of a lifetime.

“Would you like to shower first?”

Cam stalked toward her.

“Hmm. Maybe not. ” Breathing was becoming difficult.

They weren’t focused on beating the hell out of each other anymore, they were now focused on her. All that testosterone and need for action swirled in the air around her and left her panting at the knowledge of what could be coming. She could see it in Cam’s eyes, this wouldn’t be a ménage. In Chase’s eyes, she saw the knowledge of that, as he began to move to the stairs. And perhaps there was even a tinge of regret mixed with relief.