Cam nodded slowly, but the rage was building inside him. He was tense, tight with the need to kill. He’d tried to leave the killer behind when he left Special Forces. He’d promised himself he wouldn’t give that darkness inside him an avenue like that ever again.

“We need cover on her, then. ” Chase’s voice was tight, his expression savage. “She’s not exactly predictable when she decides she wants to do something. ”

She had a bad habit of borrowing a car from Courtney or Ian and heading to the shops in town, or to other studios to consult with business associates on specific design areas. Keeping up with her was chancy at best.

“I’ll update Ian. ”

Chase was the one to first glance toward the bedroom.

“Keep Courtney in the dark,” Cam warned, carefully unclenching his fists as he heard Jaci moving around in the bedroom. “Keep this quiet until we can get something. And get on the Brockheim girl. There’s something there, I just don’t know what yet. ”

He could feel it now. As the pieces began to shift into focus and Jaci’s life began to form before his inner eye, he realized he didn’t want to know that she had been in trouble and hadn’t come to him.

Damn her, she knew he would protect her. She knew he would die before he would let anyone hurt her. And she hadn’t come to him, she hadn’t asked for his help. That wouldn’t happen again. He was going to tie her so close, so tight to his side, that she wouldn’t want to breathe without his help.

“You two look way too serious. ” Jaci moved into the open rooms with a deliberately provocative sway, her tone amused, her eyes filled with warmth as she moved to Cam. “What are we doing for dinner? I’m starved. ”

She reached up and kissed Cam quickly on the cheek, before looking between him and Chase with a frown. “No fighting tonight, either. One a day is enough. ”

“He starts them,” Cam reminded her, more to distract her too-perceptive little mind than for any other reason.

“Don’t let him fool you,” Chase said. “You picked the wrong brother, Jaci. He’s like a bear with a sore paw, trying to hide the bruise. ”

It was no more than the truth; but this time it wasn’t important.

“How about dinner at Carlyle’s?” Cam suggested. “Me, you, and Chase. Neither of us cook much more than TV dinners or cereal. We do great delivery, though. ”

She sniffed at that as she pulled a bottle of water from the fridge and turned back to them.

Jaci saw the surprise that Chase barely hid, and imagined that perhaps this wasn’t the reaction he had expected out of Cam after his deliberate prod about the sore paw. It was a bit of a surprise to Jaci as well. Cam was usually more confrontational, less willing to allow his brother to get the last word in on any argument.

“Carlyle’s sounds good. ” She nodded. “Do you think Ian and Courtney would want to join us? I have a few ideas I came up with while I was dressing. I’d like to discuss them with her. ”

“I’m scared of you two in the same place. That’s like putting in an order for trouble, rather than just wishing for it,” Chase admitted, his voice amused, though Cam saw the cold, hard purpose in his brother’s eyes when he glanced at him.

Jaci was a piece of their past, their shared past. Chase cared for her, wanted her; but they both knew who she belonged to. In that one moment, one shared look, Cam could feel his brother’s determination to protect her as well.

“Scaredy cats,” she accused them with a laugh, as Chase turned back to her. “We’re just women. What could happen?”

“Mass confusion and heartbreak?” Chase suggested lightly as he pulled her against his side for a quick kiss to her forehead. “That’s okay though, we’re real men. We love danger. Don’t we, Cam?”

Cam felt more than rage burning in him now. Jaci wasn’t aware of it, but the moment Chase had pulled her into his arms she had softened, conformed to him for a just a second, before tensing and pushing out of his arms.

“Of course Cam loves danger,” she informed them both, her smile slightly nervous now. “He’s always trying to piss me off. That proves it. ”

She wasn’t pissed off, she was aroused. Cam watched her carefully, aware of the knowledge in her eyes, knowledge of her own arousal, as well as his.

Chase chuckled at the statement. “I’ll call for the reservation, and let Ian and Courtney know before I shower. I’ll catch you both down here in an hour. ”

Before moving around her to the stairs, Chase let his gaze linger on her. A heated, intense look that assured her exactly what his mind was lingering on.

Then she surprised both of them. Deliberately provocative, amused, and just a little playful, she pursed her lips in a silent kiss, before turning and moving quickly away from Cam with a laugh.

“If I’m going to Carlyle’s, then I need a dress and makeup,” she informed them both. “Hurry up, Chase, time’s awasting. I’ll be read

y in an hour. ” She turned back, glanced at both of them, and said, “And, boys, I am hungry. ”

Chase knew exactly why Cam had chosen Carlyle’s. Invariably, if the Robertses were in town and there were no parties pending, they held court at Annalee’s maternal uncle’s restaurant.