r /> Making use of the facilities, Jaci and Courtney repaired makeup, waited, and watched until one of the few lulls in occupation in the room came.

“What the hell is going on, Courtney?” Jaci hissed as the last woman pushed through the heavy oak door.

“I don’t know, Ian won’t tell me everything. ” She grimaced. “All I know is that Chase called, and then Ian retreated to his office without me. He refuses to tell me what was said, but he’s very concerned. I assume it has something to do with those detestable Robertses. ”

Courtney leaned her hip against the counter. The radiant, deep red, silk-and-lace dress she wore complemented her dark skin and long hair. She looked as wicked and wild as she was, until Jaci looked into her eyes again.

“Jaci, something’s not right with this whole situation,” Courtney whispered. “Whatever you’re doing, you can’t do it alone. Cam simply isn’t going to allow it. ”

She didn’t have a choice but to do it alone.

Shaking her head, she checked her appearance once again, smoothed her hands down the little black dress she wore, and thought of the man waiting outside for her.

“They were acting strange after Chase arrived at the house,” she admitted. “I thought they were getting ready to fight again. ”

“They always fight. ” Courtney waved that away with a flick of her fingers. “Chase always pushes Cam for answers and Cam always pisses him off by refusing. This is normal, from what Ian says. But there’s something added now, Jaci. Especially tonight. Cam’s attitude makes me remember the stories Ian told me, that Chase related to him, of when Cam was in the military. He was merciless. He has that look in his eyes tonight. ”

Yes he did. Along with the hunger was the sheer anger that she had glimpsed only once or twice, and twice was enough. It was savage, and always directed toward the Robertses’ table.

He couldn’t have found out the truth of that night. The Robertses and their primping, sluttish secretary certainly wasn’t telling, and she knew Moriah would never tell. There was no one else who knew, no other avenues for Cam and Chase to learn the truth. And if they did know, they wouldn’t be watching her like junkyard dogs, they would have already taken the Robertses apart.

“Dammit, Courtney, I need to know what’s going on!” she whispered fiercely. “I have my own plans, my own way of dealing with this. But I have to do it right. ”

“Good luck,” Courtney said, with a moue of irritation. “Those men, once they band together, they tell me nothing. And Ian is the worst. He is worse than the clam. Refuses to open his mouth and tell me things I wish to know. ”

Jaci almost laughed at that—almost, because right now, Ian’s silence was making it harder to take care of things herself. She needed to know what Cam could know.

“If you hear anything, will you let me know?” Jaci asked her.

“Of course, no matter Ian’s wishes,” Courtney agreed. “But heed me well, my friend, he’ll say nothing. ”

“But anything I tell you is fair game?” Jaci sighed.

Courtney bit her lip in indecision, then breathed out roughly. “Your pain would upset me greatly, Jaci. Because of this, I would share whatever you told me with Ian. And we both know, if it’s bad enough, he will tell Cam and Chase, no matter my wishes. They are men. ” She shrugged as though that explained everything. “And he believes this situation is dangerous to you. You are a friend, but even more, you are like family, because of Cam. Ian feels it is his duty to be protective. ”

“Being men is not a good enough excuse. ”

As the words slipped past her lips the door opened and several women filed in, laughing, chatting about the food and the band.

Biting off a curse, Jaci checked her makeup quickly, then she and Courtney moved back into the wide hall.

Cam, Chase, and Ian. All three waited stoically, their expressions as patient as only men who were waiting on women could be.

“Now, why would men who have so much in common to discuss wait for two women outside the ladies’ room?” Courtney smiled at her husband, shaking her head in exasperation. “You are being bad with these boys, Ian. ”

Cam’s hand settled at Jaci’s lower back as he moved to her, leading her through the restaurant and to the exit. They passed the Robertses’ table. Catching Annalee’s glare, Jaci took the only opportunity she was going to find to tighten the noose around her nemesis’s neck.

She smiled a smug, satisfied smile that assured Annalee that she’d found a way to beat her. She made certain the smile was completely confident and edged with knowledge.

And Annalee read it exactly as she was meant to. As they passed, she watched the little flicker of fear in the other woman’s face and steeled herself not to turn and give her anything more.

She had to be subtle. She had to play the few chances she had just right. She and Moriah had it planned; they would bring Annalee down.

The scar at her hip seemed to smart as they left the restaurant; the whip mark had cut deep into her flesh and nearly allowed Richard to catch her that night. Annalee knew what she was doing with that particular weapon. The sound of the whip cracking in her nightmares never failed to bring Jaci awake in a surge of fear and sweat.

They had been so confident she would fall right into their little games, Jaci remembered, as Cam helped her into the Sinclair limo and got in behind her. What in the world had made Annalee think for a second that Jaci would accept a role in their dirty games? It still didn’t make sense, even years later.

For five years, Jaci had tried to figure out why Richard and Annalee would ever conceive of the idea that she would join in. And they had been confident, so certain that she was theirs for the taking.