“Jaci. ” His lips quirked sadly. “I’m not hurting, baby. Unless you count the hard-on I can’t seem to control around you. And I’d just as soon deal with that. ”

She shook her head at that, reached out and touched the stubbly cheek. The dark shadow of a beard gave him a rakish appearance and emphasized his eyes. So light a green, she could get lost in them, become mesmerized by them.

“Can I have you on the couch, Cam?” She slid her legs around until they lay outside his powerful thighs as he faced her. Her hands went to the snap of his jeans, the zipper. “Right here, where you sleep?”

Surprise reflected in his gaze as a sexy grin curved his lips. “Sweetheart, you can have me wherever you want me. However you want me. ”

Arousal sliced through the pain. Cam’s eyes lightened, turned playful, as his expression became heavier with sensuality and the shadows dissipated.

After loosening his pants, she moved her hands to the buttons on his shirt. “You’re wearing too many clothes, Cam. ”

The clothes were disposed of quickly. Cam leaned forward and took her lips in a hard, passion-fierce kiss as he shed his own. Then his lips lifted and her arms raised so he could dispose of her T-shirt, leaving her almost nude before him.

A second later she was naked, the light cotton sleep pants puddled on the floor as he spread her legs farther, then gripped her rear and dragged her to the edge of the couch.

She expected him to take her. To spear inside her, wild and deep; instead, he lowered himself farther, bent his head, and let his tongue circle the engorged nubbin of her clit.

Jaci’s head fell back against the couch, her hands tangling in his hair as pleasure began to suffuse her. She loved this. Loved the feel of his lips and tongue caressing her there. The way he licked and hummed his approval against the sensitive flesh. The way his head went lower and his tongue flickered around the clenching opening of her sex.

She couldn’t stop her moans. They filtered through the room, echoed around her. She spread her thighs farther and lifted herself to him, whimpering as two fingers worked inside her.

“Cam,” she whispered his name, staring down at him, dazed by the enjoyment of the act that she saw in his eyes. “It’s so good. I love your mouth. Your hands. ” His touch. She loved him. Loved him until her heart broke for his pain and for the scars he carried.

He let her watch as his tongue licked over her clit again. His fingers were moving inside her, thrusting slow and easy, stretching her as her juices coated them, making the entrance slick and hot.

His lips pursed then, and he kissed the little bud, throwing her higher.

“Touch me more. ” She lifted closer, feeling a need growing inside her that she couldn’t make sense of. It was burning in her, locked inside a part of her soul she didn’t know existed. She needed him harder, deeper, stronger than she had ever needed him before. She needed him to sink inside her, needed to sink inside him.

He kissed her clit again, drawing it into his mouth as another cry tore from her lips and she tried to pull him closer, tried to force his fingers deeper.

He was being too slow, too easy. She needed more sensation, and he was deliberately withholding it.

“You’re going about it the wrong way, Jaci. ”

She froze as Chase’s voice sounded at her ear. Her eyes jerked open to stare into Cam’s, to see the arousal burning so hot, so deep, she wondered flames weren’t covering them.

And she nearly orgasmed. Her womb spasmed and she felt the muscles clenching around Cam’s fingers.

Her lashes drifted closed, and Cam chose that moment to flick her clit with his tongue again, to flex his fingers inside her. Need, brutal and sharp, tore through her, and she whimpered with the force of it. Did she want him to leave? Did she want to step across a line she knew she could never return from?

“There’s no pressure,” Chase whispered as Cam sucked at her clit now, flicking with his tongue, his fingers moving deeper, stronger inside her. “No need to worry, baby. It’s all about you. ” His lips slid over her neck. “Just you, Jaci. Your pleasure. Your need. ”

Just her pleasure. Her need. It was about so much more, and she knew it, sensed it.

She forced her eyes open, forced herself to stare back at Cam as he watched her.

The pleasure was intensifying in his expression, in his eyes. As though seeing her pleasure only amplified his. Seeing his brother touching her, his teeth raking over her neck, pushed his own arousal higher.

His fingers retreated from her vagina, then a second later pushed forward, forcibly opening her, shocking tender nerve endings with a pleasure that nearly sent her screaming into orgasm.

Chase’s hands moved along her side and curved beneath her arms, cupping her breasts in his large palms, his fingers gripping her nipples and working them roughly.

Oh, she needed that. That edge of pain just shy of agony. Pleasure intensified inside her, burned so bright that perspiration began to slicken her skin.

“Cam, please,” she cried out breathlessly, feeling release just a breath away.

His gaze was filled with nothing but hunger now, nothing but pleasure. There were no shadows, there was no pain.