He moved from the office, rubbing at his jaw as he tried to fight back the rage. He would kill for her, but he’d sure as hell prefer not to have to deal with the mess in this situation. Killing someone could barely distinguish fantasy from reality, even with the aid of drugs, wouldn’t be a pleasant experience.

Richard Roberts, well, he had a beating coming. There was no doubt of it. Cam had had the chance to read the account in the psychiatrist’s report of what had supposedly happened the night Jaci had left the Robertses’ mansion, that night years before.

The Robertses’ certainty that she would enjoy being a plaything. What was the comment? They were only trying to love her. They wanted to love her and she just wanted to run and hurt them. Like a child. Hell.

He moved downstairs before turning and heading to the back hall and the offices there. As he turned into the well-lit hall, he met Matthew coming out of his own office.

“Hello, Cameron,” Matthew greeted him in his precise, formal tone. “I gather you’re not joining Miss Wright for lunch?”

Cam paused. “I’m heading to her office now. ”

Matthew paused. “Miss Wright has already left for her engagement. She left in the BMW approximately thirty minutes ago. ”

Cam didn’t wait to question him. He moved quickly to the door of her office and jerked

it open, striding inside, his gaze moving around the room. She wouldn’t have left without telling him. She knew they had plans tonight. She wouldn’t have gone out this late in the day without telling him when she would return.

His gaze swept over the desk, his eyes catching the note laying there. He moved to it, jerked the paper up, and read it as pure terror began to race through him.

No. Ah, fuck. No. He wouldn’t lose her like this. He couldn’t.

“Chase!” He raced into the hall, aware of his raised voice, the pure shaking terror in it, and the sound of feet racing from upstairs.

He slid into the foyer as Chase and Ian rushed down the stairs and Courtney paused at the door to the formal living room.

“She’s gone!”

“She had a lunch date,” Matthew objected.

“She’s meeting with Moriah and the Robertses. ” His gaze connected with Chase’s as he handed him the paper.

I’m taking care of this situation with the Robertses today, Cam. I’ll be at Moriah Brockheim’s, meeting with them. Don’t worry. We both know they’re not dangerous, just irritating. I’ll explain everything tonight.

The note had pure terror and rage burning through the ice now.

“Moriah will be there. What’s the big deal, Cam?” Courtney snapped. “Jaci’s a big girl. Let her deal with this. ”

Cam stared at her in disbelief before he and Chase both tore back upstairs. They raced to their office. Weapons. They needed weapons.

Shoulder holsters were strapped quickly around their torsos, Glocks shoved into the holsters beneath their arms. Backup at their ankles was strapped on.

“Matthew, call Detective Allen at the Alexandria PD, and have him meet us at Moriah Brockheim’s apartment in Alexandria. Tell him to come in quietly, we have a potential situation. ”

“Cam, dammit,” Ian cursed as he weaponed up as well. “What the hell is going on?”

“We’ll explain on the way. ” They headed out of the office at a run and Cam began to pray. Pray that he got there in time. That Jaci was safe. That he could hold back the rage building inside him enough to pull her out, to protect her, without shedding unnecessary blood.

She was his. And no one, but no one, threatened what was his. Not man, woman, or lunatic.


Jaci smoothed her hands down the snug jeans she wore as she reached Moriah’s apartment door and roughly blew out a breath, telling herself once again that it was nearly over. She would finish this here, tape the Robertses’ admission of what had happened the night she ran from their mansion, and use it to make certain neither of them harassed her again.

She didn’t need her relationship with Cam overshadowed by this, and she wasn’t going to have it overshadowed. She would stand on her own two feet, take care of herself, and end this now.

With a sharp nod at the thought, she lifted her hand and pressed the buzzer with the tip of her finger. Moriah’s upperclass, second-story, corner apartment overlooked a small flower-adorned park.

A second later the inside latch could be heard sliding free and the deadbolts releasing as Moriah opened the door. Jaci stared back at her somberly. Dressed in a pretty white-and-gold sundress, she looked young and sweet, with her shoulder-length hair framing her face.