Jaci twisted in his hold, arched her breasts into Chase’s hands. She kept the fingers of one of her hands locked in his hair, while she curled her other arm behind her and gripped Chase’s hair.

His was coarser than Cam’s, just a little. He nipped her ear as she pulled his head to her and pressed closer to Cam’s mouth.

They were destroying her. This was beyond pleasure, beyond ecstasy. It was wicked and daring, and she couldn’t help but abandon herself to them.

“No. No, Cam. ” She tried to jerk her hand back from Chase, only to have him catch it, hold it above her head while Cam drew back from the moist, slick flesh of her pussy. “Don’t stop. ”

He ignored her cry. Instead, he lifted her—they lifted her—until she was stretched out on her back on the couch and Chase was moving closer.

He wasn’t naked. He wore only a pair of hastily donned jeans, the snap undone, his erection pressing tight and hard against the zipper.

“Watch. ” Now Cam held her, his arm beneath her shoulders, his lips moving to hers as they parted to protest. “Watch me. Feel what he’s doing. Watch me, Jaci. Feel him. ”

She watched him. She forced her eyes to stay open, to stay on his, as his lips settled over hers and Chase’s tongue suddenly delved into the wet depths of her sex.

She screamed into Cam’s mouth. It was too erotic, too sensual. The feel of Cam’s lips taking her, his brother’s tongue fucking her.

Her nails bit into Cam’s shoulders as his lips slid from hers. His teeth nipped at her jaw, her neck. As she writhed beneath Chase’s ministrations between her thighs, her back arched, lifting her breasts, as she screamed out from Cam’s possession of a tight, violently sensitive nipple.

As Cam drew her nipple into his mouth, raked it with his teeth, and then sucked it hard and deep inside his mouth, she felt herself explode.

Chase’s lips and tongue pushed her further over the edge. Hands roved over her body, rough and dominant, stroking and caressing, as she felt herself melt from the inside out.

It was like unraveling. Like coming apart at the seams, with no hope of ever coming together the same again.

Then, Chase was at her side, his lips lowering to her breasts, his cock free of his pants as he stroked himself.

Oh, God, it was so sexy. So hot. Watching his large, tanned hand, his fingers curling over his erection, stroking the glistening flesh.

“I’m dying. ” She stared back at Cam as he lifted her until her rear rested on his thighs and his cock nudged into her pussy. “You’re killing me. ” Her head tipped back as the words became a scream.

Cam pushed inside, thrusting hard and deep before he bent over her, pushing his arms beneath her shoulders and lifting her against his chest before straightening and laying back, pulling her over him.

Her thighs gripped his hips as his cock surged inside her. Behind her, she felt Chase preparing her. Felt the lubrication, the touch of his hands, and then the slow, easy entrance into her rear.

It was just as hot, just as brutally sexy as before. But staring into Cam’s eyes, she knew it was more. This time, as hot as it was, as much pleasure as it was, it was only Cam’s touch, his need and his hunger that her body was responding to.

His hands gripped her hips as he moved beneath her, and Chase moved over her. Hard and deep, thrusting inside her with swift, hard strokes, taking her.

A throttled scream filled her throat. She felt them thrusting harder, stroking, caressing her on a level of pleasure that sent her spiraling into ecstasy. She heard a male growl of pleasure, Chase’s or Cam’s, she wasn’

t certain. She didn’t know. She didn’t care.

“Jaci. Baby. ” Cam. His voice was charged with lust and pleasure. “There you go, sweetheart. So fucking sexy. So hot and sweet. ”

He was pounding inside her, his voice tight and groaning. There was no doubt that he wanted it. No doubt that he needed it. But there was no doubt in her mind now, either. She was as wild and as wicked as she had always feared she would be in his arms.

She felt the hot, driving jets of Cam’s release spilling inside her, though she was only barely aware of Chase releasing as well behind her.

“Ah, damn. ” Cam held her, jerking against her as he shuddered against her. “God, Jaci. Ah, fuck. ” He jerked again, harder, spilled inside her again, then trembled against her. “Ah, baby. My wicked, wild little Jaci. ”

She was lost in the pleasure. There was no other way to describe it. Lost and drifting—and serene. Cam held her to him as he rolled to his side, his breathing hard, ragged gasps against her neck, his arms tight around her, holding her secure.

Cam was almost asleep before he realized it. Drifting in drowsy contentment, his arms locked around Jaci’s sleeping form, his legs encasing hers, holding her close and tight against him.

Hell, he didn’t want to wake up, he thought drowsily. It was nice right here. Damned nice. She was warm and sweet against his chest, her soft little hand beneath her cheek, curled against him like a little cat.

He stroked her hair, albeit weakly, because he swore she had milked the strength from him with the same force she had milked his seed from him.